Star Sports Justice League Quiz Contest 2017 :

Organisation : Star Sports India
Competition Name : Justice League Quiz Contest 2017 #JusticeLeagueQuiz
Contest Date : November 1, 2017; November 4, 2017 & November 7, 2017
Terms & Conditions :
Website :

Justice League Quiz :

Get ready to save the world! Watch #NerolacCricketLive and answer the simple questions to win a trip to the Warner Bros. Studios and other exciting prizes. #JusticeLeagueQuiz

Related : Star TV Premier League PL Skills Contest 2017 :

Terms & Conditions :
The following are the rules for the ”JusticeLeagueQuiz” contest hosted by Star India Private Limited for promotion of the India v. New Zealand T20 Series, 2017 on the platforms and media owned/operated by STAR or its group companies to be conducted through the Channels and/or the Star Sports India Twitter profile at the URL through the handle @StarSportsIndia and Star Sports India Facebook page at the URL

For the purposes of these terms and conditions, the Star Sports Handle and the Star Sports Page shall be collectively referred to as “Network Handles”. Any personal information gathered pursuant to this Contest shall be subject to the privacy policy available at (“Privacy Policy“) which is incorporated herein by reference.

This Contest shall be subject to the terms and conditions, comprising of the Principal Rules and the General Rules (the “Terms and Conditions”) as stated hereunder. By participating in the Contest, it is construed that the participant (“Participant”) has/have read and understood these Principle Rules including the General Rules stated below and has/have agreed to abide by the same:

Principal Rules :
The Contest will be conducted on November 1, 2017; November 4, 2017 and November 7, 2017 when the matches of the Tournament will be played, or such other date as may be decided by STAR at its sole discretion and announced by Star on the Network Handles and/or on the Channels (“Contest Period”).

The Contest is a game of knowledge and skill whereby the Participants would have to provide answers to 2 (two) questions, one on pre-show and the other on the post-show during each match day of the Contest Period i.e. on the days when Contest is conducted (“Contest Day”).

An official announcement shall be made on the Network Handles and/or on the Channels inviting Twitter and Facebook users to watch the live studio show that is broadcast before and after each session of each match during the Contest Period on the Channels (“the PPL show”) and share tweets on Twitter or replies on the Star Sports Page during the Contest Period, containing the answers to the questions. (“Contest Question”).

Any person who wishes to participate in the Contest (“Participant”) shall fulfill all of the following requirements in order to qualify for participation:
All Participants must be valid users of Twitter/Facebook, as applicable, and must be residing in India during the Contest Period. Each Participant is required to visit the Network Handles, as applicable and“follow”/”like” (as may be applicable) the respective Network Handle.

The Participant should submit their entry containing their answers to the Contest Questions in the form of a tweet posted through the Participant’s Twitter account, or through a comment posted through the Participant’s Facebook account in response to the post containing the relevant Contest Question on the Star Sports Page.

Each Entry:
(1) if sent through Twitter, should contain the pre-decided hash-tag for the Contest, i.e. #JusticeLeagueQuiz and should contain the Star Sports Handle (@starsportsindia);
(2) if sent through Facebook, should be a comment on the Facebook post containing the Contest Question and should contain the pre-decided hash-tag for the Contest i.e. #JusticeLeagueQuiz; and
(3) should be submitted during the Contest Period.

Any Entry which does not contain all of the elements mentioned in this paragraph shall not be considered a valid Entry and shall be deemed null and void without requirement of any intimation by STAR.

Any Entry which does not contain all of the elements mentioned in this paragraph shall not be considered a valid Entry and shall be deemed null and void without requirement of any intimation by STAR.

Further, to qualify as a Grand Prize Winner (as defined below) the Participant needs to have a valid Indian Passport authorized by the Government of India.

The editorial team of STAR shall select 3 (three) lucky winners via randomizer for each Contest Day, from amongst all those Participants who have submitted Entries containing correct answers in relation to at least 1 (one) Contest Question posed on the relevant Contest Day (“Lucky Winner”) and also 1(one) grand prize winner via randomizer for the Contest Period from amongst the people who answer all 6(six) questions correctly would stand a chance to win the Grand prize (“Grand Prize Winner”).

Lucky Winner and Grand Prize Winners will be collectively referred as Winners. Winners shall be selected on the basis of the relevance and correctness of their Entries or other criteria as the editorial team shall deem fit. STAR’s decision in this regard and for all other matters relating to the Contest shall be final and binding upon the Participant(s).

It is clarified that where two or more Participants are eligible to be declared as a Winner, the Winner shall be selected by means of a randomizer. Each Winner in relation to each Contest Day will be announced by STAR on the Network Handles.

Each Winner would be awarded a prize (“Prize”). The Prize for the Lucky Winners shall be merchandise. The Grand Prize Winner gets a trip for two to WB Studios in Los Angeles. STAR shall not be liable for non-receipt of any Prize by any Winner, including due to errors or failures or deficiencies in dispatch services or in address details provided by the Winner.

The Prize must be claimed in response to messages or telephone calls made to the Winner. Any and all taxes and/or levies applicable under the laws of India and any incidental costs direct and/or indirect, in relation to Prize shall be borne by the respective Winner.

Neither STAR nor any of its group companies shall be responsible or liable for any technical disruption, failure and/or any other difficulties of such nature, due to which the Winner(s) is unable to claim the Prize from STAR.

After dispatch of a Prize to a Winner, in case any loss/damage etc. is caused to or incurred by the Prize(s) during transit or otherwise, STAR will not be liable for any such loss/damage etc.

Further, STAR and/or any of its group companies shall not be held liable for any failure and/or any other defect in or damage to the Prize, if any, whether caused during transit or otherwise. All Prizes shall be dispatched to the respective Winners within 90 (ninety) days after the end of the Tournament.

STAR reserves the right to forfeit a Prize in the event it is found by STAR has a reason to believe that any information provided by the Participant/Winner(s) is wrong, fraudulent or any misrepresentation is made by the Participant/Winner.

STAR shall have the right to declare any other Participant(s) as the Winner(s) of the Contest, at its discretion and transfer Prize(s) to such other Participants. All Prizes are provided on an as-is where-is basis without assurances or warranties of any kind.

Neither STAR nor its group companies nor their employees provide any assurances or guarantees regarding Prizes, including quality, merchantability or fitness for purpose.

The Winner(s) agree not to hold STAR and/or its group companies and/or their respective employees responsible for any delay in receiving Prizes or any inability to enjoy Prize(s) due to any failure by manufacturers of the Prizes, or any of their agents, or otherwise for any other problem in relation to a Prize.

It is clarified that STAR and/or any of its group companies shall not be responsible for the brand, quality, value etc. in relation to a Prize and the supplier/ manufacturer shall be solely responsible for the same. STAR and/or any of its group companies shall not be held liable for any failure, inaccuracy, and/or any other defect or deficiency in the Contest.

Neither STAR nor its group companies shall be liable for any delays or failures in any notifications, or the Contest in general.

The Winner agrees that the Prize cannot be transferred, negotiated, refunded or exchanged. It is clarified that no other gratification, cash equivalent of the Prize or alternative prize will be awarded to the Winner(s) and the Winner(s) cannot exchange the Prize for cash or a gift of similar value.

The Contest or the Prize(s) cannot be combined with any other contest or activity. It is clarified that STAR has no obligation to record the act of collection of the Prize(s) or incorporate it in the telecast of the Matches or otherwise mention it on the Channels.

If the Winner(s) refuses to accept the Prize awarded, STAR and/or its group companies shall be released from all obligations towards the Winner(s) in connection to the Prize or otherwise.

All Entries must be received during the Contest Period. Entries received before or after the Contest Period will not be considered for the Contest and shall be deemed null and void without requirement of any further intimation by STAR.

This post was last modified on January 2, 2023 1:20 PM

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