ibnalhaytham.in i Quiz 2015 National Level Competition : Muslim Educational Social & Cultural Organisation

Organization : Muslim Educational Social & Cultural Organisation
Competition Name : i Quiz 2015 National Level Quiz Competition
Applicable For : School Children Aged 13-16 Years
Applicable States : All Over India
Quiz 2015 Dates : July 2015 to September 2015

Website : http://ibnalhaytham.in/
To participate in i Quiz, Register Here : http://ibnalhaytham.in/register-for-iquiz-2015

i Quiz 2015 :

i Quiz 2015 is a National level Quiz competition aimed to promote awareness among the student population about the scientific discoveries made during the 7th to 16th century period, with emphasis on light based discoveries and its impact on different fields of science viz. agriculture, astronomy, mathematics, optics, education, medicine etc.

Target Audience FAQ :

The competition will be open for School children aged 13-16 years studying in any recognized Government/Private school in India.

Who is conducting i Quiz 2015?:
i Quiz 2015 is being conducted in association with UNESCO as a part of 2015 International Year of Light celebrations. The quiz is being organized in India by a group of 3 organizations namely MESCO, ILM Foundation and MS Education Academy.

When is i Quiz 2015 going to be held?:
i Quiz 2015 will be held starting July 2015 to September 2015

What is the format of i Quiz 2015?:
i Quiz 2015 will be held in 7 Stages namely Intra School, Inter School, Inter City, State-level Selection/Elimination, Inter State, Inter Zone and Grand Final Stage

Where is i Quiz 2015 going to be held?:
i Quiz 2015 will be held in 64 cities across India. The list of cities can be found on our website www.ibnalhaytham.in

For schools enrolling 50 students or more, Stage-1 of the Quiz will be held in the School itself. Stage-2 (Inter School) will be held in the same city where your school is located. The rest of the stages will be held at Capital Cities and the information about these venues will be communicated well in advance.

Note: Travel &/or Stay arrangements for Participants (for out-station test centers) will be discussed at an appropriate time (sponsorship is being solicited)

Can Schools from outside the select 64 Cities apply for i Quiz 2015?:
Yes. Schools from cities other than those mentioned on our Website are also allowed to participate. However, the School has to take responsibility of sending its Students to the nearest test centers/Capital Cities

What is the Syllabus/Content Scope for i Quiz 2015?:
i Quiz 2015 will be conducted on the theme of ‘Golden Age of Science with focus on Contributions of Ibn Al-haytham’. The quiz will primarily cover questions about the Scientific Inventions and Research Studies that have taken place during the Medieval Century i.e. 7th Century to 16th Century.

Also, since the main theme for UNESCO’s IYL is Light and Light-based technologies, the quiz will also cover questions about Ibn Al-haytham, a Medieval Century scientist who is considered to have laid the foundations for Optics.

What are the broad topics that will be asked in i Quiz 2015?:
The questions for i Quiz 2015 will be based on inventions and innovations that have taken place between 7th & 16th Century in the field of Optics, Medicine, Science, Astronomy, Physics, Chemistry, Geography, Architecture etc.

What is the Registration process for i Quiz 2015?:
There are two stages for Registration for i Quiz 2015. The first stage is going to be School-based i.e. interested schools will have to first register for the Quiz in the name of the School only. Concerned authorities from the school will have to visit ibnalhaytham.in/school-registration and fill out the details.

Stage 2 is individual registration where in our team will contact the registered schools and personally visit them & take them through the process of Individual participant registration.

Is there any registration fees for Participants?:
Yes, every participant will have to pay INR 150/- to get themselves registered for i Quiz 2015.

Will the students be given a Registration Number?:
Yes. After due completion of registration process and payment of fees, every participant will be given a unique ID. Participants must preserve this UID till the completion of the Quiz for the purpose of appearing in further rounds, if qualified and for receiving the Participation Certificates.

How can Students prepare for the Quiz? Will they receive any Study Material?:
Yes. The students will be provided with a Participant Booklet containing information about the topics for i Quiz 2015. Along with it, the booklet will also have website links, reference books and other list of resources from which students can access more information and prepare accordingly.

What will be the format of Question Paper?:
Until Stage 5, the quiz will be conducted in a written format. At every stage, Participants will be given a question paper comprising 100 Multiple Choice questions. The participants will get 2 hours of time to answer the Multiple Choice questions.

Stage 6 (Semi-final) and Stage 7 (Grand Final) will comprise other rounds (e.g. Research project, Live Stage Quiz etc) apart from the written quiz. Details about the format in these stages will be provided in the Participation Booklet.

What will be the format of Answer Sheet?:
The participants will have to attempt the Quiz in an OMR (Optical Mark Recognition/Reading) sheet where they will shade the right option with a HB pencil provided.

Is there any Sample Question paper for reference?:
Yes. There is a sample test that we’ve designed for the understanding of Participants. You can visit our event website www.ibnalhaytham.in to take the mock test.

What are the Awards/Prizes for the Competition?:
The Grand Final round will be held between 16 Finalists out of which 8 Participants will qualify to be awarded with Ist, IInd, and IIIrd & 5 Consolation Prizes. The winners will be gifted with Cash prizes & Souvenirs.
Ist prize – INR 5 Lakhs
IInd Prize – INR 3 Lakhs
IIIrd Prize – INR 1 Lakh
Consolation Prizes – INR 50,000 each

Will Participants receive any Acknowledgement?:
Yes. Every participant will be given a Participation Certificate acknowledged by UNESCO.

Will the Schools receive any Acknowledgement?:
Yes. Every School that sends at least 50 participants will be gifted with a ‘Proud Partner of IYL 2015’ souvenir with UNESCO logo.

In addition to this, we’d like for the schools to appoint at least one Coordinator who will be coordinating with the team of i Quiz 2015 & will also guide the students throughout the Quiz. At the end of the event, we will also be felicitating select School coordinators who have provided immense support to students and the Organizers of i Quiz 2015.

Last but not the least; we will also be felicitating the School principals of those schools whose students have reached the Grand Finale Stage.

Can a Student apply individually if his/her school is not interested?:
Currently, the registration process is strictly School-based as this will help us organize the logistics easily.

However, the purpose of the event is primarily to encourage students to seek more knowledge about the various Scientific innovations that mankind has made since its existence and in the process inspire them to be more dedicated towards Science and its associated subjects.

For this reason, we are willing to encourage individual participation provided that the student will take full responsibility for his/her registration and appearance for examination at the allotted centers.


I Quiz 2015
C/o Muslim Educational Social & Cultural Organisation
# 22-1-1037/1, Darul Shifa, Hyderabad 500024 (A.P.)
Telangana, India.

Mobile No: 9247578583

This post was last modified on February 24, 2022 2:53 PM

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