NYKS Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat Declamation Contest 2017- 18 : Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan

Organisation : Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan
Competition Name : Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat Declamation Contest 2017-2018
Contest Last Date : 25th November 2017
Applicable For : Youth in the age group of 18-29 yrs

Terms & Conditions : https://www.contest.net.in/uploads/28209-DeclamationContest.pdf
Website : https://nyks.nic.in/

Declamation Contest :

Guidelines for Conduct of Declamation Contests (2017-18) On “Patriotism and Nation Building” (Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat) :

Related : MyGov Soil Health-A Key to Nation’s Prosperity Poster Making Competition 2017 : www.contest.net.in/28152.html

1. Introduction :
** In the changing national environment, the youth is once again appearing to be wanting to do something for their Motherland.

** To provide them an opportunity on one hand and also change the trend of reduced interest in Patriotism & Nation Building there is a need to create a mass sustainable mobilization of the youth and engage them in meaningful Nation Building activities.

** To ensure mass youth participation in the celebration of Republic Day 2018, it has been decided to conduct declamation contests across India.
** It will be held at Block, District, State and National level. Attractive prizes will be given at District, State and National level.

** The topic of declamation would help a great deal in creating awareness about the Modern Indian thinkers among audiences and about the Prime Minister’s Financial and Social Inclusion Schemes, and denouncing all kinds of social evils as well as the spirit of Patriotism.

2. Objective :
a) To strengthen the spirit of Nationalism and Patriotic feeling amongst youth and masses for enhanced participation in nation building.

b) To identify youth with leadership qualities and good communication skills for their further development and empowerment to enable them to take lead in understanding the functions and policies of the Govt. towards Nation Building and popularizing Flagship Schemes of Government.

3. Target Group and Eligibility :
a) Only those youth are eligible who have not participated in the Declamation Contest on Patriotism and Nation Building Organized by district NYK during the year 2015-16 and 2016-17.

b) However, the participants of previous year declamation contest are encouraged to act as guides, mentors and may be involved in the process of organization of the competitions.

c) Youth in the age group of 18-29 yrs (as on 1st November 2017) from all walks and sections of society
d) Can participate in the district of his/her Domicile or currently staying for more than 5 years in a district other than his/her domicile
e) Female and youth groups belonging to weaker sections of the society would be encouraged to take part in the contests

4. Coverage :
a) 2500 Blocks approximately
b) 370 District NYKs with a DYC or ACT in position
c) 29 States & UTs
d) National

5. Prizes :
a) Block Level – Screening Contests without prizes
b) District Level :
1st Prize:- Rs. 5,000/-
2nd Prize:- Rs. 2,000/-
3rd Prize:- Rs. 1,000/-

c) State Level :
1st Prize:- Rs. 25,000/-
2nd Prize:- 10,000/-
3rd Prize:-5,000/-

d) National Level :
1st Prize:- Rs. 2,00,000/-
2nd Prize:- Rs. 1,00,000/-
3rd Prize:- Rs. 50,000/-

6. Time Line : Mid November 2017 to end of December 2017 up to State level and well before 26 January 2018 at National level

7. Language of contest : Hindi and English
8. Topic : Patriotism and Nation Building

9. Synergy, Publicity, Resource Mobilization & Invitations :
** Interested non controversial agencies, NGOs, Trusts, individuals and District/State Administration Departments and others would be approached to facilitate in popularizing the Declamation Contest activities, publicity and inviting applications through local News Papers and Electronic Media.

** Besides, NYKs National Youth Volunteers, Youth Clubs, Youth Action Groups, Young Women Association Groups as well as youth from all walks of life would also be actively involved for mobilizing maximum youth for participation in the contest.

10. Data :
** Complete result sheet and data of participants should be submitted within 7 days of the conduct of the contests along with the detailed report.

11. Implementation Strategy :
a) Time Line of the Contest
i. Block level- 15th to 25th November 2017
ii. District level – 25th November to 15th Dec 2017
iii. State level – 16-20 December 2017
iv. National Level – 19-20 January 2018 (tentative)

b) Inviting Applications :
i. Applications should be invited in prescribed format from the youth for declamation contest.
ii. Format of application is given at Annexure – 1
iii. Applications may be invited through advertisement in newspaper, Universities/ Institutes/Schools/college websites, Youth relatedwebsites, Face book etc, by adopting the strategy as mentioned at S. No. 9

iv. Application form should also be distributed to the aspiring youth through the local National Youth Volunteers (NYVs), Youth Clubs and youth
v. Applicants who fulfill the required eligibility criteria would be invited for the preliminary round of the Declamation contest at block level.

vi. The youth should be told well in advance about the topics of the Declamation contest so as to enable them to make preparation. They should also be informed about the important points to be followed by the contestants and other concerned given at Annexure – 2.

vii. The DYCs should inform the youth where and how to submit the duly filled in application form by the given timeline/Last Date.

c) Selection of Judges :
** Three judges should be selected for judging the performance of participants at all levels of Declamation Contest, including Block level Screening Contests.
** They should be renowned persons from the field of education, academics, history, development, social work, activist, mass media etc. and should be able to judge the performance of participants both in Hindi and English.

This post was last modified on August 21, 2024 3:16 PM

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Tags: nyks.org
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