Star India 2018 TED Talks India Nayi Soch Contest :

Organisation : Star India Private Limited
Contest Name : TED Talks India Nayi Soch Contest 2018
Applicable For : Indian citizen, residing in India
Contest Last Date : February 28, 2018
Website :

Star India TED Talks India Nayi Soch Contest

In a country of 1.3 billion, ideas are killed or lost in the noise of every day life Not anymore! Ise Kehte Hain #NayiSoch

Related : Star TV Sonyacha Mangalsutra Contest 2018 :

Share your inspiring ideas with us for a chance to attend the TED Talks conference in Vancouver, Canada*

Contest Period

‘TED Talks India Nayi Soch’ (“Contest”) to be held tentatively from December 10, 2017 to February 28th, 2018 every day

Eligibility For Participants

Person(s) who do not comply with the following criteria should not submit Content

i. The Participant should be an Indian citizen, residing in India only;
ii. The Participant should have completed 20 (twenty) years of age and above to be eligible to enter this Contest;
iii. The Participant should be enrolled at a college/university graduate at the time of participation, and well versed in the English language – both written and spoken;
iv. The Participant should not have a criminal conviction or an arrangement or a contract that prevents the Participant from posting the Content and/or for Star India to develop on the Content;

Qualification & Content Parameters

The Participant (s) should only submit Content which is

i. Written and typed in English language. The word limit shall not exceed 500 (five hundred) words typed out in the manner as prescribed within the designated section Website as per the in-built mechanism and terms stated therein. Any Content submitted in any manner or as per the format /specifications other than that as prescribed herein will be disqualified from participating in the Contest.

ii. The Content submitted shall be evaluated on a 5-point scale basis the below mentioned parameters and the Winner(s) shall be shortlisted on the basis of their Submissions having received 5/5 for a minimum of the 3 of the below mentioned parameters.

** Innovative
** Original and unique – never done before/ never registered before.
** Scale and impact to affect masses.
** Idea has potential to improve the current quality of life.

iii. be Original and authored/ owned by the Participant (s) alone in his/her individual capacity;
iv. has not prior to the Submission in the manner as set out below, pitched or shared or presented to Star India and /or any of its employees /directors /representatives;
v. has not been already pitched/ shared/ presented in any format or form whatsoever to any third party including but not limited to any persons , broadcasters, production houses, media companies;

Contest Mechanism

Stage 1 – Submission:
After ensuring that the Content is in compliance with the requirements as set out in these Terms and Conditions and with paragraph 1.2 above, the Participant may submit the Content on the relevant page on the Website as stated therein.

All Participant’s will be allowed 1 (one) submission from the Participant’s registered email address in the manner as provided in these Terms and Conditions, multiple entries from the same registered (Participant) email address will be disqualified and considered null and void by STAR India.

Once submitted, You will not have the right to view delete/ remove/ alter the Content upon submission on the Website. It is hereby clarified that the Submission will be available for internal review as mentioned herein below by Star India. The Participant will be required to provide the following details (“Details”) along with the Content on the Website:

i. Name
ii. Email address and Phone number

The Details along with the Content will be hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Submission”.

Stage 2 – Registration:
You will be allowed 1 (one) submission per registered email address in the manner as provided for under these terms. It is further clarified, that the same Content cannot form part of more than 1 (one) Submission. All multiple entries received from the same registered email address of a Participant shall be immediately disqualified.

Stage 3 – Acknowledgement:
Upon successful submission, a pop-up window acknowledging the Participant’s submission will appear on the Website. Upon Submission, the Content submitted by You can be viewed only by Star India and TED.

Stage 4 – Internal Review:
After receiving Your Submission, Star India and/or TED will internally review the Content within a period of 30 (Thirty) days from the date of acknowledging Your Submission, or such other time period that Star India and/or TED may decide at their sole discretion.

Stage 5 – Result:
At the end of the Contest Period out of all entry(ies) received within the Contest Period, only 2 (two) Participant’s whose Entries are valid and in compliance with aforesaid parameters shall be eligible to win the Contest (“Winners”).

Such Winner(s) who fulfil all of the requirements set out in these Terms and Conditions including providing required and valid documents to the satisfaction of Star India and/or TED shall be eligible to win the Contest.

The 2 (two) winning entries, as selected by Star India and/or TED, shall be declared as the Winner(s) on the Website by March 01, 2018 and/or at a date as deemed fit Star India and/or TED (collectively referred to as “Winners”).

It is hereby clarified, that it is the sole responsibility of the Participants to check the Website at the aforementioned date to confirm his/ her status as winners of the Contest.

Winners & Prize

The two (02) winners of the Contest shall win a 05 (five) days 04 (four) nights overseas trip to attend the prestigious TED conference held at Vancouver, Canada tentatively scheduled to be held on April 10, – April 14th April 2018 which entail tickets/passes to attend the Conference for each of the Winner(s), including accommodation at a hotel at Vancouver and inclusion of 3 main meals i.e. breakfast, lunch and dinner ( Collectively the “Prize”).

This post was last modified on June 30, 2021 1:30 PM

Categories: Idea/Innovation

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