digit.in IBM Watson Champs Contest 2015

Organisation : Digit
Announcement : IBM Watson Champs Contest 2015

Home Page : http://www.digit.in/contest/

IBM Watson Champs Contest :
To be eligible for the prizes, you need to follow 2 simple steps.
Step 1:
** Click here to create your IBM id to begin your free trial of IBM Watson Analytics.

** After filling up the form in the previous step, you will receive an email bearing subject line: “Please Validate Your Email Address To Access – IBM Watson Analytics” (without quotes). Open the email and click on the Validate Email Address which will take you to IBM Watson Analytics.

** Again, on the same email, copy the confirmation URL given at the bottom (Refer the text highlighted yellow in the screenshot below).
** Paste this URL in the field titled “Watson Confirmation URL” of this page, under Personal Details (Step 2).
** Keep watching our leaderboard for cool prizes!

Every 100th member wins here!
Every day, at 1800 hours, the leaderboard page wil be updated (showing records updated till 1500 Hours). Thus, if you are the 100th (or 200th or 300th, so and so on…) valid user you get Rs. 500 gift voucher as a guaranteed prize.

Terms :
** Contest is open for India only
** By submitting any entries, the participant agrees to abide by and be bound by the Rules and Regulations of the Contest and the decision of the Organizer.
** The Organizer accepts no liability for any technical difficulties affecting the end result of the contest, the entry or delivering the application to the contest.
** The affiliates, subsidiaries, advertising and promotion agencies and employees of the Organizer and their immediate families are not allowed to enter the Contest.
** The Organizer retains all rights and control over the Contest, criteria of judging the applications, the award of prizes in any grounds it deems suitable.
** The Rules and Regulations are subject to change by the Organizer when necessary. The Organizer reserves the rights to amend the rules of the Contest without prior announcement.
** The Organizer reserves the right to withdraw or discontinue with the Contest at any stage without any liability whatsoever to the participant and, or, anyone.
** The end date of the contest would vary on the contest response and is at the discretion of Digit.
** The Contest is hosted, managed and organized by Digit.

This post was last modified on August 20, 2024 5:48 PM

Tags: digit.in
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