Flipkart Stories Do Good Quiz Contest 2017

Organisation : Flipkart
Contest Name : Flipkart Stories Do Good Quiz Contest 2017 (#FlipkartDoGoodQuiz)
Applicable For : Residents of India (Except Residents of Tamilnadu)
Contest Last Date : December 20, 2017
Website : https://stories.flipkart.com/

Flipkart Do Good Quiz Contest

India is a fast-developing country, but a large chunk of its population still suffers from poverty. How do we, as citizens, join hands in alleviating poverty and the social evils that take root from it?

Related: Flipkart Affordable Shopping Quiz 2017 : www.contest.net.in/28745.html

Catch Madan Padaki, Leena Kejriwal and Mahantesh G K as they talk about the importance of active involvement in working towards a social cause and the power of the individual in helping those in need.

Listen to these podcasts to learn how you can play your part in making India better and play the #FlipkartDoGoodQuiz! 10 lucky winners will take home Flipkart gift vouchers worth Rs.500 each. Let’s play!

How To Participate

To be considered for a prize, the winning entries must fulfill the following conditions.

Condition 1: Answer all 10 questions correctly.
Condition 2: Enter your name and email address in the form.
Condition 3: ‘Like’ the Flipkart Stories Facebook page and/or follow the @FlipkartStories Twitter handle.
Condition 4: After completing the steps above, make sure you share this on your social pages:
Facebook users: Share this link, tag five of your friends and Flipkart Stories.
Twitter users: Share this post, tag five Twitterati and @FlipkartStories.

Listen To These Podcasts For Clues

** Blue Sky Podcast – Madan Padaki on CSR, life and satisfaction https://stories.flipkart.com/madan-padaki-csr-flipkart/
** Studio34 Podcast – Leena Kejriwal on being human https://stories.flipkart.com/podcast-leena-kejriwal/
** Mahantesh G Kivadasannavar – Founder, Samarthanam Trust for the Disabled https://stories.flipkart.com/ekart-holi-cards/

DO NOT forget to use the hashtag #FlipkartDoGoodQuiz. Ten contestants who complete these steps stand a chance to win Flipkart electronic gift vouchers (EGVs) worth Rs. 500 each.

The contest will close on Wednesday, December 20, 2017, at 1600 hours IST (4 pm). By playing this contest, it is understood that you have read and accepted the Terms and Conditions.

Terms & Conditions

** To participate in the #FlipkartDoGoodQuiz, users are required to follow the @FlipkartStories Twitter page and our Facebook page
** To be considered as one of the 10 winners, you are required to listen to these podcasts on Flipkart Stories and answer all the 10 questions correctly.
** Blue Sky Podcast – Madan Padaki on CSR, life and satisfaction https://stories.flipkart.com/madan-padaki-csr-flipkart/
** Studio34 Podcast – Leena Kejriwal on being human https://stories.flipkart.com/podcast-leena-kejriwal/
** Mahantesh G Kivadasannavar – Founder, Samarthanam Trust for the Disabled https://stories.flipkart.com/ekart-holi-cards/
** To be considered for a prize, contestants must share this Twitter contest by posting it on their Twitter timeline and/or Facebook timeline. Make sure @FlipkartStories is tagged in the tweet along with the hashtag #FlipkartDoGoodQuiz
** You are required to tag a minimum of 5 friends or Facebook/Twitter users known to you in the tweet/ Facebook post along with the hashtag #FlipkartDoGoodQuiz
** 10 lucky winners will be chosen
** Each of the chosen winners will receive Flipkart Electronic Gift Vouchers (EGVs) worth INR 500 (Rupees Five Hundred Only) .
** The contest will close on Wednesday, December 20, 2017 at 1600 hours IST (4 pm). The winners will be announced subsequently.
** EGVs shall be sent to the winner’s registered email address within 30 days of announcing winners.
** EGVs cannot be redeemed against cash or credit and can only be used to purchase products listed on Flipkart. If the recipient fails to submit the necessary details during participation in the quiz, the entry will be considered invalid.
** There is no entrance fee or requirement to purchase anything from the Flipkart site for being eligible

This post was last modified on February 25, 2022 12:11 PM

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