Idea Music Station Music Bonaza Contest 2017 :

Organisation : Idea Cellular Limited
Competition Name : Idea Music Station Music Bonaza Contest 2017
Contest Last Date : 03-01-2018
Terms & Conditions :
Website :

Idea Music Station Music Bonaza Contest

Idea Cellular Limited (Idea) offers “Idea Music Station – Bonanza Contest” subject to the following Terms and Conditions mentioned below.

Related : Idea Dialertone Contest 2017 :

General Criteria

1. The “Idea Music Station – Bonanza Contest” is a limited period offer.

2. The Contest is open only for a limited period starting from 05st October, 2017, 00:00:01 hours till 3rd January ,2018, 23:59:59 hours, both days inclusive, for the active pre-paid as well as post-paid category of the Idea subscribers (“Subscriber(s)” ) of the Idea Tamil Nadu telecom circle.

3. For the avoidance of any doubt, please note that the gratifications offered under this Contest are solely sponsored and distributed by SDL to the Highest Scorers (defined later) of this Contest and Idea is only providing information and data in relation to the active Subscribers participating in this Contest and the Short Message Service Center (“SMSC”), to facilitate the Contest to be played by the Active Subscribers.

4. The Contest is open for participation only for the existing active Prepaid or Postpaid Subscribers of Idea Cellular Limited in Tamil Nadu Telecom Circle.

The Offer is not applicable to Roaming Prepaid/ Postpaid Subscriber/s* (Prepaid/ Postpaid Subscriber/s who are visiting Tamil Nadu Telecom Circle from other Telecom Circles and who do not belong to Tamil Nadu Telecom Circle) however; Prepaid/ Postpaid Subscribers belong to Tamil Nadu Telecom Circle on roaming can however participate in the offer.

5. SDL/ IDEA shall reserve the right to offer an invitation for participation.
6. This Contest will be available in Interactive Voice Response mode (“IVR” or “Voice”) in either Tamil and or English language.

Procedure & Eligibility To Participate

This Contest is valid for all active prepaid and postpaid Subscribers of Idea Cellular Ltd., Tamil Nadu Circle only and who fulfill the following criteria:
** He/she must be of or above 18 years of age;
** He/she must be a resident of India;
** He/she must not have been either convicted and / or prosecuted for commission of any criminal offence nor be of an unsound mind;
** He/she must belong to Tamil Nadu Telecom Circle only; and
** He/she must not be under any legal disability e.g. insolvency, restraint by court order etc. and / or is prohibited from entering any contractual relationship.

If at the time of the declaration of the result of the gratification under this Contest, the Subscriber has ported out of the network of Idea, he/she will not be eligible to and entitled to get any gratification under the Contest.

This Contest is not available to the following Subscribers of Idea and they shall not be eligible to participate in this Contest:
The Subscribers being the employees of SDL and or Idea and of their group companies, Affiliate or associate companies. “Affiliate” here shall mean with respect to each of the Idea & SDL, any entity directly or indirectly controlling or controlled by or under direct or indirect common control with such parties.

For the purposes of this definition, “control”, “controlled” or “controlling” shall be construed as the control by virtue of having the right to appoint the majority of the Board of Directors or owning the largest or controlling percentage of the voting securities or by virtue of any contractual arrangements or otherwise.

In the event, entire family is participating in the contest, in such event, only one person from a family, who scores the highest score amongst the family members, shall be eligible to get a gratification in the Contest. It means that all other relatives of such person in the Family shall not be so eligible.

The Family in relation to a person shall mean immediate family, consisting of any of the following relatives:
(i) Spouse, (ii) Brother (iii) Sister (iv) Father (v) Mother (vi) Son (vii) Daughter

The Subscriber whose residential address is same as that of a Subscriber who is eligible for any gratification as per terms and conditions of this Contest, shall not be entitled to a gratification worth Rs. 10,000/- and above. Further, if there are multiple MSISDNs belonging to the same person, the MSISDN who gets the highest score amongst the said multiple MSISDNs shall only be eligible for any gratifications under the terms and conditions of this Contest.

The Subscriber may subscribe to the Contest by calling the toll-free number 543213 or by other mode i.e., Short Message Service (SMS), Out Bound Dialer (OBD), Speaker Independent Voice Recognition (SIVR), Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD)

Participation & Charging

1. This Contest is open for the new as well as the existing Subscribers, who had already subscribed the Value Added Services (VAS) product of Idea Music Station Pack Service and brought forward by SDL/ Idea, purely on a “best effort” basis. Any participation by the Subscribers in this Contest is voluntary.

To participate in this Offer, a Subscriber/ Participant shall have to do the following: – Subscriber/Participant needs to activate Idea Music Station service by dialing the IVR Short code 543213 from his/ her handset Rs.40/- (Rupees Forty only) for every 30 (thirty) days or by other mode Short Message Service (SMS), Out Bound Dialer (OBD), Speaker Independent Voice Recognition (SIVR) and Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD).

Post payment of the subscription charges (mentioned below). It is also specifically agreed by the Participants / Subscribers that the decision of SDL and/or Idea shall be final and binding upon them and agree not to dispute, seek clarification from either SDL or Idea or both.

2. The participant caller shall be Charged Rs.40/-  per month towards subscription charges and the same shall be renewed for subsequent months for both prepaid & postpaid connections, unless de-activated by the participant (Prepaid/ Postpaid) the user who subscribed at event pack of Rs10/7days will also be eligible to play this contest, but it will not be an auto-renewal pack

3. The Contest is available only on voice platform. The Contest consists of maximum 450 simple questions with two answer options for each question.
4. Once the Subscriber has/ had subscribed the aforesaid VAS product, the amount charged shall not be refunded to Subscribers under any circumstances.
5. Subscribers shall be allowed to participate in the Contest only after the Subscriber subscribes the Idea Music station service and Subscriber shall get a successful billing call back from Idea.
6. If a Subscriber un-subscribes the Idea Music Station service during the Contest Period then his total score till the time of un-subscription will become zero and if the Subscriber again subscribes to Idea Music Station service, his/her scoring will start from Zero.

Contest On Voice

1. The Contest will be available on 543213 on Voice.
2. Subscribers will be informed about the participation for the Contest, gratification and Terms and Conditions URL, when they call the number 543213 Toll-free from his/ her handset to participate in the Contest.
3. The Contest consists of maximum 450 questions based on simple questions with two answer options for each question. Everyday Subscriber will be given 5 question and the un-played questions will not be carried forward to the next day.

The participant Subscribers may press 1 for option 1 or press 2 for option 2 on their phone keypad to answer each question of the Contest. All questions are in multiple choice format and the answer to each must be selected from one of the 2 options only. once the question is answered, the same shall not be edited again.

4. The questions under the Contest shall be based on information available to the public at large.
5. For every right answer, the Subscriber will get 10 points. There is no negative marking for a wrong answer.
6. After every answer, the Subscriber will be played an appropriate response and given the next question and answer options.

7. If Subscriber stops participating in the Contest without answering the nth question, then when he/she calls the afore-mentioned number, he/she will be given the nth question, which may be different from what he/she received previously, i.e., if a Subscriber listens to the 4th questions but drops the call without answering the 4th question, then when he/she calls again, he/she will be given the 4th question, which may be different from what he/she received previously.

Note – If the Subscriber calls back on the next day to play the nth question, he/she shall not be able to continue from where he/she left yesterday, on next day Subscriber will get fresh set of 5 new questions.


Bumper Gratification:
No. of Gratifications = 1 number
Gratification = Rs. 55,000/- worth Cash Card (i.e. the MSISDN scoring highest score).

The selection criteria for the Bumper Gratification will be conducted at the end of the Contest based on scoring the highest score (1 MSISDN) in least time, during the period of the Contest he / she will become eligible for this gratification of Cash Card.

In case of a tie (i.e. when more than 2 Subscribers have the same highest score), all such tied Subscribers will be eligible to participate in a tie-breaker round on voice channel. Based on the performance in the tie-breaker round, the MSISDN who has scored maximum points in least time would be selected as the highest scoring MSISDN and will become eligible for bumper gratification.

2nd & 3rd Gratification:
Total No. of Gratification = 1 number
Gratification = Rs. 20,000/- worth Cash Card (i.e. the MSISDN scoring highest score).
Gratification = Rs. 15,000/- worth Cash Card (i.e. the MSISDN scoring highest score).

Daily Gratification:
No. of Gratifications = 90
Gratification = Rs.50/- recharge worth talk time

The selection for the Monthly Gratification will be conducted after the end of every month based on the scoring the highest score (One (1) MSISDN), during the period of the Contest in particular month will become eligible for this gratification of 1 gram Gold coin.

In case of a tie (i.e., when more than 1 Subscriber have scored the same score), all such tied numbers will be eligible to participate in a tie-breaker round on voice channel.

Based on the performance in the tie-breaker round, who has scored maximum points in least time would be selected as the highest scoring MSISDN and will become eligible for Monthly gratification. An MSISDN can get this gratification only once in the Contest.

This post was last modified on February 18, 2021 8:03 PM

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