Star Writers Program 2017

Organisation : Star India Private Limited
Competition Name : Star Writers Program
Contest Last Date : 25-09-2017
Apply here :
Terms & Conditions :
Website :

Star Writers Program :

The Star Writers Program is a 6-month, full-time course and internship in television screenwriting. We pay the participants to attend, and upon completion, give them a two-year writing contract with Star.

Related : Star TV MCA Spoonful Of Gourmet Contest 2017 :

Terms and Conditions :
The following principal and general rules are the terms and conditions (“Terms and Conditions”) which shall be binding on each and every participant (“Participant” or “You”) who voluntarily agrees to apply for the “Star Writers Program” (hereinafter referred as “Program”) which is organized by Star India Private Limited (“STAR India/Company”).

Any information gathered through these Terms and Conditions and through the Applications (defined below) shall be subject to the Privacy Policy, Terms of Use and User Generated Content are incorporated herein by reference and are simultaneously available (“Website”).

By proceeding further you are representing to the Company that your participation in the Program is in compliance with all laws applicable on You and You are not in any manner prohibited from participating herein by any law.

By providing personal information to the STAR India in the Application (defined below), including but not limited to the name, address, contact details such as phone number, email address (“Personal Information”), to the extent permissible under law, each Participant waives his/her privacy rights and/or any privacy expectations he/she may have with respect to the use of their likeness or personal information furnished to STAR India.

If a Participant does not wish to have his/her information and/or likeness viewed by or disclosed to others, he/she should not enter the Program.

By submitting the Application, the Participant(s) is representing that the Application or contents thereof are not confidential and providing his/her irrevocable consent for the use of the same by Star India.

Rules for the Program:
In order to participate in the Program, the Participants should meet the following criteria, failing which, the Participants shall be disqualified:
a. The Participant must be twenty-one (21) years old and above and should have completed their graduation degree;
b. The Participant must know how to read, write and speak in English language;

c. In addition to the English language requirement, the Participant should have the ability to read and speak in Hindi language.

If the Participants do not meet all the three criteria’s specified above, they shall not be entitled to take part in the Program and Star India reserves the right to forthwith disqualify such Participant and his/her Application forthwith.

STAGE ONE-Program :
1. On and from August 17, 2017 at 1200 hours India Standard Time to September 24, 2017 at 2400 hours India Standard Time (“Period”), Participants interested in applying for the Program will have to make an account on the Website by entering their mobile number and e-mail address.

Each Participant’s e-mail ID and mobile number will become their unique identification code. The Participant shall fill up and submit/upload the following two forms (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Forms”) available on the Website in the mode and manner prescribed therein before undertaking the main writer’s challenge:
(i) ‘About Myself’; and

(ii) Questionnaire.
The Participant agrees and undertakes that each and every information provided in the Forms is true, correct and factual. In case any information provided in the Forms turns out to be false or incorrect, then Star India has the right at its sole discretion to disqualify the Application and the Participant shall not be entitled to object to the same.

2. Subsequent to submitting and uploading the above mentioned Forms, Participants shall download and undertake the Writing Challenges (which consists of two sub-challenges (a) The Scene and Dialogue Challenge and (b) The Story Challenge) details of which are available at the Website.

After completing the challenge, the Writer shall upload the same on the Website latest by September 24, 2017 at 2400 hours India Standard Time _in the mode and manner as prescribed therein (the Forms along with the Writing Challenge duly filled, submitted and uploaded on the Website will be hereinafter collectively referred to as “Application”).

After submission of Application, each Participant’s email address provided in the Application will receive an email acknowledgement of process completion and Application submission.

It is clarified that for the purpose of the Program and to qualify further, it is mandatory that the Participant submits and uploads first the Forms and then the Writing Challenges on the Website in the mode and manner as prescribed therein.

The completed Applications have to be submitted on the Website prior to the expiry of the Period.

Application which in the opinion of STAR India are incomplete or which are submitted and uploaded in contravention to the terms set out in the Website or which have been submitted after the Period, will not be considered as an Application by STAR India for the purposes of the Program and Star India shall have the right to disqualify such Participant and /or his Application forthwith

3. The submitted Application will be judged by qualified readers duly appointed by Star India (“Readers”). The decision on the appointment and qualification of the Reader is not open for objection and the same is at the sole discretion of Star India.

Each Application will be assessed by a panel of Readers or such other number of readers as may be determined solely by STAR India. The decision taken by the Reader and/or Star India shall be irrevocable, final and binding upon the Participants.

At the time of rejecting an Application, a generic rejection email shall be communicated by STAR India by way of email to the email address provided by the Participant in the Application informing the Participant that the Application has been rejected.

4. The result of the Program will be published on the Website tentatively in or around early or mid-November, 2017, as may be deemed fit by Star India at itsdiscretion. Out of the total Applications received during the Period

(i) a maximum number of 70 (Seventy) Participants (excluding Star India employees, dependents and close relatives) and
(ii) a minimum number of 15 (Fifteen) Participants which shall mean, include and be limited to only Star India employees,dependents and close relatives participating in the Program , will be selected and short listed by the Readers and/or Star India on the basis of the information provided in the Forms and the originality, quality of writing skills, creativity and in novativeness exhibited in the Writing Challenge (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Shortlisted Participants”).

Star India reserves the sole right to change the number of Shortlisted Participants (excluding Star India employees , dependents and close relatives) at its sole discretion and the Participants shall not challenge such decisions of Star India.

This post was last modified on January 2, 2023 1:20 PM

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