Technoxian Innovation Contest 2018

Organisation : Technoxian
Competition Name : Innovation Contest 2018
Competition Date : 23rd-24th June’18
Prize : INR 100,000/-
Contest Details :
Website :

Technoxian Innovation Contest

** 200+ teams participating in Innovation Contest Championship Challenge.

Related : IATA Ground Handling Conference Innovator Competition 2018 :

** All participants will get certification of Participation from “All India Council for Robotics & Automation” and “Department of Science & Technology, Govt of India”.
** Cash awards INR 100,000/- to winner teams.

Innovation Challenge :
Innovator’s team has to showcase their project developed with unique idea that will change the future of robotics and useful to nature or human being.

Contestant team has to give power point presentation during competition as well as showcashing their project.

Competition Information

Venue: Indira Gandhi Indoor Stadium, New Delhi.

Date: 23rd-24th June’18.
Registration Fee :
** For Indian resident: INR 2500/- + 18% GST per team.
** For Non India resident: USD 100 per team.

Registration mode: Online

Accommodation: Oyo rooms on 1st come, 1st serve basis. Tariff between INR 500 to 1000 per participant per night.

For any query, call +91 7835017162 or mail us at “”

Competition Scoring

Winner Team’s will be judged,upon the following criteria(based on 100 points).

5 Points on YouTube likes :
** Record video of your team preparing for TechnoXian competition and send that video on Email along with description of your preparation for TechnoXian 2017 with minimum 100 words.

** After scrutiny, we will upload that video on TechnoXian YouTube channel and update you. If you do it early, the probability of scoring maximum points will be high.
** Maximum 5 points will be awarded to teams based on number of likes on your video. 1 point will be given on each 50 likes on your video.
** Final likes will be calculated on 15th April.

5 Points on Facebook likes :
** Like Facebook page
** Click a photo of your team along with your robot or your preparation for TechnoXian’17 and write a description of minimum 100 words about TechnoXian and your preparation about it.
** Share the photo with us on Email We will upload it on TechnoXian’s official FB page.
** Maximum 5 points will be awarded based on number of likes on your link on our FB page. 1 point will be given on each 50 likes.
** Last date to check likes is 15th April.

90 Points :
** Creativity, innovation, usability, possibility to commercialize etc.

Game Play

First Round: Project presentation, the scoring criteria of this round are; originality, usefulness and feasibility of the proposed project.
** Scoring will done on the basis of quality of presentation.

Second Round: The scoring criteria of the second round are: idea fulfillment, design, user experience, compatibility and accessibility of the implemented mobile application.
** Every submission will be graded on a scale of 1 to 5 by several members of the jury.
** The jury will not have access to any information regarding the identity of the app’s creators.
** An application can win in more than one category.

Rules & Regulations

** Contestant acknowledges and agrees that organizer may collect, store, share and otherwise use personally identifiable information provided during the registration process and the competition, including, but not limited to, name, mailing address, phone number, email address, and curriculum vitae. organizer will use this information, including for administering the competition and verifying contestants’ identity, postal address and telephone number in the event a contestant qualifies for a prize, and if agreed to by contestant, for recruiting purposes, by the competition’s corporate partners or sponsors.

** Contestant’s information may also be transferred to countries outside the country of Contestant’s residence.
** Such other countries may not have privacy laws and regulations similar to those of the country of Contestant’s residence.
** If a Contestant does not provide the mandatory data required at registration, organizer reserves the right to disqualify the entry.

** Contestant has the right to request access, review, rectification or deletion of any personal data held by organizer in connection with the Competition by writing to organizer at this email address:

This post was last modified on August 21, 2024 3:03 PM

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