Pasighat Municipal Council Mere Sapano Ka Shaher Pasighat Essay Competition 2015 :

Organization : Pasighat Municipal Council
Competition Name : Mere Sapano Ka Shaher Pasighat Essay Competition 2015
Applicable For : Residents of Pasighat
Applicable City : Pasighat
Competition Last Date : 31st October, 2015

Junior Category :
Open Category :

Essay Competition For Smart City Pasighat – Junior Category :
Pasighat invites all its residents to participate in the essay competition for developing the vision of “Pasighat Smart City”. This essay will focus on the issues faced by the residents of the city, and the likely smart solutions which can address these issues. The entries will help Pasighat Municipal Council to develop a vision and sub-goals for the City plan taking into consideration the aspirations of its residents. The participants should focus on the practical, bankable & implementable ideas/solutions related to Smart City which should match the context of the city.

The topic of the essay is “My Dream Smart City Pasighat” (English) or “Mere Sapano Ka Shaher Pasighat” (Hindi) in no more than 1000 words.

The essay should have at least following:
1. Describe a “smart” idea that you have seen in some other city (anywhere in the world) that you would like to see replicated in your own city.
2. Describe three ways that the Pasighat city can reduce the gap between rich and poor.
3. List out five essential facilities provided by your local municipal council that should be available to all citizen.

How to Submit:
Entries may be submitted online through portal in PDF format latest by 31st October, 2015.

For offline submission, a hard copy of the essay should reach the following address before the due date:
National Informatics Centre (NIC)
O/o The Deputy Commissioner
Pasighat, East Siang District
Arunachal Pradesh – 791102.

Please clearly mention on the envelope in block letters “ESSAY COMPETITION FOR SMART CITY PASIGHAT – JUNIOR CATEGORY”.

The submission will be evaluated on the following criteria:
1. Do-ability (50%)
2. Innovation (50%)

Prize money for the top 3 essays is as follows:
1. First Prize – Rs. 5,000 (Five Thousand Rupees only)
2. Second Prize – Rs. 3,000 (Three Thousand Rupees only)
3. Third Prize – Rs. 2,000 (Two Thousand Rupees only)

This post was last modified on August 1, 2023 5:29 PM

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