Vodafone CRBT Festive Contest 2017 : One97 Communications

Organisation :  One97 Communications Ltd
Competition Name : Vodafone CRBT Festive Contest 2017
Contest Last Date : 10-01-2018
Terms & Conditions : https://www.contest.net.in/uploads/27430-CRBT.pdf
Website : https://www.vodafone.in/discover/music-videos-and-more/competitions-haryana

Vodafone CRBT Festive Contest

“Vodafone CRBT Festive Contest” is conceptualized, organized and hosted by One97 Communications Ltd., a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 and having its registered office at First Floor, Devika Tower, Nehru Place, New Delhi-110 019 and its principal place of business at B-121, Sector-5, Noida-201 301, India.

Related : Vodafone Diwali Special Bonanza Competition 2017 : www.contest.net.in/26555.html

It is open for participation for active1 pre-paid and post-paid category of Subscribers2 (hereinafter referred to as “Subscriber(s)”) of Vodafone India Limited (“VIL”) & Vodafone Mobile Services Limited (“VMSL”) a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 and having its registered office at Peninsula Corporate Park, Ganpatrao Kadam Marg, Lower Parel Mumbai Mumbai City MH 400013 and its principal place of business at 2/C, A To Z Indu Rd, Lower Parel West, Lower Parel, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400013_(hereinafter VIL and VMSL, is collectively referred to as “Vodafone India”) during the period 3rd October 2017, 00:00:01 hrs to 10th January 2018, 23:59:59 hrs, both days inclusive (hereinafter referred to as the “Competition Period”).

One97 and Vodafone India collectively reserve the right to extend or shorten the Competition Period, as they deem fit.

The Competition is open to all active Vodafone India Subscribers who satisfy the eligibility criteria mentioned in Clause 4 below and who belong to the following Vodafone India telecom Service Areas (“Circle(s)”) as mentioned in table below.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the operation of or participation in the Competition is prohibited in any State and/or territory or part thereof as per applicable law, the Subscribers from such State and/or territory or part thereof shall not be eligible to subscribe to or participate in the Competition. No further notice shall be given by One97 or Vodafone India, in this regard.


1. This Competition is open for participation to all Vodafone India Subscribers who fulfil the following criteria at the time of participation and during the Competition Period:
(a) He/she must be of or above 18 years of age;
(b) He/she must be a citizen of India;
(c) He/she must belong to any one of the Circles mentioned herein;
(d) He/she must be an active Subscriber;
(e) He/she must not have been the subject of any criminal proceeding;
(f) He/she must not be of an unsound mind; and
(g) He/she must not be under any legal disability e.g. insolvency, restraint by court order etc. and / or is otherwise prohibited from entering any contractual relationship.

2. Any active Subscriber playing this Competition shall be referred to as a “Participant” throughout these Terms and Conditions.
3. For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions, wherever the context so requires “You” or “Your” shall mean any natural person who is a Participant.

Participation Details & Charges

a. Once a Vodafone India Subscriber subscribes to RING BACK TONE service (referred to as “RBT”) or an existing RBT subscriber sets a new song as their RBT, during the Competition Period, then they become eligible to participate in the Competition.

b. The Participant will be given 1 question for each Rs. charged for RBT service activation or song change/ selection. Below are some examples:
i. If a Participant gets charged @ Rs.3, it will be eligible for three (3) questions, and a Participant getting charged @ Rs.30, he/she will be eligible for thirty (30) questions.

ii. If a Participant activates RBT service and the charged amount for activation is Rs. 36 and for selection of song charge is Rs. 15; then the Participant will get thirty six (36) questions for activation and fifteen (15) questions for song selection, so the total number of questions will be fifty (51).

c. If the charges are in decimals, then the number of questions will be rounded off to the next number. For e.g. if Participant is charged Rs.10.5 or 10.1, then he will get 11 questions.

d. In case a Subscriber does consecutive RBT transactions, then the Subscriber will be eligible to get the questions basis the total cumulative amount charged. Participant can answer all such allotted questions one after the other till the Participant answers all allotted questions.

e. However, if due to the technical problem/error the said price of the number of questions played by the Participant is not charged to the Participant, the One97 reserves the right to charge such amount any time before the expiry of the Competition Period or before declaring the Winner.

In case the Participant is unable to make payment of such amount, the Participant shall be considered as disqualified from the Competition.

f. In case of activation of RBT service, if a Participant is charged, then only Participant will be given welcome message to participate in this Competition.

But if the Participant gets activated on RBT service without any amount being charged, then such Participant will not be given welcome message and will not be eligible to play this Competition till the amount is charged for RBT service. This Competition will be applicable to the Subscribers who are subscribed to minimum of Rs. 1 pack.

g. Once the RBT Subscriber gets charged for any of the above mentioned transactions, next day the Subscriber will receive an SMS regarding the Competition; informing them to dial 5040455 for playing this Competition.
h. Competition will be available on 5040455 (Toll-free) for Subscribers of Vodafone India. Eligible Subscribers can play the Competition by dialling 5040455 and answering the questions on IVR by pressing the relevant key for the answers.

i. Each question will have two (2) answer options.
j. For every right answer, the Participant will get ten (10) points. There is no negative marking for a wrong answer.
k. After every right/wrong answer, the Participant will be given its score, followed by the next question.
l. Questions will be given to the Participant on RANDOM basis.
m. If the Participant gives an invalid input, then an SMS will be sent to the Participant describing it as an invalid answer,

n. If the Participant stops playing the Competition after answering the nth question, then when Participant dials the IVR again, Participant will continue with the (n+1)th question. The Participant can continue playing by dialing 5040455, to receive the next question.

o. If the Participant has completed all the allotted questions as per their eligibility (i.e.. number of questions allotted basis the charged amount) and dials the IVR again, they will be listening to a prompt informing that they have already answered all allotted questions and that they can answer more questions by downloading more songs in the RBT service.

There are a maximum of 255 questions available for Participants to answer during this Competition.

p. The Participant can play the questions one after the other till Participant finishes answering all the allotted questions.

This post was last modified on February 22, 2021 11:42 AM

Categories: Vodafone
Tags: vodafone.in

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