Aircel Mega Win Challenge Season 7 Contest 2017

Organisation : Aircel & One97
Competition Name : Aircel Mega Win Challenge Season 7 Contest 2017
Contest Last Date : 01-12-2017
Terms & Conditions :
Website :

Aircel Mega Win Challenge Season 7

Aircel presents an exciting opportunity for you to play and win lots of prizes. Hurry !!…now is your chance to win Gold, Silver, Bike, Daily Recharges, Smart Phone and many more attractive prizes.

Update : One97 Aircel Mega Win Challenge Season 8 Contest 2017 :

Starting from 3rd October 2017. End date 1st December 2017.

Prize Details

Bumper Prize – Gold
Monthly Prize – Gold
Weekly Prize – Silver
Special Diwali Week Prize – Gold
Surprise Day – Smart Phone

Subscribe & Play

Dial 55558 tollfree to subscribe
Subscribe at Rs.3 per day for 3 question & then Rs.1 per question and win exciting prizes.


The Aircel Mega Win Challenge SEASON 7 is open for subscription for all active prepaid and post-paid Aircel Subscribers who fulfill the following criteria at the time of participation in the contest

i. He/she must be of or above 18 years of age ;
ii. He/she must be a Citizen of India;
iii. Subscriber must belong to any one of the Circles mentioned herein above;
iv. Subscriber must be an active Aircel Subscriber;
v. Subscriber must not have been either convicted and / or prosecuted for commission of any criminal offence nor be of an unsound mind; and
vi. Subscriber must not be under any legal disability e.g. insolvency, restraint by court order etc. and / or is prohibited from entering any contractual relationship.

Contest Procedure

a. The Subscriber can participate in the Contest by dialing an IVR short code 55558 (toll free). Upon dialing the IVR short code 55558, participants will be asked three (3) questions. Those three (3) questions will be valid for one day only and next day, participant will get new set of three (3) questions.

Each question shall have 2 options and the participating Subscriber shall get 10 points for each correct answer, there will be no negative marking. Each incorrect answer will be recorded as 0 points.

b. Post answering the three (3) questions of that day, participant can also play more questions which will be Pay per Question (PPQ) based.

c. There will be a total of five thousand (5000) questions available to Subscriber to play during the Contest Period. Question allotment will be done based on first activation date of participant in this Contest.

For example, if a participant subscribes on 1st day of Contest Period, then questions allotted will be [180 (3 per day) + 4820 ppq (can be played on any day during Contest Period)]. If participant subscribes on 31st day of Contest Period, then questions allotted will be [90 (3 per day) + 4910 ppq (can be played on any day during Contest Period)] & so on.

d. There will be Surprise days wherein highest scorer (based on winner declaration criteria) of the respective surprise day will get a prize & get 10 points for every right answer. One participant cannot win more than one Surprise Day prize in this Contest. The information regarding surprise day will be sent to participants, during the Contest Period, via IVR.

e. Note: : Highest scorer shall mean the subscriber who will be declare as winner with help of 3 criteria mentioned under clause 4 i.e. highest scorer, Minimum attempts & First to score.

f. Subscription charges for the Service are Rs. 3 per day. The charged amount will not be refunded to Participants under any circumstances.
g. Participants will be charged Rs. 1 per answer for playing PPQ (pay per question).
h. Note: All the participants who are active for Contest will get free trivia content (means information, details) on SMS for the duration of Contest Period.

This post was last modified on June 28, 2021 1:53 PM

Categories: Aircel

View Comments (3)

  • We unable to get supper challenge 11 contest. Why? Please inform me, what was the highest score in this contest?

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      You may write to One 97 Communications Ltd. on its email ID games AT regarding any queries, complaints, disputes pertaining to the Contest. Your query will be answered within five (5) working days. Such queries, disputes and complaints arising in relation to the Contest should be accompanied by your mobile number, name and address. © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map