TPM Club India10th TPM Circle Competition 2018 :

Organisation : CII Institute of Quality
Contest Name : 10th TPM Circle Competition 2018
Application Last Date : 19th January 2018

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10th TPM Circle Competition

The continued support to the new initiative of Circle Competition is well appreciated and this support encourages us to move forward with the 10th Circle Competition on 29-30 January 2018 at Chennai.

Related : CII 9th TPM Circle Competition 2017 :

The Success of TPM revolves around the involvement of circles in all the Pillar activities and thus it is very important to groom and motivate the circle members and leaders.

The objectives are set keeping this in mind The TPM circle encompass the whole organizational hierarchy from top management through middle management to the front line. Or in other words, the Bottom Up approach.


** Strengthen the TPM Circle Concept amongst Indian Industry
** Facilitate the Circles to operate Autonomously within their term of reference by providing a platform for the exchange of good and useful information
** Recalibrate the Circle KAI’s to facilitate the KMI’s are met
** Change the thought process of circle members as knowledge enhancement happens
** Recognise the best TPM Circle and reward them.

The SHE Circle is a new addition to the TPM Circle Competition from this year. All Safety, Health and Environment Circles can take part in this category.

There should be minimum 3 Teams in each Category to conduct the competition in that Circle. The decision on Finalists by the Juries and organisers will be final and bound to all the participants of the Competition.

The Presentation (except Office TPM) should be done only by the Circle members. The Circle leader can be an Engineer or a Supervisor. Manager level person(s) cannot be part of the Presenting Team. Circle will be disqualified from the competition, if any Manager level person found to be part of the presenting Team. Only Office TPM can be presented by Manager level members. Only after making the entry fee, in advance, the nominations will be confirmed.

The companies can nominate their best circles with a maximum of 4 members per Circle. As the competition is open for Shopfloor, Maintenance and Office side circles, we request members to nominate circles from these areas.

Points to Ponder

** This is totally different from the Kaizen competition, which expects, how the Pillar KPI allocated to the circle as KAI is implemented in the Circle level by using the pillar methodology.
** How the KAI is derived from the KPI, has to come out clearly
** How the three jewels of JH like, Circle meeting, Circle board and the OPL are used to achieve the KAI.
** The Pillar specific tools that are used in the circle level has to be explained clearly and not only the Kaizens.

Some of the suggested presentation contents include :
** Linkage with factory KMI, Pillar KPI and TPM Circle objectives
** Method of conducting circle meetings
** Benchmark and target setting
** Sequence of planning of improvement – daily, weekly, monthly etc.,
** Explaining the key Kaizens
** OPLs, MP Sheets, Know-why sheets, Good to see things, etc.
** Pillar specific tools used in the circle
** Total Kaizen summary
** Results – adherence to the target and cost savings

Evaluation Criteria

Linkage to the KPI – 10 %
Plan for the KAI – 20%
Pillar specific Tools used – 10%
Pillar methodology – 10%
Kaizen levels – 10 %
Participation – 10 %
Results – loss reduction – 15 %
Result – cost reduction – 15%

Criteria :
The presentation can be done in English or Hindi. Presenters should be from the circle members

Evaluation :
** 50% weightage for TPM Club India Jury rating
** 50% weightage for Presenting Circle Participants’ rating (Not Delegates)

Please rush your Circles / Entries and nominations on or before 19th January 2018 to Mr Mani Kumar or Mr Vinay Kumar at TPM Club India in CII Institute of Quality. Look forward to meeting you and your team at the Competition.

For registration or more details please contact :
Mr Mani Kumar : mani.kumar @ or +91-9738227462
Mr Vinay Kumar: vinay.kumar @ or +91-9738407318.

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