RGNUL Surana & Surana International Essay Writing Competition 2017 : Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law

Organization : Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab
Competition Name : Surana & Surana International Essay Writing Competition 2017
Applicable For : Students are pursuing their B.A.LLB./LL.M./Ph.D./M.Phil. or any other Undergraduate or Master courses
Competition Last Date : JANUARY 5, 2018

Website : https://www.rgnul.ac.in/events.aspx?ref_id=102
Download Brochure : https://www.contest.net.in/uploads/28232-SuranaBro.pdf
Download Declaration Form : https://www.contest.net.in/uploads/28232-SuranaDeclare.docx
Download Registration Form : https://www.contest.net.in/uploads/28232-SuranaReg.docx

Surana & Surana Essay Writing Competition :

Rules and Guidelines for the Essay Competition :
1. Eligibility Criteria :
** The Competition is open to the students who are pursuing their B.A.LLB./LL.M./Ph.D./M.Phil. or any other Undergraduate or Master courses (other than Law) in any university across the World.

Related : RGNUL Exagium 2018 Essays on Classics International Essay Writing Competition : www.contest.net.in/28226.html

** If any Student of the RGNUL is positioned amongst the top three, he/she will not be eligible for the top three prizes but will be felicitated in recognition of his/her performance with a special prize by the Surana and Surana International Attorneys, Chennai at the valedictory function.

2. Theme For The Essay :
** “Juveniles And The Criminal Justice System”

Sub Themes (Illustrative, Not Exhaustive):
** Juveniles and the Death Penalty
** A critical appraisal of the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015
** Sentencing and Punishment of Juveniles
** Rehabilitation of Juvenile Offenders
** Sealing Juvenile Court Records
** Alternatives to Incarceration
** Juvenile Probation

3. Guidelines For Submission :
** Only one submission is allowed per author. (Submissions both as co-author and single will be treated as multiple submissions.
** In case of such submissions the single submission will be rejected and disqualified as an entry to the competition)
** Co-authorship to a maximum of two authors is permitted.
** In case of co-authorship, separate Registration Fee must be paid for each author.
** Only original essays will be considered for the competition.

** No part of it should have been published earlier nor should it be under consideration for publication or a contest elsewhere.
** Moreover any form of plagiarism will result in disqualification of essay. Neither RGNUL nor
** Surana & Surana International Attorneys, Chennai will be responsible for the act of plagiarism.
** Identification mark must not be found in any part of essay.

** Registration form is to be sent along with essay.
** The registration form must be signed and sealed by the Head of Institution / University. (Available in download form on RGNUL website).
** In case of unavailability of the head of the institution any senior faculty may sign the same. Or you may send the scanned copy of your Identity Card.

Length of the essay :
** The submission shall consist of an abstract, essay and bibliography.
** An abstract should not be more than 300 words inclusive of title and keywords.
** The essay should not be more than 2000 words (excluding Footnotes and abstract).
** Footnotes must conform to the 19th Bluebook Citation Format.

Format requirement :
** Font size shall be 12 points in Times New Roman with 1.5 intercellular spaces.

Electronic Submission :
The participants should Email their papers to suranaessay2017 AT gmail.com. with the following the attachments :
** Essay in MS Word format with subject “Essay Competition” – Name of Author(s)
** Registration form
** Cover page containing name of participant, Nationality, address, e-mail-id, contact number and name of college/university with address and class.

4. Prizes : (SURANA AWARDS)
First Prize : INR 25,000/-
Second Prize : INR 15,000/-
Third Prize : INR 10,000/-

** The name of the winner will be displayed on the RGNUL website.
** Separate intimation will also be sent to each of the winner.
** The winners will be given the prizes on the Prize distribution function, exact date and location of which to be announced later.
** Certificate of Participation will be awarded to all the participants.

5. Important Dates :
Last Date For Submission January : 5, 2018
Result Declaration February : 15, 2018

6. Contact Information :
Faculty Incharge :
Ms. Ivneet Walia
Email: ikwalia AT gmail.com

Organizing Committee :
Dr. Sharanjit Kaur
Dr. Renuka Soni

Student Conveners :
Mr. Raghav Mendiratta
Ms. Shreya Tewari

Student Coordinators :
Mr. Shaurya Dhoundiyal
Ms. Deepkamal Thind

Email: suranaessay2017 AT gmail.com

This post was last modified on May 12, 2022 11:45 AM

Categories: Law College
Tags: rgnul.ac.in
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