lpsc.gov.in Touch the Jovian Moon Contest 2017 : ISRO Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre

Organisation : ISRO Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre (LPSC)
Competition Name : Touch the Jovian Moon Contest 2017
Contest Last Date : 05/12/2017
Terms & Conditions : https://www.contest.net.in/uploads/28315-moon.pdf
Website : http://www.lpsc.gov.in/competition.html

Touch the Jovian Moon Contest :

Touch the Jovian Moon is a contest for students of Engineering Colleges and Technical Institutions of India, being organized by LPSC/ISRO as part of its Pearl Jubilee Celebrations.

Related : ISRO APRSAF-24 Water Rocket Competition 2017 : www.contest.net.in/26701.html

Through this contest LPSC aims to challenge the young and ignited minds to work on par with the Indian space scientists by designing a lander mission to any one of the Jovian Moons which are currently of interest to space scientists all over the world.

The contest is planned to impart into the students the rigor of designing a space mission. More than a mere contest, the students may find this a rare opportunity to learn the various stages through which a real space mission would pass through before getting realized and launched.

The students will be interacting with an expert panel and learn about the current practices being followed being followed by ISRO in realizing an actual lander mission like the Chandrayan-2 mission being developed currently.

The contest will be conducted in two stages. After the initial selection round, 10 teams eligible to continue with the contest will be selected. These 10 teams will interact with an expert team at LPSC/ISRO in designing a lander mission to the target Jovian moon selected by the respective team.

At the end of the contest the teams shall be invited to LPSC/ISRO for an oral presentation in front of the judging panel.

The participants of the selected 10 teams will have the rare opportunity to visit LPSC, Valaiamala and see for real how various subsystems of a rocket get designed and developed. Exciting prizes and opportunity to visit various other centers of ISRO await the winners.

Eligibility Criteria and Team Structure :
1. Undergraduate Students of Engineering and Fundamental Science branches are eligible for participation
2. Each college/institute can have only a single core team participating in the event.
3. The core team should consist of 6 core student members and 1 faculty member
4. The core team will be responsible for preparation of reports, presentations etc and presentation of the same via video mode or through personal interaction with LPSC as and when required.
5. The core team members is restricted to 6 student members can be supported by any number of students/faculty of the originating institute in carrying out the project.
6. Each team shall submit along with the preliminary report, an authorization letter in the institution letter head from the Head of the Institute certifying the participants from the institute.
7. LPSC reserves all rights to modify the rules and regulation of the contest as and when warrented. LPSC also resevres all rights to discontinue, without prior notice, any team found violating the norms set by LPSC,from continuing in the contest.

How to Apply for the Contest :
1. Institutions willing to participate in the contest may nominate a core team of 6 members and 1 faculty memeber duley approved by the Head of the Institution.
2. The core team, in consultation with other interested student/faculty of the institution shall select one of the Jovian Moon as target body for designing a lander mission.

3. The core team shall prepare a mission proposal report (not exceeding 1500 words) highlighting in detail the following aspects
** Reason for Selection of target moon
** Scientific studies proposed to be done as part of the proposed mission
** Impact of the proposed study on the Scientific world and humanity at large thereby justifying the need of such a study
** Advantages and Disadvantages of selecting the proposed target over the other most probable targets

4. The core team will register their participation in the contest by emailing the above mentioned mission proposal report to contest jovian[AT]lpsc.gov.in on or before 12:00hrs of 05/12/2017.

The authorization letter, in the institution letter head, from the Head of the institution, identifying the team members as per the format given in Annexure-1 shall also be attached with the email. No registration will be entertained without the authorization letter.

Contact Details :
More details of the contest is available in the Pearl Jubilee Celebration page at lpsc.gov.in. For any query regarding the contest email may be sent to contest jovian[AT]lpsc.gov.in.

This post was last modified on February 23, 2021 5:37 PM

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Tags: lpsc.gov.in
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