Mcvities Promo Redemption Win Movie Voucher Offer 2017 :

Organisation : United Biscuits
Contest Name : Win Movie Voucher Offer 2017
Registration Last Date : 01/12/2017
Website :

Win Movie Voucher Offer

Win a free Voucher Offer withevery pack.

Related : McVitie’s Digestive 100gm Mobikwik Offer 2017 :

How to Redeem

To Book Movies log at and follow this simple steps :

Step 1. Register :
Click at the register tab to submit your CineRewardz Gift Value / discount voucher unique number received from United Biscuits, name, mobile number, email id and other mandatory details, click at the submit button.

Step 2. U :
On successful registration you will receive authentication number on your registered email id/mobile no. Click at the Booking Tab to submit this authentication number and enter name of the Movie, Theatre, date, show time and other mandatory details, number of tickets, value of ticket to confirm your booking request. [You have to send the booking request a minimum 48 hours to a maximum of 2 days prior the show date/time]..

1.On entering all the mandatory details you will see a payment option for the balance amount (if cost of tickets exceed the voucher amount i.e Rs 50/-
2.Click on the pay now button (ticket amount* – discount value), and make the balance payment
3.You will receive a call 24 hours prior of your booking date and tickets will be emailed to your registered email ID

Step 3. Enjoy Movies :
Present the Movie Ticket confirmation at BOX Office window to exchange for paper ticket and Enjoy Movies.

The offer is valid for limited period. Registration starts from 01/06/2017 to 01/12/2017 and Booking starts from 01/06/2017 and valid till period of 30 days from the date of receipt of authentication code.

Terms & Conditions

1. United Biscuits Gift value is valid for bonafide holders to Book Movie Tickets only at
2. United Biscuits Gift Value is customized for corporate & clients in denomination of Rs.50/- good to book movie tickets at
3. The United Biscuits Gift value of Rs.50/- is good to Book Movie Ticket of any value.
4. The beneficiary / holder of the United Biscuits Gift value would receive a detailed email on voucher value and validity on successful registration at the program site.
5. Incase of downtime of server customers can redeem again in 4 to 6 hours
6. Incase of unsuccessful payment you can resubmit the booking request using the same authentic code.
7. United Biscuits Gift Value Vouchers is basically a value discount of Rs.50 however in some cases the value of the coupon may be adjusted to the nearest rounded off +/- movie ticket value , as per offer & discretion of participating partners.
8. United Biscuits Gift Value vouchers are good to use for one time transaction only.
9. United Biscuits Gift Value vouchers are non transferable, non encashable. Consumer need to carefully open the pack as the unique code is printed on inside of the front laminate and if torn or manipulated the code will note be accepted and No duplicate code will be generated
10. No claim or refund for cash for balance or unused balance voucher value will be accepted on this gift discount value offer voucher.
11. Online merchant payment charges, service charges, taxes will be as applicable.
12. This offer is limited to our specific products/packs. The offer is valid for limited period. Registration starts from 01/06/2017 to 01/12/2017 and Booking starts from 01/06/2017 and valid till period of 30 days from the date of receipt of authentication code.
13. This scheme is not open to Employees, Retailers, Dealers, Distributers of United Biscuits or their family members Any such person found to be breaching the terms and conditions will be liable for disqualification.
14. Offer is meant for Indian national residing in India only at the time of purchase as well as gratification.

This post was last modified on June 22, 2021 2:42 PM

Categories: Offer/Sale

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