ASK India Society National Handwriting Competition 2017 :

Organisation : ASK India Society
Competition Name : National Handwriting Competition 2017
Contest Last Date : 30-11-2017
Website :

National Handwriting Competition :

This is the 8th National Level Competition. Over 200 Schools and 3 lakh Students participate every year. Students are awarded @ School Level, District Level, State Level and National Level. Attractive Gift Hampers to State & National Champs. Every participant will be given a Participation Certificate and Score Report.

Related : Maats 1st National Handwriting Open Competition 2017 :

Competition Struction :
** One exam; Three rounds of evaluation
** The assessment of the exam answer papers will be in three rounds.
** Round 1 is for School Level. The first 3 best performers in every school, in each Category, will be awarded Handwriting Champ of the School Certificate and Medal. All the students will receive Participation Certificates.
** Round 2 is for State Level. Students who qualify in the Round 1 are eligible for Round 2. This round is among the students from the same State. The first 3 best performers in State, in each Category, will be awarded Handwriting Champ of the State Trophy, a Certificate and Gift Hamper worth Rs. 2000/-
** Round 3 is for the National Level. All students who qualify in the Round 2 are eligible for Round 3. This round is among the students of different states. The first 3 best performers, in each Category, in India will be awarded Handwriting Champ of the Nation Trophy, a Certificate and Gift Hamper worth of Rs. 5000/-

Competition Pattern :
Eligibility :
** Category A – Students of standard: I, II, III and IV.
** Category B – Students of standard: V, VI, VII and VIII.
** Category C – Students of standard: IX, X, XI and XII.

Examination Pattern :
** The medium of examination will be English.
** The question paper for Category B and C will be the same. Category A has to write in a four-ruled paper.
** The duration of the exam is for 20 minutes.
** There will be only one written exam and the same answer sheet will be evaluated for further rounds/levels (if shortlisted in a particular round/level).

Evaluation Criteria :
The following points are considered while evaluating the answer papers:
a) Legibility and neatness.
b) Font formation and uniformity in fonts.
c) Joining or connectivity between letters(in cursive handwriting) and Spacing between letters(in print handwriting)
d) Pen strokes and their angle.
e) Legibility in the formation of numbers.
f) Presentability of your script by underlining with colour pens.
g) There will be negative marking for pressure applied on paper.

The minimum number of participants in any given category should be fifteen. For example; If XYZ High School sends an entry with 15 students in category A, 15 in category B and only 2 in category C, then the first three toppers in category A and B will be awarded Medals and Merit Certificates. But category C students will only get the participation certificates.

Step-by-step guidelines are as follows:
School students can also participate in this competition directly if the School they are studying in is not taking part in this competition.

The students (or their parents) have to email us their consent to participate. Our email IDs are: info [AT], askindia.southindia [AT]

We will be sending the “Student Registration Form” and the “Answer Paper” to the student by email. The student can take a printout and finish the test at home. The Student Registration Form and the Answer Paper can be sent back to us through Post/Courier.

Students of classes/standard I, II, III and IV are eligible for Category A, Students of classes/standard V, VI, VII and VIII are eligible for Category B and Students of classes IX, X, XI and XII are eligible for Category C.

For these “Open Category” students, the participation fee is Rs. 100/- each (Rupees Hundred only). This directly can be deposited in our Bank Account by cash or NEFT Transfer. We also accept Cheques and DDs. Our Bank details are given at the end of this page. Please call and inform us as soon as you make a deposit.

The Student Registration Form and Answer Paper should reach ASK Learning Centre, Hyderabad on or before 15th December 2017.

Examination pattern is as follows:
The medium of examination will be English. There will be a same question paper for B and C Categories. The duration of the exam is for 20 minutes. There will be only one written exam and the same answer sheet will be evaluated for further rounds / levels (if shortlisted in a particular round / level).

The assessment of the exam answer papers will be in three rounds. They are:
Round 1 – This round is in among the individually participating students. The first 3 best performers in each Category will be awarded Handwriting Champ of the School Certificate and Medal. All the students will receive Participation Certificates.

Round 2 – Students who qualify in the Round 1 are eligible for Round 2. This round is among the students from the same State. The first 3 best performers in State, in each Category, will be awarded Handwriting Champ of the State Trophy, a Certificate and Gift Hamper worth Rs. 2000/-

Round 3 – All students who qualify in the Round 2 are eligible for Round 3. This round is among the students of different states. The first 3 best performers, in each Category, in India will be awarded Handwriting Champ of the Nation Trophy, a Certificate and Gift Hamper worth of Rs. 5000/-

The Evaluation Criteria:
Legibility and neatness, Front formation and uniformity in fonts, Joining or connectivity between letters, Pen strokes and their angle and there will be negative marking for pressure applied on paper.

The Jury comprised of a group of highly experienced professionals of SmartWRITE working in the field of Handwriting, Calligraphy and Graphology. The decision of the SmartWRITE Jury is final.

The Round1 results will be declared in the second week of January 2018.

The award distribution function and press conference will be held in New Delhi on 23rd January 2018 which is the International Handwriting Day. The names of “National Handwriting Champs” in all the three categories will be announced at this meeting.

Our Bank A/c details:
Account No.: 37015871923
Bank Branch: New Mallepally, Hyderabad
IFSC Code: SBIN0008027


Dates to Remember :
Please make a note of the following dates in this competition:
** 30th November 2017 is the last date to receive your School’s Registration Form and DD.
** 15th December 2017 is the last date to receive Student’s Answer Sheets.
** The anouncement of school level results will be in the second week of January 2018

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