Vodafone Click to Win Smart Phone Contest 2015 : vodafone.contestzone.in

Organization : Vodafone India
Competition Name : Click to Win Smart Phone Contest 2015
Applicable For : WAP Competition Pack Member
Applicable States/UT : Chennai & Tamil Nadu, North East, Assam, Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, Mumbai, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh East, Uttar Pradesh West, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Gujarat, Maharasthra, Karnataka, Kolkatta , Rest Of Bengal, Bihar, Rajasthan, Delhi
Competition Last Date : 24th January 2016

Website : http://vil.contestzone.in/

Click to Win Smart Phone Contest:
Get smart and enter the world of style by winning an iPhone!

It’s a trendsetter. It takes you to the league of stylish people with great choice. We are talking about the new Apple iPhone 6 Plus that you could win by playing a Simple Quiz. From chatting with family to being connected with friends to browsing social media to doing your office work to watching your favorite movies and listening to your favorite songs, the list of things you could do if you have a smart, compatible iPhone 6 Plus are endless!

Do you wish to win the sleek and elegant Apple iPhone? That too, in the easiest way possible?

Vodafone brings you a chance to win this stylish iPhone 6 through a quiz contest on mobile which is very easy to play. Presenting the Click to Win Smart Phone competition of WAP competition pack.

If you are smart enough to answer questions like “What is 20 minus 10?” or “Delhi is the capital of which country” or “What does the traffic signal Red indicates?,” then it is time to participate in this awesome quiz and enjoy all the way to be a winner. This competition is a daily charging subscription contest and is part of Vodafone WAP Competition Pack. All you need is a basic mobile phone and enough balance to answer such simple questions. So start playing from 27th October 2015 to 24th January 2016.

How to start playing?:
There are 4, very simple ways to play this contest.
** By Clicking WAP Link – Click and follow the link wapstore.onmobile.com/vodafonecontest/wap at Rs.5 per day.
** By SMS – SMS KHEL to 199 or 144 absolutely free.
** By USSD – Dial *567*969# on your phone
** By giving consent through OBDs and IBDs that you receive.
** For each right answer, you will get 1 point. There is no negative mark for wrong answer.

Prizes to be won:
Grand Prize – Apple iPhone 6 Plus:
The name says it all! This brand is known for its visionary and innovative design, extreme user-friendliness, versatility, vibrant displays and outstanding performance. There is not one smart phone user who wishes to get a grab of the iPhone. Score a minimum of 100 points quickly in the quiz for a chance to win this!

Weekly Prize – Gold Voucher worth Rs.7,000:
Win Gold and gift it to your loved ones!! The Gold voucher enables you to by the jewelry of your liking! Check the weekly schedule and score 20 points quickly in the specified weeks to be eligible for the prize for the respective weeks.

Daily First Prize – Mobile Recharge worth Rs. 500:
How many times do we recharge our mobile phones in a month? For postpaid users, the bills are only getting higher and higher. Now you have a chance to win Rs.500 recharge for your mobile or Rs.500 credited to your postpaid bill! Answer just 7 easy questions correctly and get a chance to win this prize and freely talk to your loved ones.

Daily Second Prize – Mobile Recharge worth Rs. 200:
It is ok if you couldn’t win Rs.500 recharge! You could still win Rs.200 recharge just by answering 5 questions correctly. Yes, just 5 correct answers could win you Rs.250 mobile recharge!

Daily Third Prize – Mobile Recharge worth Rs. 100:
Three right answers! That’s all you need for a chance to win a cool recharge of 100 bucks. Now you know what to do when your dad disagrees to give you pocket money!

To stop getting Reminders / Score Messages:
Now this is something you wouldn’t wanna do. But if you are not that interested in using the opportunity and want us to stop reminding you about the quiz, then SMS CAN KHEL to 199/144 (Toll free) or click wapstore.onmobile.com/vodafonecontest/wap and follow the instructions.

In case of further doubts/clarifications, you could drop us a mail at: contest@onmobile.com

This post was last modified on December 30, 2022 2:47 PM

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