Breathe Fraiche Happy Moments Contest 2017 :

Organisation : Fraiche
Contest Name : Breathe Fraiche Happy Moments Contest 2017 (#BreatheFraiche)
Applicable For : All Indian Citizens who reside in India
Contest Last Date : 25 October, 2017
Website :

#BreatheFraiche Contest :

Share your Happy Moments This Diwali & Win Exciting Prizes.

Related : Citibank Whats Good This Diwali Contest 2017 :

Eligibility :
** Competition is open to all Indian Citizens who reside in India.
** Photographs that have won prizes in prior competitions, or have been used for commercial purposes and/or been published in other media will not be eligible.

Submission of Entries :
** Photographs of not more than 5 MB in size may be sent to with the theme of ‘Celebrating happy Moments’ with loved ones.
** Submitted images should be in JPEG format and at least 1,000 pixels wide for a horizontal image or 1,000 pixels tall for a vertical image.
** Each participant can submit up to three (3) photographs / entries. Any entries over and above the three submissions will not be considered.
** Each entry must come with a description not exceeding 25 words and a tweet not exceeding 125 characters.
** Digital manipulation that distorts the reality of the images will not be allowed. Only basic enhancements such as sharpening, contrast adjustment, or simple cropping will be allowed.
** All submitted images are non-returnable. The file name for each photograph should be clearly labelled with the participant’s name and the entry number. Eg: Raj entry1, Ahmed Entry 3 etc.
** Participants are solely responsible for any costs they may incur as part of their participation in the contest and they hereby indemnify Primacy Global Enterprises Pvt Ltd or any of its associated, parent, holding & subsidiary companies from the same.
** The organiser reserves the right to reject images with incomplete details required under the photo submission page without intimation or prior notice. The submission Last Date is 25 October, 2017 at 11:59 P.M.

Copyright/Intellectual Property :
** Each photograph submitted must be the original and unpublished work of the participant who must also be its copyright owner
** The participant shall retain copyright to the photograph entered for the competition.
** By submitting a photograph for the competition, the participant will be regarded as having granted Primacy Global Enterprises Pvt Ltd / Organiser the right to use the photograph in print, broadcast and/or electronic media without any additional remuneration or mention, for the purposes of promoting the competition or areas related to the organiser’s work
** Images received by the organiser through the competition will not be used by the organiser for commercial purposes.

Prizes :
** Prizes are non-transferrable.
** The organiser reserves the right to change or replace the competition prizes and/or modify the rules and regulations of the competition as and when necessary, without prior notice.
** All statutory fees and taxes associated with the prizes need to be borne by the winners.

Judging & Results :
** The images will be selected by a panel of judges and their decision is final. No correspondence pertaining to the selection process and decision will be entertained.
** The panel of judges will evaluate the images based on the following criteria:
** Artistic/visual appeal.
** Extent to which the photograph captures the essence of the theme “Celebrating Happy Moments with loved ones this Diwali”.
** Images will be judged based on originality, creativity and relevance to the theme.
** The judging panel reserves the right not to award the prizes if the images submitted do not meet the requirements stated in this document.
** Results of the competition will be posted on the Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn pages of Fraiche and winners will also be notified via email.

Acceptance of Rules & Regulations :
** By submitting a photograph for the competition, the participant will be regarded as having accepted and agreed to be bound by the rules and regulations of the competition
** While the organiser will exercise due care during the collection, selection and storage of images, it shall not be held liable for any loss, theft or destruction of the images
** Any dispute shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts in Mangalore Only.

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