Alumni Awards Competition 2015-2016 : United States-India Educational Foundation

Organisation : United States-India Educational Foundation (USIEF)
Announcement : Alumni Awards Competition 2015-2016
Last Date : December 7, 2015

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2015-2016 Alumni Awards Competition :
The United States-India Educational Foundation (USIEF) announces a call for proposals for the 2015-2016 Alumni Awards. Proposals can be submitted by individual alumna/alumnus or a group of alumni.

Seminars/Workshops can be organized in the following fields: Agricultural Sciences; Arts and Culture Management; Climate Change; Economics; Education; Energy Studies; Public Health; Science and Technology (limited to bioengineering, climate change science, computer and mathematical science, and neurosciences); Strategic Studies; Urban and Regional Planning; and Women and Gender Studies

Indian citizens who are alumni of USIEF administered programs are eligible to apply. Alumni who have received a USIEF Alumni Award previously are ineligible to apply.

Budget and Funding:
The grant will be strictly on a reimbursement basis, in the name of the awardee. Alumni may submit proposals for funding up to INR 100,000. Alumni are encouraged to look for opportunities for cost-sharing. Allowable costs for conducting the seminar include research; travel; transportation; honorarium for speakers/experts; documentation; publications such as booklets, information materials or manuals; and meals or refreshments. Original bills and receipts must be submitted at the end of the program for reimbursement. USIEF must be acknowledged as a sponsor during the actual program. The USIEF logo must be displayed in all printed materials.

Proposal Submission:
Alumni should send proposals in the prescribed application form along with a cover letter to Click here to download the application form.

Proposals should also mention what future engagement with the beneficiaries will follow after the completion of the proposed activities. Workshops that provide opportunities for hands on training, skill development and envisage publication of the proceedings and/or findings of the workshop/seminar are encouraged. USIEF may ask the winners to re-evaluate and refine their budgets during the implementation phase and before final authorization is granted to winning projects.

Proposal Evaluation:
The proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria: relevance and impact; contribution to remote and underserved areas; engaging other USIEF alumni; visibility for USIEF and USIEF administered programs; financial feasibility.

December 7, 2015 Last Date for submitting the applications
First week of February, 2016 Announcement of the winners
September 30, 2016 Completion of the proposed workshop

The information on the winning proposals will be posted on the USIEF website. E-mail notifications will be sent to all the winners.

Contact us :
United States-India Educational Foundation
12 Hailey Road
New Delhi 110 001
Tel.: +91-11-4209-0909/2332-8944
Fax: +91-11-2332-9718

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