Star TV Commentary Catch Contest 2017 :

Organisation : Star India Private Limited
Competition Name : #CommentaryCatch Contest Commentary Catch Contest 2017
Contest Last Date : 16-09-2017
Terms & Conditions :
Website :

Commentary Catch Contest :

The following are the rules for the “#CommentaryCatch” contest (the “Contest”) hosted by Star India Private Limited (“STAR”) on its social media platform for promotion of the India v Australia 2017 series (the “Event”).

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Information from time to time regarding the Contest shall be made available on the Star Sports channels and/or the Star Sports India Twitter profile at the URL (the “Twitter Page”) through the handle @StarSportsIndia (“Star Sports Handle”) and Star Sports India Facebook page at the URL (the “Star Sports Page”).

For the purposes of these terms and conditions, the Star Sports Handle and the Star Sports Page shall be collectively referred to as “Network Handles”. This Contest shall be subject to the terms and conditions, comprising of the Principal Rules and the General Rules as stated hereunder.

By participating in the Contest, it is construed that the Participant(s) has/have read and understood these Principle Rules including the General Rules stated below and has/have agreed to abide by the same:

Principal Rules :
The Contest will commence on 14th September 2017 and end on 16th September 2017 or such other date/time as announced by STAR in its sole discretion on the Network Handles and/or on the Star Sports channels (“Contest Period”).

The Contest is a game of skill and chance whereby the Participants would have to guess and identify either the moment or the player or the match by listening to the actual match commentary contained in an audio clip and provide their answers on either Twitter by using ‘#CommentaryCatch’ or by posting in the comments section of the Contest posts on Star Sports Page using ‘#CommentaryCatch’ Any person who wishes to participate in the Contest shall fulfill all of the following requirements in order to qualify for participation:

All Participants must be valid users of Twitter/Facebook, as applicable, and must be residing in India during the Contest Period. The Participant should post their entries on social media using ‘#CommentaryCatch’ (‘Entry’). All submission of Entries by the Participants must be done during the Contest Period.

Any Entry which is received after the completion of the Contest Period shall not be considered a valid Entry and shall be deemed null and void without requirement of any intimation by STAR.

The editorial team of STAR shall select 2 (two) lucky winners per question clip via randomizer for each Contest day, from amongst all those Participants who have submitted correct Entries (the ‘Winners’). STAR’s decision in this regard and for all other matters relating to the Contest shall be final and binding upon the Participant(s).

It is clarified that where two or more Participants are eligible to be declared as a Winner, the Winner shall be selected by means of a randomizer. Winners in relation to Contest will be announced by STAR on the Network Handles.

Winners would be awarded a prize (“Prize”). Winners would get merchandise signed by cricket experts. STAR shall not be liable for non-receipt of the Prize by the Winners, including due to errors or failures or deficiencies in address details provided by the Winners.

The Prize must be claimed in response to messages or telephone calls made to the Winners. Any and all taxes and/or levies applicable under the laws of India and any incidental costs direct and/or indirect, in relation to Prize shall be borne by the respective Winner.

Neither STAR nor any of its group companies shall be responsible or liable for any technical disruption, failure and/or any other difficulties of such nature, due to which the Winners are unable to claim the Prize from STAR.

The Winner(s) agrees that the Prize cannot be transferred, negotiated, refunded or exchanged. It is clarified that no other gratification, cash equivalent of the Prize or alternative prize will be awarded to the Winner and the Winner cannot exchange the Prize for cash or a gift of similar value.

The Contest or the Prize cannot be combined with any other contest or activity. It is clarified that STAR has no obligation to record the act of collection of the Prize or incorporate it in the telecast of the Matches or otherwise mention it on the Channels.

If the Winner refuses to accept the Prize awarded, STAR and/or its group companies shall be released from all obligations towards the Winner in connection to the Prize or otherwise.

For purposes of these Terms and Conditions, “receipt” of an Entry occurs when the server records the Entry information upon the entrant clicking “Save” or “Submit” button as the case may be. Any automated receipt confirmation does not constitute proof of actual receipt.

For the avoidance of doubt, by submitting the Entry the Participant(s) is representing that the Entry or contents thereof are not confidential or comprise any sensitive personal information.

The Participant(s) shall ensure that the Entry being submitted by them is decent and is not immoral, defamatory, abusive, offensive, insensitive, libellous or blasphemous to any person, religious sect or section of the society, etc.

The Participant(s) further represents and warrants that the Entry being submitted by him/her shall be original and shall not infringe upon and/or contain any material that will infringe upon any third party rights including rights in intellectual property. STAR reserves the right to remove or disqualify any Entries that do not meet these criteria.

This post was last modified on January 2, 2023 1:20 PM

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