Money Control Budget Hackabot Challenge 2018 :

Organization : : Moneycontrol/ Money Control
Competition Name : Budget Hackabot Challenge
Applicable For : Indian citizens above the age of 18
Competition Date : December 16-17, 2017
Website :
Terms & Conditions

Budget Hackabot Challenge :

Think Big, Think Disruption :
The Union Budget is amongst the most important events for citizens and the government alike. It affects each one of us directly or indirectly in some way or the other.

Related : Money Control Sensex Challenge 2017 :

Yet, each year the budget is beyond the comprehension of many of us. We are unable to cut through the chaff and understand what impact it has on our day to day life.


Moneycontrol is at the forefront in engaging audiences with our budget coverage. And this year it’s your opportunity to be part of our Budget 2018 story. Take on a challenge to collaborate and create a novel prototype in each of these segments.

Spend an entire weekend innovating and collaborating. Hear from and network with some of the best minds in Fintech. And most importantly, the winning team can see their output come alive on Moneycontrol. Ofcourse there is a prize money of INR 4 lakhs for first place and INR 2 lakhs for the runner-up up for grabs. Plus loads of other goodies!

A distinguished jury comprising of Moneycontrol’s internal decision makers as well as industry leaders will evaluate the products built by the teams. 2 teams will be shortlisted and move to the post Hackathon phase.

The criteria for selection :
The product should be a cutting-edge information dissemination and decision-making tool for customers around the budget. Once the shortlists are announced, the Moneycontrol product team will collaborate extensively with these 2 teams further for the next 45 days and then one product will be launched on Moneycontrol on budget day. Read more about the problems, we want you to solve.

Location :
Join us on 16th and 17th December 2017 at WeWork BKC, Bandra Kurla Complex, Mumbai

Recharge with our facilities :
** Food & beverages will be provided at the venue. (Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner)
** Participants and guests will be given coupons at the venue
** Multiple optional breakout events during the course of the hackathon to keep you charged up
** Networking session at the end of the hackathon to meet mentors and industry leaders

Terms & Conditions :
A. Awards Objective :
** The Budget Hackabot Challenge Hackathon is open to everyone who is resident Indian and of at least 18 years of age and is eligible and has the mental capacity to form a binding contract; and is not legally barred from participating from any of the contest.

** All Participants will be required to present an acceptable form of ID with a photo at the Hackathon. You have a right to work in India. The participants have to participate in a team only. Individual entries are not permitted. A team will comprise of a minimum 2 team members and can be of maximum upto 5 members.

** Employees or close family members of employees of E-18, or any person directly or indirectly involved in the running of the Hackathons or their direct family members are not eligible to enter the Hackathons.

B. Registration :
To be registered as a participant, You must :
** fully complete and submit the registration form on or before midday 10th December 2017
** Registration is only possible through the online registration form available at ;
** comply with the eligibility criteria set out in this terms and conditions.

** due to space limitations, E18 may decide to close registrations for the Hackathon prior to the Registration Last Date.
** You are responsible for ensuring that you are able to connect to and lodge your registration form before the Last Date, and for all costs you incur in relation to the registration.

** E-18 accepts no responsibility for registrations that are late, not received, incomplete or contain incorrect or inaccurate details; or
** if the is not available to any applicant or participant for any reason.
** E-18 may, at its absolute discretion allow late registrations.

C. Competition :
** The Hackathon is hosted and organized by E-18 at WeWork BKC on 16th December at 9:00 am until 17th December at 9:00 pm;
** You may submit only one entry for Hackathon;

** You shall have time to work and finalize Your entry for the competition from 9:00 am on 16th December to 4:00 pm on 17th December 2017.
** Participants are encouraged to bring their own laptop. E-18 will provide internet access also for such laptops. E-18 will make available to the Participants data sets stored in a sandbox environment.

D. Entry :
** On the registration page, you will be given 3 problem statements to select from. On the day of the hackathon, you can work on a solution for the problem statements.

** Eligible entries for selection must be a working prototype for the selected challenge. While the teams are not expected to provide the final solution, the solution should be functional and demonstrate a creative solution to the problem. However, the final decision shall rest with the judge panel appointed by E18.

our entry must :
** be original, solely developed as part of the Hackathon and not developed in the course of employment for a third party;

** be developed by the Participant/s who submit the entry, except in compliance with clause;
** be in accordance with these Terms and in response to the Project Brief;
** shall not, infringe any third party rights or contain confidential information that you do not have the right to include;
** not contain any third-party software, other than open source software;

** not have already been submitted in connection with any other application process, competition or request for funding, or otherwise disclosed to any other third parties;
** not contain any inappropriate, offensive or malicious code or material;
** You are only allowed to submit one entry per team;

** You must not disclose Your entry, or the idea on which the entry is based, until after the winners are announced;
** The judging panel may choose not to consider an entry which does not meet the requirements of this clause; and
** Any materials submitted as part of an entry will become the property of E-18 and the E-18 will not have any obligation to return these materials to You. You shall not protest to this.

** By participating in Hackathons, You will be disclosing and demonstrating your entry to other entrants of the Hackathon and the Judging Panel. You must ensure that you are comfortable sharing any information and ideas in this way.
** Entries must be presented in English or if in another language, must be accompanied by a simultaneous English translation

This post was last modified on August 21, 2024 3:19 PM

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