II JLU National Moot Court Competition 2018 : Jagran Lakecity University

Organisation : Jagran Lakecity University
Competition Name : II JLU National Moot Court Competition 2018
Competition Last Date : January 15, 2018
Competition Date : February 16TH – 18TH
Applicable For : Students of 3 years/ 5 years undergraduate LL.B. degree
Website : https://www.jlu.edu.in/
Download Instructions : https://www.contest.net.in/uploads/28519-MOOT2018.pdf

II JLU National Moot Court Competition :

1. Structure Of The Competition :
The Competition will be structured as per the following format:
a. Preliminary Rounds
b. Quarter Final Rounds
c. Semi Final Rounds
d. Final Round

Related : NLU Delhi CCI-NLUD Competition Law Moot 2018 : www.contest.net.in/28435.html

2. Language :
The language of the Competition shall be English.

3. Eligibility :
** Students pursuing 3 years/ 5 years undergraduate LL.B. degree course are eligible to participate in this competition.
** Only one team can participate from each institution.

4. Team Composition :
** The team composition, for the competition, shall comprise of either two members (being designated as Speakers) OR three members (two of them shall be designated as Speakers and one Researcher). A fourth or third team member can participate as Observer, subject to the payment of Registration fees for Observer. The Observer will not be permitted to argue as Speaker in any case whatsoever.

** The Researcher may be permitted to argue as Speaker in case of illness or any unforeseen event, but the permission of the Moot Court Convener in such case shall be mandat ory.

5. Dress Code :
** The participants shall adhere to following dress code when present in any court room during the Competition.
a. Girls :
** White salwar and kurta or white shirt and black trousers along with black coat and black shoes.

b. Boys :
** White shirt, black trousers and black tie along with black coat and black shoes.

Note :
The participating teams shall also adhere to the above mentioned dress code while attending the inaugural and valedictory ceremonies of the Competition.

6. Participation And Registration Procedure :
** Teams must register by January 15, 2018 by sending an email to mcc.sol AT jlu.edu.in with the subject “Registration for II JLU National Moot Court Competition”. On receiving the registrations, 40 teams will be allowed to participate in the Competition on First come-First serve basis.

** The same will be notified immediately to the respective teams through electronic mail. Selected teams must confirm their participation by January 20, 2018 by sending an email to mcc.sol AT jlu.edu.in. Each Team shall be allotted a Team Code upon confirmation of participation.

** The duly filled in hard copies of the Registration Form along with a demand draft of INR 4,500/- (Indian Rupees Four Thousand Five Hundred Only) must reach the Organizers by January 25, 2018. In case the team comprises of an observer also, the amount for the demand draft shall be INR 6,000/- (Indian Rupees Six Thousand Only). The demand draft will have to be made in favour of ‘Jagran Lakecity University, Bhopal’ payable at Bhopal.

** The participating teams must send their Registration Forms accompanied with demand draft and travel plan only through Speed Post. The teams shall solely be responsible for any kind of delay in receipt of Registration Form.

The Registration form along with Demand Draft and Travel Plan should e sent to the following address :
Prof. Dr Yogendra Kumar Srivastava
S-643, Nehru Nagar,
Bhopal-462003 (M.P.) India

7. Guidelines For Formatting :
1. Memorial Structure: The memorial must have following pages only:
i. Cover Page – The cover page shall contain the case title, side of the memorial, year of competition, name of the Court and team Code on top right cor ner.
ii. Table of Contents
iii. List of Abbreviations
iv. Index of Authorities
v. Statement of Jurisdiction
vi. Statement of Facts
vii. Issues Raised
viii. Summary of Arguments
ix. Pleadings /Arguments Advanced
x. Prayer

2. Team Code :
** The team code must be ascribed on the top right cor ner of the cover page.

3. Content Specifications :
The following content specifications must be strictly adhered to:
i. Font and Size (General) – Times New Roman, 12 pts
ii. Line Spacing (General) – 1.5 lines
iii. Font and Size (Footnotes) – Times New Roman, 10 pts
iv. Line Spacing (Footnotes) – Single line
v. Page Margins – 1 inch on all sides
vi. The Hard Copies of the Memorial shall be printed on only one side.
vii. The citation should be in compliance with the 20th edition of Bluebook. Speaking footnotes or Endnotes are not allowed.

8. Marking Criteria For Memorials :
Marking Criteria – Marks Allotted :
Evidence of Original Thought – 20
Knowledge of Law and Facts – 20
Proper and Articulate Analysis – 20
Correct format and Citation – 20
Extent and Use of Research – 20
Total Marks – 100

9. Researcher’S Test :
** The “Researcher Test” shall take place on February 17, 2018. Only the Researcher, as indicated in the team registration form, shall take the researcher test.

** The speaker can only take the researcher test if the team comprises of two speakers only, which shall be communicated well in advance.
** The test shall be limited to general understanding of law and to the moot pr oposition.

10. Awards :
The competition embraces following awards :
Best Team : Rs. 1,50,000
Runners-Up : Rs. 1,00,000
Best Memorial : Rs. 25,000
Best Speaker : Rs. 25,000
Best Researcher : Rs. 25,000

11. Accommodation And Travel :
** Accommodation and food shall be provided to all teams by the organisers from February 16 – 18, 2018.
** Teams willing to stay beyond or before the dates of the moot, as specified, will have to pay Rs. 1000/- per member per day.

** The interested students are required, to inform the Organizing Committee, through their Travel & Accommodation Form, so as to enable them to make necessary arrangements.
** Under no circumstances the Organizer shall provide accommodation to any other person accompanying the team.
** Teams should send their travel plans by January 25, 2018.

This post was last modified on February 22, 2021 4:50 PM

Categories: Law College
Tags: jlu.edu.in
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