ACM ICPC Asia Amritapuri Double Site Regional Contest : Amrita School of Engineering

Organisation : Amrita School of Engineering, Amritapuri
Competition Name : ACM ICPC Asia Amritapuri Double Site Regional Contest
Competition Date : 26 – 27, December 2017
Competition Last Date : December 15th.
Website : icpc [dot] amrita [dot] ac [dot] in
Apply Here : icpc [dot] amrita [dot] ac [dot] in

ACM ICPC Asia Amritapuri Double Site Regional Contest :

Process for registration :
1. Foreign teams shall complete their registration in the Baylor System before sending. This includes entering the passport details also.

2. After the successful completion of all the profile data, coach’s Head of the Department or Institution head has to send a letter [in the official institutional letter head] stating the participation of the team members at ACM ICPC Asia Amritapuri Site. This letter shall be addressed to the “Regional Contest Director”, ACM ICPC, Amrita University. Scanned copy of the letter shall be sent by email to icpc[at] Name of the team members in the letter shall be same as in their passport.

3. Invitation letter for Visa application is issued only after receiving this letter.
4. Registration fees for the foreign teams is USD 150. This includes food and hostel accommodation for the team members including the coaches.
5. All the registration formalities shall be completed by December 15.

Transportation & Accommodation : (How to reach: Amritapuri , Coimbatore)
Transportation :
** Free Transportation is arranged from nearest railway station.
Accommodation :
** One team is allotted a room in the hostel. Two coaches are accommodated in one room.

Confirmation of Participation :
Filling the vacant slots :
** Since there are some vacant slots, we have sent out emails to the team members in the probable list. These teams can fill the form by November 23rd 05:00 PM. We will select the teams in the rank order from the list of teams who have submitted their willingness to participate and publish by 24th.

Payment details :
Payment of Fees: INR 3000 is to be paid in the following account:
If you are paying by NEFT:
Account No: 026005300006900
Branch Code: 260
IFSC Code: DLXB0000260
MICR: 690048801
** After you do the payment via NEFT, enter the details here. Make sure that you enter the right details so that it helps us to identify your transaction

** If you are paying by DD, it has to be in favor of “Amrita Consultancy”, payable at Kollam. Enter your DD details here
** Send your demand draft after writing your team name, online contest user id and institution name behind the demand draft to : Anand Shenoi, Admission Office, Amrita School of Engineering, Clappana P.O, Kollam. Teams who paid the fees will be published in the website as an when the fee payment is confirmed.

General Information :
** Contest days are 26 & 27th December.
** Accommodation will start on 25th noon.
** ICPC Food will be served on 26 & 27.
** Schedule will be published by tomorrow.
** Teams can reach one day before the contest and leave on the next day after the contest.
** Accommodation is arranged at free of cost during these days.

Team Selection :
** Top team from each institution whose team have solve at least one problem is selected first as per the first selection criteria.

** There are 269 institutions who registered for Amritapuri, participated in the contest and solved at least one problem.
** Teams who have solved all the problems and registered at Amritapuri will also be invited to participate in the onsite contest.
** Confirmation of participation shall be done by Monday, the 20th of November by entering your team details in the link sent to you by email.

** You will receive the link by Saturday, the 18th.
** The list of confirmed teams with the site allotted will be published on 21st.
** We will publish the list of teams to fill the vacant slots based on the rank (criteria as mentioned below).
** Interested teams shall pay the fees of INR 3000 latest by 25th.

** As per the spirit of ICPC, the objective is to include more institutions. In this view, not more than 10% slots for each site (Amritapuri & Coimbatore) will be invited for onsite participation from one single institution. Only those teams who solved three or more problems will be selected after applying the first selection criteria so that the better ranked teams are given chance to participate.
** Write to icpc[at] for any concerns.

Site Allotment :
** Site is allotted in alternate way. Teams are sorted in the rank order. First team gets Amritapuri and Second one is Coimbatore. There will not be any change in site already allotted.

Number of slots :
** A total of 250 slots are available for Asia Amritapuri Site. 125 each at Amritapuri campus and Coimbatore Campus.

Registration :
** First process in the registration is the payment of fees. Registration fee for the onsite contest participation is INR 3000. This includes meals for two days & transportation from the nearest railway station. Teams are promoted to the onsite round in Baylor site, after the confirmation of the onsite fees payment.

Guidelines for Contestants : (Refer the Regional Contest Rules in Baylor Site)
** It is mandatory to have all the three members present for the onsite contest.
** Team members shall bring the Proof of Identity in order to register at onsite and for attending the contest.
** Teams are allowed to carry 25 pages printed reference material in the contest arena.

The specifications are :
Page Margin – 1 CM
Paper size: A4
Font: Times New Roman, 12 pt
** No paragraph spacing.
** One workstation is allotted for a team for the contest.
** Contestants shall wear their ICPC T-Shirts and their ICPC Identity Card.

Schedule :
25th December :
0200 – 0700 HRS: Early Registration

26th December :
0700 – 0900 : Breakfast
0930 – 1230 : Late Registration
1230 – 0130 : Lunch
0200 – 0330 : Practice Session
0330 – 0430 : Tea break
0500 – 0600 : Inaugural Ceremony
0730 – 0930 : Banquet Dinner

27th December :
0700 – 0830 : Breakfast
0900 – 0200 : ACM ICPC Asia Amritapuri Double site contest
0230 – 0330 : Lunch
0330 – 0430 : Problem Discussion
0430 – 0530 : Invited Talk
0730 – 0930 : Dinner

Important Contacts :
For general queries: icpc[at], Phone: 0476 280 9400
Local Arrangements: Binu P K, binu[at]
Contest Environment: Dr. Jayaraj Poroor, jayarajp[at]

This post was last modified on August 1, 2023 4:11 PM

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