MyGov 2018 Logo/Motto Design Contest For Student Police Cadet Programme

Organisation : MyGov Bureau of Police Research & Development
Contest Name : Logo/Motto Design Contest For Student Police Cadet Programme 2018
Contest Last Date : 20th January, 2018
Website :
Contest T&C :

MyGov SPC Logo/Motto Design Contest

The Student Police Cadet (SPC) Programme is the programme of the Ministry of Home Affairs to impart values to school-going students to enable them to become responsible citizens.

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The programme intends to introduce a robust interface mechanism between police and students to achieve peace and public safety in the society.

The programme includes lectures/field exercises on topics such as environmental protection, social harmony, promotion of sports, among others that will help inculcate healthy values and civic sense and motivate students to become better citizens.

The Bureau of Police Research & Development has developed the National Syllabus for the SPC. The Bureau has also identified more than 30 other topics that can be taught to student of class 8th and 9th standards in various schools of the country.

Typically, the Student Police Cadet Programme may incorporate one period per week during the school hour and can be treated as an extracurricular activity. Those showing creditable performance may be recognized and rewarded.

It is expected that the SPC programme will lay the foundation for harmonious relationship between police and the society, at large, which would be a harbinger of peace and social order.

The Bureau of Police Research & Development is inviting citizens to design a Logo and Motto for the Student Police Cadet Programme.


Major objectives of the Student Police Cadet Programme are:-
(i) The SPC Programme comprises of a 2-year rigorous capacity building programme, aiming at developing a well-rounded personality, by strengthening the Physical, Emotional, Social, Skill, Intellectual and Entrepreneurial quotients of the cadets.

(ii) SPC’s long-term vision is the development of a just and humane community throughout India, wherein citizens of all genders respect and follow the law voluntarily, practice responsible behavior, empathize with the weaker sections of society and willingly participate in tackling community issues.

Terms & Condition

1. This SPC Logo/Motto Design Contest is being conducted by BPR&D, MHA for national wide use of logo for SPC programme under the aegis of Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India.

2. Entries are open to individuals, teams and organisations from across the world.

3. The logo must not contain any provocative, objectionable or inappropriate content. Multiple submission of logo by the same participant would not be accepted. The Logo/Motto design must be original and should not violate any provision of the Indian Copyright Act, 1957. Plagiarism/Copying of any nature would not be allowed.

4. Anyone found infringing on others’ copyright would be disqualified from the competition. The Government of India does not bear any responsibility for copyright violations or infringements of intellectual property carried out by the participants.

5. Participants should upload the Logo in JPEG/JPG/PNG/SVG format only. Logo should be designed in color. The size of the logo may be in the ratio of 2.5 : 2 (Height : Base)

6. For motto there should be 3 to 5 words in any of the following languages:- Sanskrit/Hindi/English (with English & Hindi translation)

7. All the entries received by BPR&D, MHA would be assessed for awards by Screening Committee for an initial evaluation. After such screening, all approved entries would be assessed by a Selection Committee for final evaluation.

8. Entries would be judged on the basis of elements of creativity, originality, composition, technical excellence, simplicity, artistic merit and visual and impact and how well they communicate the theme of Student Police Cadet Programme.

9. The decision of the Selection Committee would be final and binding on all the contestants and no clarifications would be issue to any participants or any decision of Selection Committee.

10. Any legal proceedings arising out of the competition/its entries/winners shall be subject to local jurisdiction of Delhi Courts.


Best entry for Logo would be awarded Rupees 60,000/- and Best entry for Motto would be awarded Rupees 40,000/-

Last Date

Last date of submission is 20th January, 2018 at 3PM.

This post was last modified on January 16, 2018 12:51 PM

Categories: MyGov

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