Charak Article Writing Contest January-February 2018

Organisation : Charak Pharma Pvt. Ltd
Contest Name : Article Writing Contest January-February 2018
Contest Last Date : 20th February 2018
Website :

Charak Article Writing Contest

Article writing contest for month of January – February 2018

Related : Charak Pharma Article Writing Contest 2017 :


You have the liberty of choosing any one of the topics from the list as mentioned below:

1. Curcuma longa’s role as a “Lekhaniya” in chronic disorders
2. Modern correlation to 20 types of Yonivyapads
3. Hemant – Shishir Ritucharya
4. Role of Dashamoola in chronic pain


Rewards for participating in the Article Writing Competition. Cash rewards will be for 3 winners

** 1st prize winner will receive a cash prize of Rs. 5000/-
** 2nd prize winners will receive a cash prize of Rs. 4000/-
** 3rd prize winner will receive a cash prize of Rs. 3000/-

This competition offers a chance to the students have their writing skills reviewed by Charak’s senior editor. The winning articles will also be uploaded to the student site and even on the blog page of Charak Pharma website. We urge and request you to continue participating in Charak students’ online activities.

Terms & Conditions

** Register on if not registered
** Post your article at “”

The article must consist of the contents and style as mentioned below:
** Article should be in blog format
** Word count – minimum 500 and maximum 800
** Content should be relevant to the topic selected
** The content must be in English
** The article must in “Word doc”
** The article should be original work and not a plagiarism
** Research articles will not be considered as Articles

Tips on writing the article:
** For this contest, we are looking for health-related articles based on the topics suggested. Writers have to express his/her ideas and expertise on the subject.
** The article should be original work and not a copy paste. The article should be in simple, easy to understand language for common people.
** The article must begin with an intro paragraph with definition, statistics, prevalence, facts, focus and attention-grabbing points.
** The next paragraph (section) must elaborately include findings, causes, risk factors and the core reason for the relevant condition/title of the topic/indication
** The third section must include current treatment options for the given condition/title of the topic/indication
** In the final section, enlist/mention the useful herbs and minerals for the management of the given condition/title of the topic/indication.
** Finally, conclude with your opinion, analysis, and comments on the topic.

Before sending, please proofread your article. Submission of the articles – The last date for submitting the article is 20th February 2018. Please submit your article at

This post was last modified on June 15, 2021 6:11 PM

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