Geological Society IESO 2018 International Earth Science Olympiad Entrance Test :

Organisation : MOES Ministry of Earth Sciences, Geological Society of India
Contest Name : IESO International Earth Science Olympiad Entrance Test 2018
Applicable For : Students of 9th, 10th and 1th Higher Secondary Schools/ Junior Colleges
Application Last Date : Jan 10th, 2018
Exam Date : 21st January 2018
Website :
Application Form :

Geological Society IESO Olympiad

The Geological Society of India is thankful for joining hands to conduct the Entrance Test for Earth Science Olympiad 2017. Please find below the guidelines for the smooth conduct of the entrance test and evaluation.

Related / Similar Olympiad : Geological Society INESO 2021

IESO Entrance Test

An entrance test will be held on 21 January, 2018 at over 75 centers. The 1 ½ hour test at 10.30 am will be in English & comprise objective type questions spanning the Geosphere, Atmosphere, Hydrosphere & Astronomy.

For syllabus & limited reading materials, visit index.php/ieso. Applications along with a fee of Rs. 100/- by money order or demand draft or cash (in the NAME of test center In-charge) should be sent to the In-charge of the test center where the candidate intends writing the test.

The candidate should carry the school identity card and SHOULD NOT CARRY ANY MOBILE PHONE on the day of the test. Twenty five students chosen in order of merit will attend a Training Camp.

IESO Guidelines

1. The application forms for the entrance test can be received from the students of 9th, 10th and 11th higher secondary schools / junior colleges, born after 1.7.1999 along with Rs. 100/- either by cash/money order or DD.

2. On receipt of the application form a registration number has to be assigned that includes the centre code as well as application number. For example Mysore having only one centre will have Mys1 (Mys1001) as centre code followed by application number.

The centre code will be communicated shortly. A receipt with registration number duly signed by the In-charge of the centre and stamped may be issued to the applicant.

3. The test starts from 10.30 am on 21st January 2018 and will be of 90 minutes duration. Students will have to answer 100 multiple choice questions.

4. During the course of the entrance test, Centre-in-Charge (one person for each centre only) will get the signatures of the students on the attendance sheet and the invigilators in the examination hall. For every 30 students there will be one invigilator. Each centre can make use of services of an attender.

5. The remuneration for the services will be paid as in the previous years (current rate: Rs.5,000/- for In- Charge, Rs.700/- per invigilator for every 30 students, Rs.400/- for one attendant for each Center and Rs.300/- for valuation of every 30 answer sheets).

There is a change in the valuation procedure and the new procedure will be sent as and when it is finalized. The funds collected for registration of the students may be utilized strictly for Xeroxing question papers, stationery and remuneration.

The statement for the same with excess amount/fund to be submitted / sent along with remuneration details. If there is excess expenditure, the same will be reimbursed by the Society on receipt of the statement of expenditure and vouchers.

The expenditure statement along with duly signed receipts including honorarium to be sent to Geological Society of India before 30th January 2018.

6. Confidentiality of the question papers should be strictly maintained. Any leakage of the question paper may lead to total cancellation of the centre for final selection in future programme of the IESO.

All the centers must take necessary precautions. The entrance examination is designed for a fair and healthy competition amongst the young students. We once again thank you all for your co-operation from all parts of the country for encouraging students to participate in Earth Science Olympiad, in turn creating awareness in Earth Science among youngsters.

7. Soft copies of the application form and the pamphlet/brochure (hard copies of the same will be sent shortly) are attached for distribution. Further details of IESO can be accessed from Society website Kindly feel free to contact us if you need any clarification.

Training Camp

The 25-day Training Camp in May 2018 will comprise lectures, discussions, planetarium visit, lab & field work. The Indian National Earth Science Olympiad will be held at the end of the Camp. The top four students will represent India at the 12th IESO in Thailand.

This post was last modified on August 20, 2024 11:20 AM

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