GNLU 3rd National B Plan Competition 2018 : Gujarat National Law University

Organisation : Gujarat National Law University
Competition Name : 3rd National B Plan Competition
Applicable For : Open for all types of startups
Contest Last Date : January 15, 2018
Website :
Terms & Conditions :

National B Plan Competition :

Rules of the Competition :
** Competition is open for all types of startups.
** An individual or a team comprising of maximum three members can participate.

Related : Gujarat National Law University GNLU Essay Competition 2016 :

** A person can be a member of only one team. GNLU Students and GNLU Alumni can jointly be part of the same team.
** A plan must be an original creation of the participants. Any form of plagiarism will amount to disqualification from the competition.

** The plan must not be under consideration for financing before any other institution or must not have been submitted to any other competition.
** Any deviation from the above mentioned rules shall render disqualification for the team.
** Business plan should be submitted at ecell AT in word document along with a power-point/video presentation including all necessary contents as mentioned in Annexure I.

** Submission in any other mode shall not be entertained.
** Timeline shall be strictly adhered to.
** The decision of the jury shall be final.

Who can participate?
** Any individual or team can participate.

Process of Participation :
** The participants should e-mail business plan latest by January 15, 2018 in the word document along with a power-point/video presentation including all necessary contents as mentioned in Annexure I.
** Submission should be e-mailed to ecell AT within the timeline.
** Top ten business plans adjudged by the jury will be invited for presentation at GNLU.
** There is no entry fee for participation.

Contact Address :
Attalika Avenue, Knowledge Corridor, Koba,
Koba (Sub P. O.), Gandhinagar – 382426 (Gujarat), INDIA.
Phone No. : +91-79-23276611/23276612
Fax No. : +917878186624, +91-79-23276613
Email : contact AT

About Us :
Gujarat National Law University (GNLU) is the statutory university established by the Govt. of Gujarat under the Gujarat National Law University Act, 2003. The University is recognized by the Bar Council of India (BCI) and the University Grants Commission (UGC) (2f & 12B). The University is also a member of the Association of Indian Universities (AIU), United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI), International Association of Law Schools (IALS), Asian Law Institute (ASLI) and Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute.

The Objectives of the University :
The GNLU Act 2003 proclaims that GNLU, “shall be to advance and disseminate learning and knowledge of law and legal processes and their role in national development: to develop in the students and the research scholars sense of responsibility to serve society in the field of law by developing skills in regard to advocacy, legal services, legislation, parliamentary practice, law reforms and such other matters; to make law and legal processes efficient instruments of social development; and to promote inter-disciplinary study of law in relation to management, technology, international cooperation and development.”

The ethos of imparting education in Gujarat National Law University comprises a mutual endeavour of the Faculty and the students who become part of our august family after clearing the hurdle of a rigorous and strenuous selection procedure, since only the cream of the country finds a place amidst us. The University has been in the process of striving for academic and professional excellence in the field of legal studies in the country. The University became functional from the year, 2004.

This post was last modified on February 22, 2021 4:37 PM

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