Sakshi Arena One School Fest 2017 Andhra Pradesh and Telangana : arenaoneschoolfest.com

Organization : Sakshi Arena One School
Competition Name : Sakshi Arena One School Fest
Applicable For : Grade – 1 to 10
Applicable States/UTs : Andhra Pradesh and Telangana

Website : http://www.arenaoneschoolfest.com/

Sakshi Arena One School Fest :

** The Sakshi Arena One – School Fest, isthe single largest canvas for students from schools in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana to connect,compete and experience the world around them as never before, an experience which we believe will out last the event.

Related : Sakshi India Spell Bee Competition – 2017 Andhra Pradesh and Telangana : www.contest.net.in/28250.html

** The School Fest is being initiated by the Sakshi Media Group under its student outreach program to instill the spirit of competition, fair play and team work among the students. Sakshi Arena One will also aid schools in nurturing talent and provide the schools a definitive canvas to encourage students to excel and win laurels.

Rules for Article Writing :
GRADE 8-10 Topic : Media –A Strong Alert
Contest Rules :
1. Participants will be given a time period of 40 minutes to pen down their Article.
2. Submission must be a minimum of 500 words. There is no maximum word limit.
3. Submissions must be new, original work
4. You should be present at the right time and at the right place mentioned for the competition.
5. Submissions must be related with the topic mentioned and will be judged upon their clarity, accuracy, and relevance to the discipline of the literary skills under which they are submitted.
6. The decision of the judges will be final.

Elocution :
Grade 5 to 7 : drop everything and read
Grade 8 to 10 : me in India
1. The goal of the Elocution competition is to encourage the skills and talents related to the art of speaking in public.
2. The topic has been informed to the student participants by the school management.
3. The speech may not exceed 5 minutes in duration.
4. The time limit will be strictly enforced. A 30 second warning will be given.
5. The speaker is expected to memorize their speech, and is not allowed to read any part of the speech from papers, notes, or cards.
6. Use of index cards is allowed, but only for reference of outline and key points.
7. Reading verbatim from note cards is discouraged and will result in reduction in the participants score.

8. Points will be awarded based on the following criteria :
Content :
i. Greeting & Introduction of the subject
ii. Exposition of the main theme (Conciseness & Clarity of message, Originality/Points of interest, Incorporation of Personal references, Quotations & thoughtful References)
iii. Moral & Practical Application
iv. Conclusion
** The decision of the judges will be final.

Hand Writing :
** Writing should be completed with either writing pen / or a sharp writing pencil depending on your category.
Grade 1 & 4 : Pencil
Grade 5 & 10 :
** Pen Entries should be on the paper provided The task should be completed in 30 minutes.

The competition will be judged on the following criteria :
** Capital letters and lower case are used in the correct places.
** Letter formation is mostly accurate.
** Writing is clear and easy to read.
** Punctuation Marks are as per the given task.

Painting Competition :
Grade – 1 to 4 : ‘My favourite ‘Fruit’ or ‘Toy’’
Grades – 5 to 7 : ‘My Village’
Grades 7 to 10 : ‘My Dream’

Rules :
** The participants will be given a time span of 60 minutes.
** Sakshi team will be providing chart paper and crayon colours.
** The competition will be judged on aesthetic appeal and presentation Judges decision will be final.

Poster Making :
For Grades 7-10 : Topic: ‘Digitalization of India’
For Grades 7-10 : Topic: ‘Rally for Rivers’
Rules :
** The participants will be given a time span of 60 minutes.
** Sakshi team will be providing chart paper and crayon colours.
** The competition will be judged on aesthetic appeal, relevance and presentation of the given theme.
** Judges decision will be final.

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