Start-up ONGC Solar Chulha Innovation Challenge 2017 : Oil & Natural Gas Corporation

Organisation : Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd.
Competition Name : Start-up ONGC Solar Chulha Innovation Challenge
Contest Last Date : 01-12-2017
Online Application Form :
Website :

Solar Chulha Innovation Challenge :

‘ONGC Start-up Fund’ shall cater to start-ups in the “Energy Sector” and will provide the entire support chain including seed capital, hand-holding, mentoring, market linkage and follow-ups.

Related : MyGov ONGC Innovation Challenge 2017 :

The aim of ‘ONGC Start-up Fund’ is to increase the contribution of fresh implementable ideas in the oil and gas sector by creating an ecosystem that is conducive for promoting innovation and growth of the startups.

ONGC Innovation Challenge – Solar Chulha :
ONGC is organising a challenge to develop at reasonable cost an effective and versatile solar-powered stove system that
** Cooks both at night and during the day,
** Can be used for all cooking processes (boiling, steaming, frying),
** Is safe and easy to use,
** Is built with materials that are available easily and can be disposed of safely,
** Can be mass produced to achieve good quality control and economies of scale, and
** Can be used independently or in conjunction with some power from the grid.

The deliverables and boundary conditions of the proposed challenge are as follows:
Description of the Solar Chulha Challenge :
ONGC invites Entrepreneurs/Scientists/Researchers (as individuals or in groups) with interest in innovation, to participate in the Indigenous Development effort on Design, Development and Demonstration of Solar Chulha, suitable for indoor cooking of Indian food (including frying, baking and chapati making).

1. The broad performance features expected from Solar Chula among other things include:
** Solar Chulha should work on solar energy (solar thermal or PV) or any other renewable energy as source of energy which can be easily accessed or made available in any house hold kitchen.
** It should be possible to keep the chulha all time inside the kitchen for cooking purposes (including frying, baking and chapati making), similar to traditional commercially available cook stoves which work on LPG or other fuels.
** It should be possible to use the Solar chulha on need basis any time during the day/night (24X7) basis.
** It should be suitable for built up of materials which are easily available and can be disposed safely and can be mass produced with economies of scale.
** It can be used independently or in conjunction with the grid, as the case may be.
** The solar chulha must meet safety requirements for use in any house hold.
** It should be able to provide sufficient meals for a family of five. During the night time it will work on stored energy with energy storage, having a life of around 2500 cycles.

2. The estimated cost of the solar chulha along with the energy source preferably not exceed Rs. 10,000/- per unit. ( For a volume of few lac units).

Eligibility :
1. The Challenge is open to Entrepreneurs/Scientists/Researchers (as individuals or in groups) with interest in innovation.

2. The following persons and their immediate relatives cannot participate in the Challenge:
** An employee of ONGC directly involved in execution and evaluation of the Challenge.
** A member of the Evaluation panel, Experts and Jury for the Challenge.

3. In addition, young students from academic and research institutions, can also participate through the 3rd National Competition 2017, on Design, Development and Demonstration of Solar Chulha, suitable for indoor cooking of Indian food, announced by ONGC Energy Centre, which has been set up by ONGC to undertake or assist/collaborate in research for developing and/or improving the energy mediums and sources, especially in clean and renewable energy options.

Entry Submission :
** This Challenge is an online competition hosted at, for submission of description and documents of the original innovative solution, design, product, tool etc. for the challenge. The specific conditions and the boundary conditions for the challenge are listed above.

** Those who are interested to take up this development, may please register with ONGC on latest by 1st December, 2017 as per the online application format (Part A) to be filled.
** The shortlisted entrepreneurs/Scientists/Researchers for this challenge will be asked to demonstrate the Solar Chulha at New Delhi by end April 2018. They should submit their entries as per application format (PART B) by 15th April, 2018.
** Participants are advised to fill the information specific to the fields and refrain from posting information not pertaining to the field or pertaining to any other field of the form.
** For any additional information, the registered Participant will be contacted via email. Participants are advised to duly provide any additional information as instructed.
** All correspondence shall be through email or SMS on mobile number provided by the participant at the time of registration. Organizers and ONGC are not liable in case of SMS/ email delivery failures.

Awards :
a. The following 3 prizes shall be awarded in each of the four identified challenge areas of Para 3
** First Prize 10 Lacs
** Second Prize 5 Lacs
** Third Prize 3 Lacs
b. On successful demonstration and testing of performance of a few units, about 1000 units may be initially procured for demonstration in different regions.
c. ONGC may provide financial support for fabrication of 1000 units, from the start up fund set up by ONGC.

General Guidelines, Terms and Conditions :
** Participant shall submit ideas/solutions/products owned by them or to which they have right to claim and use as owned by them. Suitable documents to this effect must be submitted along with the entry.
** Participant shall ensure that any submission made in the Challenge does not violate any of theirs or any third party’s intellectual property rights, confidentiality, trade secret and violate any statutory provisions.
** ONGC, its employees, members of Expert Panel and Innovation Committee shall in no event be liable for any violation of IPR, or license or permits etc. required from third party.
** Participant shall not assign any rights, obligations or privileges hereunder without the prior written consent of Organizers of the Challenge.

** ONGC/ Organizers do not claim ownership over the applications submitted or any newly Developed IP, but by submitting an application, Participant grants ONGC and its affiliated units/ ministries a transferable, worldwide, non-exclusive, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, fully paid-up license under all Participants intellectual property rights in the applications submitted, Participant Newly Developed IP and Participant Background IP.

** ONGC, members of Expert Panel, Selected Jury, supporting organizations or any employee or agent shall not be liable for any costs incurred or loss or liability or loss in expectation of profits or loss due to failure of understanding the terms and conditions of the Challenge or of any expected benefit of the participant in relation to entry and submission in the Challenge.

** ONGC shall make reasonable efforts to maintain confidentiality and will not sign any Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) with Participants.

** By way of selecting the entries for evaluation at any Stage or for Final Award, Participants shall not be entitled to claim or have got endorsement from ONGC of any sought whatsoever, or have earned approval of any sought whatsoever of ONGC, for use in any form whatsoever anywhere in the Industry.

** At any Stage while evaluating the entries, ONGC shall be free to contact the Participants and carry out discussions on the matter submitted by the Participants for the purpose of understanding only. Any solicitation by participants in whatever form in respect of their entries shall not be entertained and entries of such participant shall be disqualified from the Innovation Challenge.

** ONGC/Organisers may change the Terms and Conditions of participation at any time without prior notice. It shall be sole responsibility of the Participants to update themselves of information posted in the website from time to time. ONGC/Organisers may disqualify a Participants from the Challenge for breach of any of the conditions of this Challenge, or discontinue this Challenge.

** In cases of any difference of views, decision of ONGC shall be final and binding. Disputes, if any, are subject to the jurisdiction in the courts of Delhi only.

This post was last modified on June 22, 2022 4:17 PM

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