: 2018 Logo Design & Tagline Contest

Organisation : Mysuru District Administration, Government of Karnataka
Contest Name : Logo Design & Tagline For Brand Mysuru Contest 2018
Applicable For : Indian Nationals
Contest Last Date : 09-02-2018
Website :
Entry Form :

Mysuru Logo Design & Tagline Contest

District Administration, Mysuru Dist ,Government of Karnataka (GoK) intends to build a brand for Mysuru through an Open Competition.

Related : MyGov IRSDC Logo & Punchline Creation Contest 2018 :

The proposed Brand for Mysuru:
** Should encompass Mysuru’s core values, characteristics, aspirations and truest distinctions.
** Establish the insights into the needs of global audiences.
** Be a big idea that can surprise, inspire, and distinguish it for years to come.

Submission Details

a. The terms and conditions for competition can be downloaded from

b. Entries can be submitted only through Email to the Email ID The last date for submission of entries 09.02.2018, the submission must contain JPEG/PNG file of the logo ONLY (with clear/transparent background) and PDF file containing:

Page-1 – Personal Details (Along with Photograph & copy of Residential Proof): Full Name Firm/Company (if applicable) Full Address City State Date of Birth Mobile No. email and Page-2 — Logo & Rationale: Logo<> Rationale in both Kannada and English (in not more than 50 words)

Any further clarification required can be obtained from:
O/O Deputy Director
Department of Tourism
Government of Karnataka
1ST Floor, Hotel Mayura Hoysala
#2, JLB Road, Mysuru

Telephone: 0821-24422096

Terms & Conditions

a. Last date for submission of entries is 09-02-2018 at 05:00 PM (IST). The Emails received beyond 05.00 pm of 09-02-2018 shall not be considered for the competition.
b. Each participant can submit single entry only. If any participant/s will submit multiple entries, all entries submitted by that participant/s will be rejected.
c. Only Indian Nationals are eligible for this Competition.
d. Age Limit: NA
e. Individual, Group of Individuals, Organization/Agency etc are eligible.
f. Any competitor can submit maximum one entry. The prize will be given to the author of the competition entry as represented by the Individual /group/ organization/ agency in case of group.

Design Consideration

a. The logo should be reflective of promoting Mysuru as a brand and as a tourist destination.
b. File should be of high resolution — at least 300 pixels per inch at 100% size.
c. The file should be on .JPEG/PNG format. File should look clean (not pixilated or bit-mapped) when viewed on screen at 100%.

Logo & Rationale

a. Logo must be submitted with the rationale of the design in both kannada and English.
b. Artwork: Entries must be submitted in PNG/JPEG format with transparent background. In case of hand written sketch, scanned image in PNG format has to be submitted by participant/s.
c. Rationale: Maximum of 50 words in Kannada and English to describe the concept, theme and symbolic elements and should also give Tagline.
d. Logo design should be compatible so that it is usable on the website/ social media such as Twitter/ Facebook/ Instagram and on printed materials such as b/w press releases, stationery and signage, labels etc.)

Guidelines For Preparing Entries

a. The entries received once shall not be returned.
b. The final selected Logo and Tagline shall become the intellectual property of the District Administration, Mysuru Dist and the Participant shall not have any right over the same.
c. The responsibility to comply with the guidelines and other conditions fully lies with the participant and the District Administration, Mysuru Dist shall not be liable for any dispute raised by a third party.
d. The design must be original and should not violate any provision of the India copy right Act, 1957.
e. The District Administration, Mysuru Dist shall also have exclusive rights to the winning logo design; the logo shall be used for promotional and display purposes, publish it on its websites, and in other media and corporate materials.
f. District Administration,Mysuru Dist reserves the right to further refine or make improvements and alterations on the final artwork of the winning entry.
g. District Administration,Mysuru Dist reserves the right not to select a winner if, in its sole discretion, no suitable entries are received.
h. District Administration, Mysuru Dist reserves the right to disqualify any Entry at its sole discretion. No correspondence shall be entered into.
i. The decision of committee headed by honble Mysuru Dist in charge Minister regarding final selection of logo shall be a binding on the participants.
j. In case if two separate entries are finalized one for the logo and one for the tagline, then the prize amount shall be divided equally among the two.

Selection Process

a. The best winner shall be chosen on the basis of design consideration mentioned in the point no. 1.3 and point no. 1.4 of Terms & Conditions for this logo competition.
b. The decision of selection committee constituted by District Administration ,Mysuru Dist for the purpose of selecting the winner shall be treated as final & binding to all the participants. The prize for winner is INR 50000/-The winner will be announced on
c. The winning entry (including participant’s details, photograph) will be showcased on
d. No plagiarism shall be allowed and logo shall not use any material (Photograph, icon, symbol, image etc.) that is copyright protected.
e. The responsibility to comply with the guidelines and other conditions fully lies with the participant/participants and District Administration, Mysuru Dist shall not be liable for any dispute raised by a third party.

Evaluation Criteria

a. All the entries received by District Administration, Mysuru Dist would be assessed for awards by selection Committee constituted by District Administration, Mysuru Dist.
b. Entries would be judged on the basis of elements of creativity, originality, composition, technical excellence, simplicity, artistic merit and visual impact and how well they communicate Mysuru as a Brand.
c. The decision of the Selection Committee would be final and binding on all the contestants and no clarifications would be issued to any participants or any decision of Selection Committee.
d. Any legal proceedings arising out of the competition/ its entries/ winners shall be subject to local jurisdiction of Mysuru city.

This post was last modified on February 22, 2021 3:09 PM

Categories: Design/Logo

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