BBAAU National Moot Court Competition-2018 : Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University

Organisation : Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University
Competition Name : 1St National Moot Court Competition-2018
Competition Last Date : 20th December 2017.
Competition Date : 7th January’ 18
Applicable For : Law  Sudents
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National Moot Court Competition :

** The School of Legal Studies, Department of Human Rights, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar ( Central) University, Lucknow as a part of its endeavour of providing and facilitating its support to the student community of the Country, takes immense pleasure in announcing the 1st edition of its National Moot Court Competition. The event will be held from 6th– 8th January 2018.

Related : Jagran Lakecity University II JLU National Moot Court Competition 2018 :

** The competition aims at providing a firsthand exposure to the practical aspects of the legal profession to the students participating in the event. We request you for an active participation of your institution in the competition.. Kindly confirm your participation via provisional registration by 20th December 2017. In case of any queries regarding the competition, you may write to us at nmcccdhr AT

Sr. Event Date :
1. Release of Moot Proposition – 29th November’17
2. Last Date for registration ( ) – 20th December’ 17
3. Last Date for submission of soft copy of Memorials and DD/NEFT on nmcccdhr AT – 25th December’ 17
4. Last Date for submission of hard copy of Memorials and DD/NEFT by post. (1 hard copy of the memorial) – 30th December’ 17
5. Commencement of Moot Court Competition – 6th January’ 18
6. Commencement of Oral Rounds – 7th January’ 18

All hard copies of registration form, DD, travel plan should be sent to :
Prof. Priti Saxena,
Head, Department of Human Rights
Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar (Central) University,
Vidya Vihar, Raebareli Road,
Lucknow – 226025

Dates And Venue :
The 1st National Moot Court Competition-2018, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar (Central) University, Lucknow will be held from 6th – 8th January 2018, at the School for Legal Studies, Department of Human Rights, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar (Central) University, Lucknow Vidya Vihar, Raebareli Road, Lucknow – 226025

Team Prerequisites :
a. The language for the Competition shall be English only.
b. Participation is restricted to bona-fide law students either enrolled in the 3-year L L.B law course or the 5-year integrated law course.
c. Each team shall comprise of either three members (two Speakers and one Researcher) or two members (two Speakers) only.
Note : No observer, teacher or fourth member is allowed to accompany the team.

d. The oral rounds shall comprise of :
1. Preliminary Rounds (two)
2. Quarter- Final Rounds
3. Semi- Final Rounds
4. Final Round

Registration :
a. The teams should provisionally register with their respective team members( Names of Mooters and Researcher in the mail) through e-mail by sending a mail to (with subject Moot Court Registration 2018) by 20th December 2017
b. For accounting details please visit The participation fees shall Rs. 3000 per team. Additional charges of Rs. 500 each per person shall be taken from participants seeking food and accommodation.

Dress Code :
** The dress code for the oral rounds shall be advocate’s attire, i.e Black and White combination including Blazer and Formal Shoes. The participants are to dress up in Western Formals for the other events taking place during the competition.

Accommodation :
** The participants would be provided accommodation for the period of the Competition at the premises of the University. Please note that separate accommodation will be provided for girls and boys. The accommodation will be provided from 6th January 2018, after 10:00 am to 9th January 2018 till 10:00 am.

Memorials :
The following requirements for memorials must be strictly followed. Non conformities will be penalized :
A. Each team must prepare memorials for both parties to the dispute.
B. Once the memorials have been submitted, no revision, supplements or additions will be allowed.
C. All participating teams shall submit 3 sets of written memorials (3 Petitioners and 3 Respondent memorials). The Cover Page of the memorials for the prosecution shall be in Blue and the defense shall be in Red.

** One advance soft copy in PDF format of each of the memorials for both the parties to the dispute must reach the organizers latest by 25th December 2017 on nmcccdhr AT by 11:59 pm.
** One hard copy of each of the memorials is to reach the organizers by 30th December 2017 at the aforementioned address.

Marking Criteria For Memorials :
1. Knowledge of facts and law (20)
2. Proper and articulate analysis (20)
3. Extent and use of research (20)
4. Clarity and Organization (20)
5. Citation of sources (10)
6. Grammar and Style (10)

The Cover Page Of The Memorials Must State The Following :
** The Case Title
** Identity of brief as prosecution or defense
** The identity of the Institution or the members shall not be revealed anywhere in the memorial.

** Violation of this provision shall result in disqualification. The decision of the organizers will be final. The hard copies must be exact print outs of the soft copies. Non-compliance with this rule would entail disqualification.
** The memorial would be assessed only for the preliminary rounds for the selection of the best and the second-best memorial.

This post was last modified on July 8, 2021 1:10 PM

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