Third National Essay Competition on Water 2017-18 : Central Ground Water Board

Organisation : Central Ground Water Board
Competition Name : Third National Essay Competition on Water 2017-18
Contest Last Date : 31-12-2017
Terms & Conditions :
Website :

Third National Essay Competition

The Essay Competition aims to make the youth aware of the need for conservation and prevention of pollution of this precious natural resource. The Essay Competition will be held among the youth in the age group up to 18 years across the country.

Related : MyGov Swachh Sankalp Se Swachh Siddhi Essay Competition 2017 :

The Regional Director/ Head of Office/Officer- in-charge of the Regional Offices/State Unit Offices of CGWB will be the Nodal Officers for the Essay Competition for the State(s)/UT(s) under their jurisdiction.

All eligible person(s) may send one essay in either Hindi or English or Local/ Regional language through e-mail/post to the Nodal Officers for Phase –I of the Competition. National Essay Competition on Water related issues under IEC activities 2017-18.

The Theme of the Essay Competition for Phase –I is “Swachh Jal – Swachh Bharat”.

The e-mail id and address of the Nodal Officers are available on the CGWB website ( Winners of the ten best essays of for Phase –I in each state/UT will be invited to participate in the Phase – II of Essay Competition and will be given participation certificate.


The theme for the Phase –II will be given at the venue. Among these ten, the best three participants will be selected from each State/UT. Out of these three essays from each State/ UT the best 60 participants will be given following prizes:
Prizes | Number of Prizes | Amount (Rs.)
First 10 50,000 each
Second 10 25,000 each
Third 10 15,000 each
Consolation 30 5,000 each

** It is mandatory for all participants to have Aadhaar/ Aadhaar enrolment
** The details/guidelines for the Essay Competition are given in the website:
** The last date for submission of the essays is 31st December, 2017.

Essay Competition Phase-1 :
National Essay Competition on Water related issues during the year 2017-18. The Essay Competition aims to make the youth aware of the need for conservation and prevention of pollution of water and also to involve their parents and society in this noble cause.

Wide publicity through advertisement in the news papers, website of CGWB, Regional Offices of CGWB shall be put on for large scale participation in the Essay Competition. The Essay Competition will be held across the country in two phases. The winners will be awarded cash prizes.

Terms & Conditions

1. The competition is open to all in the age group up to 18 years. The First Phase of Essay Competition is to be initiated in all the States/UT’s through advertisement in the leading newspapers and website of CGWB.

All Regional Directors of CGWB would be requested to give wide publicity to the competition by soliciting participation of eligible candidates from among schools, colleges etc.

2. It is mandatory for all participants to have Aadhaar/ Aadhaar enrolment
3. Employees of Ministry of Water Resources, RD & GR and all its organizations will not be eligible for participation.
4. The topic for the Essay Competition will be “Swachh Jal – Swachh Bharat ”
5. Participant will submit only one essay, otherwise it will be rejected.

6. All eligible participants will have to send one essay in either Hindi or English or Regional language of the State through e-mail/post to the concerned Nodal Officer of CGWB.

The Regional Director/ Head of Office/Officer- in-Charge of the Regional Offices/State Unit Offices of CGWB are Nodal Officers for the Essay Competition for the State/UT’s under their jurisdiction. The contact details of the Nodal Officer of each State/UT is given below in Annexure-I.

7. The essay is to be submitted in the respective State of his/her present stay to the respective Nodal Officer only. Else it would be rejected.
8. Details of the participant including name, date of birth, father’s/mother’s name, profession (student, working etc.), name/address of educational institution/work place, communication address, telephone/mobile number(s), E-mail ID etc., are to be furnished along with the essay.
9. Each essay should not exceed 1500 words.
10.All the participants should submit/attach a coloured passport size photo alongwith their essay.
11.Manuscripts of the Essay can also be scanned and sent to the concerned Nodal Officer through e mail.
12.Last date for receipt of entries by the Nodal Officers would be 31.12.2017. Essay submitted after the last date either by e mail or by post shall not be considered.
13.Entries not fulfilling the above criteria would be rejected.

This post was last modified on August 21, 2024 11:43 AM

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