Carnival Cinemas Sula Fest Contest 2018 Mumbai

Organisation : Carnival Cinemas (
Contest Name : Sula Fest Contest 2018 (#SulaFestWithCarnivalCinemas)
Applicable City/State : Across Mumbai
Contest Last Date : 29th January 2018
Website :

Carnival Cinemas Sula Fest Contest

#SulaFest is back with its 11th edition! Here is your chance to win passes for a weekend filled with Wine, Food, Fashion and more.

Related : Carnival Cinemas Hindi Medium Contest 2017 Mumbai :

All you have to do is participate in the #SulaFestWithCarnivalCinemas contest, answer a simple question and win big!!

Contest Period

SulaFest 2018 contest starts on 22nd January 2018 at 06:00 PM and ends on 29th January 2018 at 04:00 pm. No entries sent before or after the said date & time will be accepted.

Terms & Conditions

** The contest is being run only on the official #Facebook page of Carnival Cinemas India.
** #SulaFest contest is valid across #Mumbai.
** This is purely a promotional activity conducted by #CarnivalCinemas.
** All disputes are subject to Mumbai Jurisdiction.
** To be eligible for the contest, participants must answer the question correctly.


The winners will get free passes to the #SulaFest. Winners will be announced on 29th January 20187 at 05:00 PM. Winners will be selected through a lucky draw method by the management of Carnival Cinemas India. The decision will be final and cannot be challenged.

About SulaFest 2018

Your favorite music festival is back! SulaFest is back – in its 11th edition! Get ready for a weekend full of music, wine, food, fashion and much, much more at the gorgeous Sula Vineyards open-air amphitheater.

India’s most gorgeously situated, eagerly awaited Gourmet World Music Festival is around the corner and this one promises to be even bigger and better!

With over 100 international and national artists, more than 25 genres, 23 nations and over 30 gourmet food and beverage options – SulaFest 2018 goes a notch higher in its 11th edition. Remember the last 4 years were sold out – so don’t miss out!

SulaFest 2018 Terms & Conditions:
** Age limit: Persons above the age of 12 years will need to purchase a ticket. Persons below the age of 12 years may attend the event without purchasing a ticket but should be accompanied by an adult.
** The organisers strongly recommend NOT to bring children below the age of 12 years into the festival grounds for safety reasons. The festival does not provide facilities for young children.
** Entry to the event commences at 12:00 noon.
** This ticket admits only one person and shall be produced to exchange for a wristband.
** Wristbands are non-transferable and must be worn at all times during the event. Wristbands removed or misplaced shall not be reissued under any circumstances.
** Any person found to be attending the event without a valid wristband and ticket shall not be permitted.
** Tickets once purchased shall not be refundable whatsoever.
** Tickets shall be valid only if purchased through official agents. Tickets purchased through unauthorized agents shall not be valid and entry shall be denied in the event.
** There shall be no re-entry to festival grounds.
** The event shall at all times be subject to Force Majeure events and for which the organisers shall not be responsible for in any manner whatsoever including without any limitation to its postponement, cancellation or changes in the schedule.
** The event shall be subject to necessary security procedures as the organisers deem fit and which shall include checking of personal belonging and body frisking.
** No alcohol will be served to persons below the Legal Drinking Age (LDA). Persons of LDA shall be provided with an additional wristband upon producing a valid photo ID.
** In the interest of the health and safety persons consuming alcoholic drinks at the event are advised to use public transport or assign a designated driver.
** Its not permitted for persons of the LDA to purchase alcoholic drinks for persons below the LDA. Any breach of such condition will result in removal of both from the event.
** Artist programming and the line-up is subject to change during the festival.
** Carrying and consumption of banned articles, substances including bottled water, alcohol, cigarettes and outside food shall not be permitted at the event.
** SulaFest is a drug-free event. Consumption and possession of any form of intoxicants will result in removal of the person consuming/carrying the same from the event and shall be handed over to the concerned authorities.
** The organisers are not liable for any food/beverage liability claims.
** Although the organizers shall have basic minimal first aid/medical facilities at the event, it shall not be responsible/liable for any serious ailments which may require hospitalization.
** The organisers shall be recording the event through a variety of AV means and which it may also telecast in the media.
** Persons attending the event hereby extend the consent to such recordings/telecast.
** Only vendors authorized by the organisers shall be permitted to advertise/trade their goods/services at the event.
** Under no circumstances, any person attending the event shall possess in any form/place any object/weapon that may have the potential to cause any bodily injury.
** No person attending the event shall in any manner vandalize/cause damage to any location/part of the event.
** The organisers shall not be responsible for any theft/loss, harm, an injury that may be caused to any person at the event in any manner.
** The organisers shall in no manner be responsible for any theft/damage caused to their vehicles parked in the designated area.
** Strobe lighting at this event may trigger epileptic fits. Likewise, the event shall use the amplified sound performances at high volumes.
** Persons attending the event are requested to safeguard themselves from such extreme forms of lighting/audio.

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