Karvy Wealth League Exotic Travel Contest 2017

Organisation : KARVY (Karvy Private Wealth)
Competition Name : #ExoticTravel Karvy Wealth League Exotic Travel Contest
Contest Last Date : 27-09-2017
Terms & Conditions : hi-in.facebook.com/notes/karvys-wealth-league/karvy-wealth-league-exotictravel-contest-terms-conditions/1628826563816075/
Website : https://www.facebook.com/KarvyWealthLeague/

Karvy Exotic Travel Contest :

Participate in our #ExoticTravel contest and stand a chance to win big.

Related : Enterslice Startups Rise Contest 2017 : www.contest.net.in/27175.html

How to Participate:
1. To enter the #ExoticTravel contest, like and follow us on Facebook – facebook.com/KarvyWealthLeague Twitter – twitter.com/KarvyWealth
2. Comment on our contest post on Facebook or twitter @KarvyWealth and answer all the 5 questions asked in the post!
3. Only those who answer all 5 questions correctly will stand a chance to win.
4. Participants must use the contest hashtags #ExoticTravel when sharing their contest responses and invite 3 friends to take part in the #ExoticTravel contest.
5. Contest opens on Saturday 27th September, 2017 at 12:00 pm and concludes on the same day at 18:00 pm.

Prizes: –
1. One lucky winner on Facebook and one on Twitter will stand to win exciting prizes.
2. Prizes are non-transferable – KARVY reserves the right to modify/withdraw the prizes, with/without any prior notice.
3. KARVY has the sole discretion in selecting the winners from all the eligible entries received.

General Terms & Conditions:
1. The Contest is organised by KARVY (Karvy Private Wealth)
2. Contest Duration: Saturday 27th September, 2017 12:00 pm to 18:00 pm
3. Contestants: Participants who will take part in the contest proposed by KARVY, must be 18 years and above.
4. The contest is open exclusively for people residing in India.
5. All participants must agree to abide by the Terms and Conditions as described here.
6. Fans are not permitted to submit entry / entries on behalf of any other individual or entity.
7. Entries must be posted on Facebook in the comments or on twitter tagging @KarvyWealth as a response to the contest post and tweets mentioning the hashtag #ExoticTravel. Entries submitted on any other post or tweet, or sent through direct messages will not be considered.
8. Submission of tweets/posts of any kind on the contest post and tweet, not relevant to the contest, will not be considered or replied to.
9. The decision of the judges will be deemed as final and no correspondence will be entertained by KARVY with regard to the same.
10. KARVY holds the right to publish the winner names across other offline or online platforms.
11. KARVY does not encourage and is not responsible for the misuse of any content.
12. Multiple entries are allowed. Contestants take full responsibility of the entries shared by them.
13. All entrants and winners waive any and all rights of claim against KARVY with regard to the contest or the terms and conditions thereof.
14. KARVY reserves the right to withdraw the contest and/or change, amend, extend, and/or alter any of the terms and conditions of this contest, without any reason and at any time, without prior notice.
15. KARVY will not be responsible and liable for any/all disputes raised by guests regarding acceptability, suitability, delivery, service, defects, deficiency, performance or quality of the services /products provided under the contest.
16. This contest is subject to the applicable rules and regulations as may be in force in respective jurisdictions/states.
17. Disputes, if any, will be subject to Indian laws and shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in Mumbai.

This post was last modified on July 23, 2021 12:39 PM

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