NRAI Indian Revenue Open Shooting Competition 2017

Organisation : Indian Revenue Officers Shooting Club NRAI
Competition Name : Indian Revenue Open Shooting Competition 2017
Competition Last Date : 30-10-2017
Terms & Conditions :
Website :

Indian Revenue Open Shooting Competition :

We are pleased to announce that the Indian Revenue Officers Shooting Club, New Delhi, is organizing The Indian Revenue Open Shooting Competition 2017 in Rifle/Pistolevents at Dr. Karni Singh Shooting Ranges, New Delhi from 10thto 14th November 2017.

Related : DSRA All India Kumar Surendra Singh Inter School Shooting Championship 2017 :

The terms and conditions for participating in this competition are as under :
1. This competition will be conducted by the Delhi State Rifle Association under the patronage of NRAI, as per rules and regulations under NRAI Match Book 2016.

2. This Competition is open to shooters from all the State Rifle Associations / Units affiliated to the NRAI and who have been issued the Shooter ID from NRAI. A separate tournament exclusively for the personnel of the Central Revenues Department viz. Customs, GST, Income Tax etc. shall also be conducted during the said period.

3. All the matches will be conducted as per NR Rules as mentioned below.
i. 10 MtrAir Rifle / Pistol = 40 Shots
ii. 25 Mtr Standard Pistol / Sports Pistol / Center Fire Pistol = 30 Shots
iii. 50 Mtr Free Pistol = 30 Shots
iv. 50 Mtr Prone = 60 Shots

4. There will be a Champion of Champion event in the Open category which will be held on 14th November 2017 in which the top 8 shooters of Air Rifle and top 8 shooters of Air Pistol, irrespective of their gender, will be eligible to participate.

In case any of the 8 top scoring shooter is not available then the next shooter will be eligible. The two winners in COC shall be awarded Cash Prize of Rs.20,000/- (Twenty thousand) each.

5. There will be no Team Events in this competition.
6. There will be no Finals in this competition
7. Shooters will need to make their own arrangements for Arms and Ammunition (except for departmental shooters).
8. Those who are below 21 years and 18 years of age as on 31st December 2017 will be considered under the category of JUNIORS (1997 onwards) and YOUTH (2000 onwards) respectively for the Championship.
9. The entry fee is Rs. 1000 per match, however the entry fee for shooters from Central Revenue Department will be Rs. 100 per match.Entry fee will not be refunded except in the event of the match being cancelled.
10. The entry fee should be remitted by cash/moneyorder or by bank draft in favor of Indian Revenue Officers Shooting Club Payable at Delhi.

11. The last date for submission of entry fee is 30 October 2017 after which entries will be accepted with triple entry fee till 7th November 2017.

The entry form can be submitted to the following :-
i. Mr. Arjun Chandra Mehrishi (9711452789/8368679668) / Shri. Ravinder Singh Sangwan (9810093600) at DGGSTI, West Block – VIII, Wing No 6, 2nd Floor, Room No. 209, Sector -1, R.K. Puram, New Delhi.
ii. Mr. HarnamSingh (99994-18603) / Ms. Shakun Bhugra (98118-10950) from 11:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. on weekends at Dr. Karni Singh Shooting Ranges, Tughlakabad, New Delhi.
iii. Mr. R.K. Sharma (9899-302860) from 12:30 – 5:00 P.M. at C-6, Aruna Park, Laxmi Nagar, Delhi.
iv. Mr. SabirKhan (97185-35896) at Guru Harkrishan Public School, Road No 73, Punjabi Bagh West, New Delhi.

12. Award of Medals : The medals will be awarded in individual category as follows:
4 shooters 3 Medals
3 Shooters 2 Medals
2 shooters 1 Medal
1 shooters no Medal

13. The Organizing Committee reserves the right to amend the rules at any time at its sole discretion for events/circumstances beyond control. Any decision made by the Organizing Committee in any such matter will be final.

14. All participants are expected to abide by the rules and regulations for the competitions. Discipline on and off the field is very essential. Shooting practice in hotels is strictly prohibited. Shooting kit (clothing & Equipment) of the competitors during the competition will be strictly according to ISSF Rules.

15. Victory Ceremony will be held on 14th November 2017, the details of time and venue will put up on notice board.
16. Participation Certificate shall be given to all shooters.

Documents to be attached :
1. Self- attested copy of NRAI Shooter ID Card
2. Municipal Birth Certificate for Juniors / Youth
3. Shooters from Central Revenues Department to attach a copy of their departmental IDCard .

This post was last modified on July 30, 2021 3:04 PM

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