B.M Sreenivasaiah Memorial 3rd National Moot Court Competition 2017 : BMS College of Law

Organisation : BMS College of Law
Competition Name : B.M Sreenivasaiah Memorial 3rd National Moot Court Competition 2017
Contest Last Date : 12-10-2017
Terms & Conditions : https://www.contest.net.in/uploads/27259-MOOT.pdf
Website : https://bmscl.ac.in/

B.M Sreenivasaiah Memorial 3rd National Moot Court Competition :

BMS College of Law is organising B.M. Sreenivasaiah Memorial 33rd National Level Moot Court Competition scheduled to be held from 26-28 October, 2017.

Related : MSRCL 7th M. S. Ramaiah Memorial National Moot Court Competition : www.contest.net.in/24396.html

I. Date and Venue:
26-28 October 2017 at B.M.S. College of Law, # 97, Kavi Laksmisha Road, V.V. Puram, Bengaluru – 560 004.
II. Dress Code:
The official Dress Code for the Competition is as follows:
Ladies: Black trousers, White shirt, Black blazer and Black formal shoes.
Men: Black trousers, White shirt, Black tie with Black blazer and formal Black shoes.
III. Language:
The entire proceedings in the competition, written as well as oral, shall be in English.
IV. Eligibility:
The competition is open for law students currently pursuing their Bachelor’s Degree in Law i.e. 3 Year LL.B. or 5 Year LL.B. Programme.

V. Team Composition:
Each team shall consist of 3 members. This number cannot be modified under any circumstances. Each team shall include two orators, who will be accompanied by one researcher, all of whom shall have to be accordingly designated during the registration process. Each team will be allotted a team code.

The team code shall be sent to the teams through mail after the registration is complete. Teams shall not disclose their identity or of their institution or city during any time of the competition; such disclosure shall invite penalties including disqualification.

The decision for the same shall be at the discretion of the organizers. The entries are restricted to 24 (Twenty Four) teams on first registration basis.

VI. Registration:
1. The registration fee for the national moot court competition is Rs. 2500/- (Two Thousand five hundred only). All the teams are required to make the payment in the form of a bank draft drawn in the name of PRINCIPAL, BMS COLLEGE OF LAW, BENGALURU.

Soft copies of registration form and bank draft shall be sent to bmscl3rdnationalmoot [AT] gmail.com latest by 30th September 2017 and the hard copy of the registration forms which contain the details of students taking part along with the hard copy of the draft should be submitted latest by 05th October 2017 via post to the postal address:
BENGALURU – 560 004.

2. The registration form shall contain the details of the participants, signature and seal of the Head of the Institution/Faculty in charge of MCC. The Registration form is enclosed herewith.

VII. Memorandum of Written Submissions:
1. The following requirements must be strictly followed with respect to submission of Memorandum of Written Submissions. Non- conformities will be liable to penalties while awarding marks thereon.
a. Each team must prepare Memorandum of Written Submissions for both sides to the dispute (Petitioner and Respondent).

b. Once the Memorandum of Written Submissions have been submitted, no revisions, supplements, or additions will be allowed, however, teams may carry annexure along with and can submit them in the beginning of each round.

c. Teams shall send a soft-copy of the Memorandum of Written Submissions in Adobe PDF format only, via Email to bmscl3rdnationalmoot[AT]gmail.com on or before 12th October 2017.

d. All participating teams shall submit 6 sets of written memorials (Six sets i.e., 6 for Petitioner and 6 for Respondent – totally 12 copies) must reach the organizers latest by 18th October 2017. Participants are advised to carry copies of Memorandum of Written Submissions during the competition for their own perusal.

e. Not adhering to the rules and late submission of Memorandum of Written Submissions will lead to deduction of 3 Marks and 5 Marks for each day of delay respectively. Any revisions, supplements or additions to the Memorandum of Written Submissions after submission shall not be allowed.

f. The Memorandum of Written Submissions have to be submitted on typed A4 size paper printed on one side and must contain:
** Team code on top right corner of 1st page
** Cause Title (Identity of the College/ Participant should not be disclosed)
** The Table of Contents
** The Index of Authorities
** The Statement of Jurisdiction
** The Statement of Facts (1 page only)
** The Statement of Issues
** The Summary of Arguments (3 page only)
** Arguments Advanced (25 pages)
** Prayer
** Appendix (Optional)
** Exhibits (Optional)
Total No. of 45 pages

2. Format Requirements:
The written Memorials shall confirm to the below mentioned standards:
Font: Times New Roman
Font size: 12 and for footnotes, 10
Line Spacing: 1.5, Margin: 1 inch
Memorandum of Written Submissions should be spiral bound and not stapled.
Cover page must be placed on written Memorials as follows:
Petitioner – Blue Colour Respondent- Red Colour.

Evaluation of Written Submissions:
The Memorials submitted by the teams will be evaluated by a team of experts and marks will be notified before the commencement of the competition and memorial marks will be carried forward in each round of the competition.

Since the arguments put forth by the competitors are based on memorials submitted, the memorial marks become an essential element in every round of the competition. A total of 100 Marks will be awarded for each side of the Memorandum of Written Submissions.

Parameters for Marking Memorandum of Written Submissions shall be:
a) Logical progression of ideas.
b) Originality in analysis and arguments.
c) Understanding essential legal issues presented.
d) Clear, concise and unambiguous writing style.
e) Forceful and persuasive presentation.
f) Integration of facts into legal arguments.
g) Understanding and analysis of authority.
h) Proper use of citations and citation form.
I) Effective use of authority to support arguments.
j) Neatness, legibility, no typos or format errors.

A) Winner
B) Runners-Up
C) Best Memorial
D) Best Mooter (Male and Female)

Trophies and cash prizes shall be awarded to the Winner, Runners-Up, Best Memorial, Best Speaker (Male & Female). All participants shall be awarded Certificates of Participation and the Winners shall receive Certificate of Merit. Certificates shall be issued only after the valedictory function and for no reason before to it.

The Prize Money shall be as follows:
A) Winner Rs. 25,000/-
B) Runners-Up Rs. 20,000/-
C) Best Memorial Rs. 5,000/-
D) Best Mooter (Male) Rs. 5,000/-
E) Best Mooter ( Female) Rs. 5,000/-

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