5th ILS National Alternate Judgement Writing Competition 2017-2018

Organisation : Centre for Public Law, ILS Law College, Pune
Competition Name : 5th ILS National Alternate Judgement Writing Competition 2017-2018
Contest Last Date : 20.12.2017
Terms & Conditions : https://ilslaw.edu/event/5th-ils-national-alternate-judgement-writing-competition-2017-2018/
Website : https://ilslaw.edu/

5th ILS National Alternate Judgement Writing Competition :

Centre for Public Law, ILS Law College, Pune is organizing The Fifth ILS Alternate Judgment Writing Competition 2017-18. The judgment for the competition is “Karan Dileep Nevatia vs. Union of India” The judgment reflects an interface of Constitution of India and GATT law.

Related : Jurisedge Academy 1st Justice P N Bhagwati Research Paper Writing Competition 2017 : www.contest.net.in/27355.html

The same was delivered by the Bombay High Court, and a Special Leave Petition against it under Article 136 of the Constitution has been dismissed by the Supreme Court.

The objectives:
To enable the students to:
** rethink the earlier Judgments of Supreme Court & High Court.
** sharpen the Research & writing skills.
** reimagine the reasoning underlying the cases.

Structure of the Contest:
The competition has 2 segments, Submission of written drafts and oral submissions. A distinguished panel of examiners will shortlist 5 entries for oral presentation.

First Round – All alternate judgments received will be assessed, and 5 will be selected for the second round.

The Draft of the Judgment shall be divided into five Sections:
** Relevant Legislations
** The arguments of the petitioner
** The arguments of the respondents
** Issues
** Reasoning of the court

The format is only by way of suggestion and restructuring is permissible. During the reconstruction of the arguments and the reasoning; the participant shall also undertake legal research on the matters left out or given less significance to in the Judgment.

Second Round – Student authors whose judgments are shortlisted shall make oral presentations of their drafts at ILS Law College, Pune. The structure of the same shall be:
** The arguments of the petitioner;
** The arguments of the Respondents; and
** Reasoning of the court

Requisite modifications may be made by the students. Each participant shall be allotted 20 minutes to make the presentation, and 10 mins shall be reserved for Q&A.

Any Law College or Law University can send in entries. There is no restriction on the number of entries from any college or university. The student authors of the alternate judgment shall be pursuing the 5 year or 3 year law course. Judgment shall be drafted by sole author, and co-authorship is not permissible.

Important Dates:
The draft of the alternate judgment should be submitted on or before 20.12.2017.
The shortlisted candidates for the second round will be informed on 13.01.2018.
The oral presentation will be held on 05.02.2018. (post lunch).
In unavoidable circumstances, the date for final presentation may undergo change.

Rules for The Alternate judgment:
The alternate judgment may be submitted as follows:
** Language- English
** Word limit – 3500 words (including foot notes)
** Format – MSWord
** Font – Times New Roman
** Font size- 12 for text, 10 for footnotes
** Page numbers – bottom center
** A cover page stating the name of the competition, the name of your institution and the names of student authors, with the signatures of each student author. The cover page should also bear the ‘Mode of Payment’ for the competition, and the Receipt No. of the same.
** The alternate judgment shall begin on the next page.
** Do not state any matter in the alternate judgment (except the cover page) that might reveal your identity or of your institution.

** Judgements which exceed the word limit of 3500 words will not be examined.
** An alternate judgement does not necessarily mean that a contradictory view needs to be taken.
** The participants are not supposed to copy paste or simply change the language of the existing judgement.
** The purpose of this competition is to enrich the quality of legal research, reasoning and propositions.
** Please assume that the judgment is to be drafted while entertaining Special Leave Petition under Article 136 by the Supreme Court.

To register for the competition
** Prepare and print the alternate judgment
** Pay registration fees of Rs.510 +GST 18% 92 =602/-by NEFT.

The NEFT Details are herein below:
Principal, ILS Law College, Pune 411004, Account Number: 490076558, Indian Bank, 759/ 62, Prabhat Road, Deccan Gymkhana, Pune 411004. IFSC: IDIB000D007 (Please mention “Registration for AJW 2017” in the comment).

** A cover page stating the name of the competition, the name of your institution and the names of student authors, with the signatures of each student author, details of payment, email and mobile number of the participants.
** Send the printed judgements to Centre for Public Law, ILS Law College, Chiplunkar Road (Law College Road), Pune 411004.
** Also send a soft Copy of your payment receipt and a soft copy of your alternate judgment in MSWord format by email to cplajw2017[AT]gmail.com with “Fifth Alternate Judgment Writing 2017” in the subject of the mail.
** The Printed and Soft Copy of the Draft of the Alternate judgment and the registration fee of Rs. 510/- must reach us on or before 20th December, 2017.

The prizes include cash and books:
S. No Particulars Amount (Rs.)
1 First Prize 10,000
2 Second Prize 8,000
3 Third Prize 5,000

This post was last modified on April 11, 2018 5:01 PM

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