Steel-a-thon 2017 Tata Steel’s Annual Business Challenge :

Organisation : Tata Steel Ltd.
Competition Name : Steel-a-thon Tata Steel’s Annual Business Challenge
Contest Last Date : 15-09-2017
Register here :
Website :

Steel-a-thon :

Steel-a-thon is Tata Steel’s Annual Business Challenge. This intellectual marathon gives students the opportunity to experience and work on diverse & real life cross-functional challenges in addition to getting mentorship by Tata Steel senior management.

Related : Business Guru Start Up Contest 2017 :

Students from premium B-Schools are invited to form teams and submit their solutions on the pre-decided real life management challenges. The qualifying teams from each college then compete at the national level. Steel-a-thon winners receive exciting cash prizes along with an unparalleled opportunity to hone their leadership skills while working with the best in the industry.

Schedule :
Registration Last Date Sep 15, 2017
Case studies upload Sep 18, 2017
Campus Round 2nd and 3rd week of October 2017
Grand Finale November, 2017

Rewards :
A) Campus Round
Campus Winner: Rs.30,000 + Certificate + Ticket to the Grand Finale Campus Winners will also be awarded with Internship Offer/ PPI for Tata Steel’s Management Trainee Programme
Campus Winners (1st Year Students)–PPO for INSPIRE–Tata Steel’s Summer Internship Programme
Campus Winners (2nd Year Students)–PPI for Tata Steel’s Management Trainee Programme
First Runners Up: Rs.20,000 + Certificate

B) Grand Finale
National Winner: Rs.2,50,000 + Trophy + Certificate
First Runners Up:Rs.1,50,000 + Certificate
Second Runners Up : Rs.1,00,000 + Certificate

Rules :
A. Registration/Login: A student can only register through the official college ID. Once registered, a password link is mailed to that ID and this link is unique to connect up with Steel-a- thon objectives and competitions

B. Team Constitution: The participating team can consist of minimum 2 and maximum 4 members. A team can be a mix of students from both first and second year, the composition can be decided by the team members only. A gender diverse composition of the team will be appreciated. A student can be a part of only one team.

C. Steps To Register: You would have to visit the link Register to register your team for participation. The team should follow the rules of team constitution for registration. The team members would be responsible for any misleading information regarding the team. Any change in team composition post registration will not be allowed. Any violation of eligibility criteria would lead to disqualification.

Unique college IDs of all the team members would be required to register the team for Steel-a-thon. The team members would need to also appoint one leader of the group whose email ID would be used for all communications with Tata Steel.

D. Placing in Your entries : All the teams would need to choose a theme from the available list in the contest page. Cases will be available around five domains:
a) Marketing & Sales
b) Corporate Strategy
c) Corporate Social Responsibility
d) HRM
e) Supply Chain & Logistics

Each team is required to submit entry against one case only in the domain of their choice. Entries against multiple cases will not be accepted.

Entries should be submitted in the a particular format (as detailed below) for the campus round:
Executive summary
Introduction to the problem statement
Analysis of the problem

The format for the national round would be shared with the qualifying teams. Respective teams will update their entry in submission page in a .ppt/.pptm/.pptx format only. The slides should be limited to 12 nos in the ppt and the format should be strictly followed.

Entries must be submitted before the Last Date which will be communicated on the website Please note that the website may witness slow connectivity due to heavy traffic near the Last Date. Hence, we request you to submit your entries at least a day prior to the Last Date.

E. Evaluation Process : The evaluation process will consist of three rounds. The evaluation would be based on the criteria as devised by the esteemed jury panel. The teams needs to score beyond the minimum threshold to move to the next round of the Challenge.

a) Round 1: All the teams will be evaluated and only top five entries from each campus will be invited to represent the institute in the Campus round.
b) Round 2: The top five teams from each institute will compete at the campus round for a place in Grand Finale. This evaluation round will be conducted on campus at a particular date and time.
Mentors will be assigned to all campus round winners. Teams can interact with their mentor for any clarification or help which will help them to prepare for the grand finale.
c) Grand Finale: Grand finale will be fought amongst campus round winners. Teams will be evaluated by a panel of esteemed jury comprising Tata Steel Senior Leaders.

F. Others: The participants would get limited access to the Tata Steel information. We request you to judiciously use information related only to your theme and not misuse or exploit any information otherwise stated confidential. In the event of such misuse, the concerned Participant(s) shall be disqualified and Tata Steel Ltd. shall be entitled to take appropriate remedies, as it may deem fit.

All entries and materials submitted by the participants to Tata Steel Ltd. in connection with the contest (collectively, “entry materials”), along with all copyright and other proprietary rights associated therewith, shall become the property of Tata Steel Ltd. upon submission and shall not be returned to any Participant.

Tata Steel Ltd. reserves the right to modify or suspend the competition at any point of time.

Tata Steel reserves the final right to decisions in matters related to any dispute in context of the competition and both the campus and students will have to abide by the same. All the above terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of India and subject to jurisdiction of the courts in Jharkhand.

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