Camel Art Foundation Contest 2017 :

Organisation : Camel Art Foundation
Contest Name : Camel Art Foundation Contest 2017
Applicable For : Students & Professional Artists
Contest Last Date : 31st December, 2017
Website :

Camel Art Foundation Contest

Online entries are invited from students and professional artists for The Camel Art Foundation Contest – 2017.

Related / Similar Contest : Camel Art Foundation Contest 2019


Entry : FREE
Eligibility: 18 Years & Above
Category: Student/Professional
Mediums: Oil, Acrylic, Water, Drawing & Pastels
Online Judging: January 2018
Last Date For Receiving Entries: 31st December, 2017
Grande Finale Award: All expenses paid International Art Tour

National Awards:
** Professional – 1 Winner Per Medium – All Expenses Paid International Art Tour
** Student – 1 Winner Per Medium – All Expenses Paid International Art Tour
** 2 Best Entry Winners Per Medium – Camel Products Worth Rs. 21,000/- Each

Rules For The Contest

1. The registration is ONLINE. Last date of entry is 31st December, 2017.
2. For details on how to do online entries, click on ‘how to do online registration’ on camel art foundation home page.
3. Participants must be 18 years and above to enter this contest & choose ANY ONE category – student or professional.
4. There are four mediums – Oil, Acrylic, Water and Drawing & Pastels. Entry is FREE and you may send unlimited entries in any / all mediums.
5. Each entry should be on separate online entry form. The submission must have high resolution digital image of entry (jpeg format, minimum 300dpi and not exceeding 3 MB).The digital image file name will be the title of painting.
6. The painting should not be retouched and NO OTHER DETAILS should appear on it.
7. Professionals must attach scanned copy of their PAN CARD.
8. Students must submit scanned copy of valid Identity Card of institute or letter from the artist with whom they are learning.
9. All entries sent for the contest must be bona fide and ingenious works of the artists and executed after May 2016.
10. The submitted paintings for the entries should be prepared solely for the purpose of this contest and any paintings that has been exhibited in any competitive contest and/or exhibition shall be disqualified.
11. The actual size of painting should be above 30 x 30 centimeters WITHOUT FRAME.
12. Professional and Student National Winners will be declared after portfolio submission and telephonic / SKYPE interview.
13. The national prize will be a sponsored International Tour for four professional and four student winners.
14. International Tour will be for 7 – 10 days to any art centric location during May to July 2018.
15. Eight National Best Entry student winners will receive Camel product prizes worth MRP Rs. 21,000 each.
16. National Winners and Exhibits will be informed by email / phone call during Jan / Feb 2018.
17. Trophy and certificate will be hand delivered / couriered to National Winners in March 2018.
18. The entries selected in final judging will be exhibited ONLINE and offered for sale unless otherwise mentioned by the artist in the entry form.

Terms & Conditions

1. The Entrant / Participant hereby agrees that Camel Art Foundation shall have the right to use / reproduce / sell any of the participated works in any of their publications / products / activities. Respective artist will be mentioned and no remuneration in either cash or kind will be given.
2. The Entrants / Participants understand that their work shall be in public domain and the entrants / participants shall at no point of time hold Camel Art Foundation responsible for any third party infringement of their copyright.
3. Camel Art Foundation reserves the right to disqualify / reject any work if the jury considers it unworthy due to reasons including but not limited to number, quality, finesse, etc.
4. Winner would be declared through fair competition and selection for participation is done only if the candidates abide by the rules and terms & conditions mentioned on our website and respective brochure.
5. Camel Art Foundation shall put up the paintings for an online exhibition on its Website.
6. If the paintings get selected for a physical / online exhibition in any of the Art Gallery with which Camel Art Foundation is associated with, then the said associate art gallery will retain 30% as administrative costs, and balance proceeds from the sale will be given to the respective artist.
7. The role of Camel Art Foundation is to the extent of bridging the artist with the art gallery and Camel Art Foundation will have no role to play in the physical / online exhibition of the Paintings and the transaction between the artist and the said art gallery.
8. The artist should be aware that the said art galleries have their own set of rules and regulations, terms and conditions.
9. Camel Art Foundation is a philanthropic endeavor of Kokuyo Camlin Limited which has been set up to promote the language of Art and also to encourage young as well as professional artists. Camel Art Foundation shall not be responsible for any claims and/or damages from any artists/entrants/participants.
10. In case of dispute and legal action is initiated, the case should be filed in Mumbai jurisdiction.

Online Registration

Go to camel art foundation online registration form

Entry Form: Fill up all the details in the entry form and attach scanned painting image and Student ID/PAN Card (as applicable)
Resolution: Digital images of actual paintings should be in high resolution (minimum 300dpi and not exceeding 3mb)
File Format: jpeg format, saved at maximum quality
File Name: Title of painting

Agree to terms by ticking boxes below and click the ‘submit’ button. A unique code will appear on your screen, which is your reference code.

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