Idea Cellular Ek Video Ek Idea Challenge 2018

Organisation : Digital Law & Kenneth & Idea Cellular Limited
Contest Name : Ek Video Ek Idea Challenge 2018
Applicable For : Indian citizen residing in India
Contest Last Date : 26th Jan 2018

Idea Cellular Ek Video Ek Idea Challenge

The “Ek video ek idea CHALLENGE” is organized and administered by Digital Law & Kenneth in association with Idea Cellular Limited

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The Challenge is hosted on the Facebook and Twitter page of Idea. To participate in the Challenge, the participant has to log on to the Facebook/Twitter page of Idea through his/her valid Facebook/Twitter id

Eligibility To Participate

This Challenge is available only for the individual Indian citizens. Any person can participate in this Challenge without paying any subscription or entry fee.

This Challenge is valid for the participants who fulfil the below mentioned criteria and confirm that he/she is:
** Of or above 18 years of age.
** An Indian citizen residing in India.
** Has neither been convicted nor prosecuted for commission of any criminal offence nor are of an unsound mind.
** Is not under any legal disability e.g. insolvency, restraint by court order etc. and / or is prohibited from entering any contractual relationship.
** Having valid Facebook/Twitter id

Nature of Challenge & Gratification

1. The participant must share link to a video that has inspired him/her in any way (“inspirational video”) along with his post describing how the inspirational video inspired him/her in context of a real life situation/incident (“Entry/ies”). These Entries must be shared on Idea’s Facebook/Twitter page that have been uploaded during the Challenge duration using the #EkVideoEkIdea

2. The participant must have requisite permission/approval to refer the inspirational video in his Entry or the inspirational video must be a freely available video
3. The Entries will have to be submitted between the period [22nd Jan 2018.] to [26th Jan 2018]
4. The first 100 contest entries will be eligible to win Idea 4G kits


** The Entries will be available to be viewed and voted during the period [22nd Jan 2018] to [28th Jan 2018].
** The Entries which have generated highest number of “likes” during the voting period will become Final Entries. Dislikes will have no effect.
** The Final Entries will be judged by a panel of neutral jury to select the [5] Best Entries eligible for gratification.
** The Best Entries will be declared within [30] days of the completion of Voting Period.
** Gratification –5 Amazon Vouchers of 10,000 INR each. Jury’s decision on selection of the Best Entries will be final & binding.
** Multiple entries of the same individual/participant through single or multiple Facebook/Twitter ids will be allowed

Terms & Conditions

** The gratification(s) will be given to the winner after deduction of such value equivalent to the amount of applicable taxes, including but not limited to, TDS as applicable from time to time.
** The employees of Idea / DLK and their group companies, affiliate or associate companies shall not be eligible to participate in the Challenge.
** The gratification(s) shall be handed over by Organiser on receipt of all the documents from the winner required to process the distribution of the gratification(s).
** This Challenge cannot be used in conjunction with any alternative Challenge or promotion.
** This Challenge and gratification therein is subject to force majeure circumstances i.e. act of God or any circumstance beyond the reasonable control of Organiser or due to any legal or regulatory requirement, instructions from any judicial or a quasi-judicial body.
** This Challenge is subject to guidelines/ directions issued by the Department of Telecommunications (DoT), Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) or any other statutory authority from time to time.
** The decision of the Organisers in respect of the Challenge and Challenge results shall be final and binding and no correspondence/request will be entertained in this regard.

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