NLU Delhi CCI-NLUD Competition Law Moot 2018 :

Organisation : NLU Delhi
Competition Name : CCI – NLUD Competiton Law Moot 2018
Contest Last Date : December 1, 20171
Applicable For : Undergraduate degree Students

Website :
Announcement :
CCI-NLUD Moot Brochure :
Amended Rules :
Clarifications :

CCI-NLUD Competition Law Moot :

It gives us immense pleasure to announce that the Competition Commission of India (CCI), in collaboration with National Law University, Delhi (NLUD) will organise the 1st edition of the CCI-NLUD Competition Law Moot in February, 2018 at National Law University, Delhi.

Related : RMLNLU SSC International Media Law Moot Court Competition 2018 :

Format of the Moot :
** The Moot shall be based on the memorial elimination format. The top twenty-four (24) teams shall be selected to plead before eminent judges from the bar, bench, regulatory authorities, academia and industry in February 16-18, 2018.

The Organisers :
Competition Commission of India is a regulatory body established by the Government of India with effect from 14 October 2003. The duty of the Commission is to eliminate practices having adverse effect on competition, promote and sustain competition, protect the interests of consumers and ensure freedom of trade in the markets of India.

The Commission is also required to undertake competition advocacy, create public awareness and impart training on competition issues.

The Moot Schedule :
The Schedule for the Moot is as follows :
Opening of Registration: September 10, 2017
Release of the Moot Problem: September 10, 2017
Last date of Submission of Memorials : December 1, 2017
Oral Rounds: February 17-18, 2018

Eligibility :
** All participants must be full-time candidates presently enrolled in an undergraduate degree programme in law in India.

Links :
Follow this space at for more updates down the line!

Contact :
** Queries may be addressed to Prof. (Dr.) Harpreet Kaur (Faculty Coordinator) at ccinludmoot[at]

Amended Rules and Clarifications :
8. Memorial Rules
B. Penalties
a) Any memorial violating any of the specifications mentioned under Rule 8.A will be penalized according to the following scheme :

S. No. Criterion Penalty (each side)
1. Late submission of Memorials (both hard copies and soft copies) (-) 1 mark each, for every hour after the Last Date
2. Exceeding page limits prescribed in Rule 8A (a) (-) 1 mark per extra page
3. Not following the format prescribed in Rule 8A (c), (h) & (i) (-) 0.5 mark per specification per page
4. Excluding relevant/Including irrelevant items in the Cover Page as in Rule 8A (c) (-) 1 mark per inclusion/exclusion
5. Exclusion of items mentioned in Rule 8A (a) (-) 2 mark per specification
6. Submitting electronic copies of memorials in multiple emails (-) 1 mark
7. Speaking footnote or endnote (-) 0.5 mark per footnote
8. Not following the 4th Edition OSCOLA style (-) 0.5 mark per page

b) There will be a maximum cap on the penalties which are imposed for the violations mentioned in the table:
i. For late submission of memorials a maximum of 12 marks will be imposed as penalties.

ii. For not following the formatting specifications prescribed in Rules (c), (h) & (i) as mentioned under Rule 8.A along with speaking footnotes and endnotes, a maximum penalty of 20 marks will be imposed.

iii. For not following the 4th Edition OSCOLA style, a maximum penalty of 5 parks will be imposed on each memorial.
iv. No cap on penalties will be imposed on any specification other than those mentioned above.

Note :
** The teams are hereby informed that only two memorials, one representing each side, have to be prepared.

This post was last modified on August 20, 2024 11:29 AM

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