APRSAF-24 Poster Contest 2017 : Indian Space Research Organisation

Organisation : Indian Space Research Organisation ISRO
Competition Name : APRSAF-24 Poster Contest
Applicable for : Indian school students
Contest Last Date : 25-09-2017
Terms & Conditions :
Website :

APRSAF-24 Poster Contest :

Announcement of Opportunity for Indian school students To participate in APRSAF-24 Poster Contest.

Related : ISRO APRSAF-24 Water Rocket Competition 2017 :

Indian Space Research Organisation is hosting the 24th Session of the Asia-Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum (APRSAF-24) at Bangalore during November 2017. On this occasion, a Poster Contest for children from participating Asia-Pacific countries is being organised as part of APRSAF-24.

The objective of this Poster Contest is to enhance children’s interest in and awareness of space science and technology and to encourage them to expand their imagination about the universe.

For selecting three best posters from India for this competition, students from our country are invited to submit their posters. The poster submission should be through their respective schools.

This Poster contest will give children an opportunity to delve into the depth of their imagination, exercise their creativity, express friendship by means of cooperating with all groups regardless of border in the point of view of space and showcase their ideas in art form. Theme of this Poster Contest is “United Through Space”.

Rules for making posters:
** The contest is open for participation by children at the age from 8 up to 11 years old as of 31 December 2017.
** A poster can be submitted by either a single student or a group of up to two students from an individual school
** Each School can submit only one poster
** Poster (drawing/painting) must be made on paper of A3 size (297 x 420 mm) at minimum and A2 size (420 x 594 mm) at maximum.

** Acceptable Tools of drawing / painting include pencil, crayon, water colour, oil painting, computer drawing, etc. However, photos, wires, and other 3D objects are not accepted. The completed artwork must be a flat piece of paper.

** The drawing / painting must not include slogans. The drawing / painting must not represent any particular individual, organisation, country or brand name and must not depict any religious theme. Any artwork that violates any of these restrictions is subject to be disqualified from the voting process for the poster awards.

** Each drawing/painting must have the name of the participant(s), their school name, e-mail address and contact numbers (both cell phone and residential landline) in English on the back side written carefully. No such information should be written on the front side of the poster.

The last date for the submission of the poster is September 25, 2017. The completed poster duly attested by the school (on the back of the poster) should reach the following address not later than September 25, 2017:
B R Guruprasad
Co-ordinator, APRSAF-24 Poster Competition
Publications and Public Relations Unit
ISRO Headquarters
Antariksh Bhavan
New BEL Road
Cell: +91 94483 97700

** In addition to the submission of the actual poster, a digital copy of it in “jpg” file format must be submitted not later than September 22, 2017 to the following e-mail addresses:
gurubr[AT] AND guruatlas[AT]

Each file should contain the digital copy of only one poster, and the size of each file should not exceed 2 MB.

This post was last modified on December 30, 2022 5:05 PM

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