CARR CHALLENGE Quiz Competition 2015 Season1: IIT Kharagpur Indian Institute Technology

Organization : Indian Institute Technology (IIT), Kharagpur
Competition Name : CARR CHALLENGE Quiz Competition 2015 Season 1
Applicable For : Professionals & Academicians in Finance, Financial Engineering, Applied Mathematics & Physics
Registration Last Date : 30th January 2016

Website : carrchallenge [dot] com

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CARR CHALLENGE Quiz Competition :

The inaugural CARR CHALLENGE Quiz event in India for the 2016 season will be held at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur, India, on 27th & 28th February, 2016. It will be a 2 day event covering the actual quiz competition, prize ceremony, networking lunch and dinner, drinks, informal discussion groups, and much more.

Competition Dates : 27th & 28th February, 2016

This is where this season’s race for the world’s best young minds in Finance, Financial Engineering, Applied Mathematics and Physics will take off. The first three winners at this event shall be invited to participate in the grand finale of the CARR CHALLENGE Quiz Competition in New York, London or Toronto.
Be There, or Be Nowhere.

Registrations For The Event:
Registration for the participants in this quiz competition at the IIT, Kharagpur, India, as well as the members of the audience (those who wish to be part of this exciting event but do not want directly participate in the quiz completion) will open on 15th January 2016. Registrations will close on 30th January 2016. All those who wish to participate in the quiz competition will have to register online via above link and will have to have an account with CARR CHALLENGE. Registration shall entail answering a set of four multiple choice questions and based on the correct answers not more than 100 participants will be selected for the 2 day quiz event.

Who Can Attend The Event?:
Members of the Audience:
Anyone, whether he or she is participating in the Quiz competition can attend this Quiz event. However, due to very limited seats not more than 100 people will be admitted as members of the audience. Members of the audience will also get the chance of participating in surprises quizzes during the event and get the opportunity to win attractive prizes.

Invited Guests:
A large number of guests, mostly senior level bankers and finance professionals and academicians will be present as special invitees and guests. These will be by invitation only.

Participants in the Competition:
There were will not be more than 100 participants (individuals, with each individual representing one team) in this Quiz event who will be selected based on an online screening (see below) to attend the 2 day Quiz competition as participants. If you wish to participate in this Quiz competition then read below.

Details for the Participants :

All those interested in registering for this Quiz competition in Kharagpur, India, have to create their Profile (new Account) on this website and then register for the competition online. If you have not yet created your Profile then please click here. Once you register for the competition, you will be asked 4 (four) multiple choice questions to answer in rapid succession. Based on the correct responses received from the registrants a total of not more than 100 (one hundred) participants will be chosen to participate in the 2 (two) day onsite, quiz competition in Mumbai. These 100 participants will be sent an invitation to attend the 2 day Quiz event in Kharagpur.

Each participant will form one team and will have to declare the team name at the time of creating his or her Profile. Also, he or she – with one individual belonging to one team – will have to declare his or her Quiz subject area (choice of four subject areas: Finance, Financial Engineering, Applied Mathematics and Physics) at the time of the creation of his or her profile.

Please note that a participant – a team – can change his or her Quiz subject area on his or her Profile page anytime. However, once a person – a team – registers for the Quiz event in Mumbai he or she – the team – shall not be able to change his or her Quiz subject area. The onsite Quiz competition will be held over a 2 day period and shall be divided into 4 (four) rounds, 2 rounds per day.

Round 1: Elimination Round
Day 1: Morning 9:00 am – 12:00 noon
** All selected Participants (teams) will have to sit for a written test lasting for 2 hours (for Finance/Financial Engineering/Applied Math subject areas) and 3 hours (for Physics subject areas). Participants will have to answer 50 (fifty) multiple choice questions.
** Based on this written test, not more than 40 teams (participants) will be chosen to proceed to Round 2.

Round 2: Talent Round
Day 1: Afternoon 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm
** All chosen teams from Round 1 will face questions in the chosen subject area from a team of Quiz masters and they will have limited time to answer these questions. The questions could be in multiple choice format or otherwise.
** Two teams, i.e. two individuals, can choose to collaborate at this round, meaning that two teams, i.e. two individuals, can decide to jointly compete from here on and answer the questions in this round and in all subsequent rounds together. ** Only two individuals, i.e. two teams, can collaborate in this way. If the team wins then the prize money or the prize value in kind shall be shared by both teams.
** Based on the results of this round, not more than 15 teams, including joint teams, will be allowed to proceed to the next round on day 2.

Round 3: Creative or the Judges Round
Day 2: Morning 9:00 am – 11:00 am
Creative Round will be broken into two parts.
1. In the first part, each team will be asked to speak on a particular topic, chosen by the judges, in the chosen Quiz subject area for not more than 15 minutes. If two teams, i.e. two participants, are collaborating then each will have to speak on the subject.
2. In the second part of this round, each team, i.e. each participant, will have to interview with a panel of judges and the interview topics could be wide ranging from the team’s chosen Quiz subject area to other general topics. This part will focus more on communication skills, including communication skills in a technical area.

Based on the performance of the teams in this round, not more than 6 (five) teams will be allowed to proceed to the final round, the Carr Round.

Round 4: Carr Round
Day 2: Afternoon: 1:00 – 3:00 pm
** In this round, each team, i.e. each participant, or two participants in two teams collaborating jointly will have to answer around 10 (ten) questions from their chosen Quiz subject area and around 3 (three) questions from another subject area in the list.

** For example, a participant competing as one team – or two participants representing two teams jointly competing who Quiz subject area is say, Financial Engineering, will have to answer around 10 questions from his own field, that is Financial Engineering and around 3 questions from say, Physics or Applied Mathematics (this will be at the discretion of the judges).

** Based on the performance of this final round three winners will be chosen who will qualify for the first three prizes.
The first two winners will be invited, subject to terms and conditions, to compete in the Grand Finale of the season in New York, London or Toronto in September, 2016.

Prizes & Prize Ceremony :
The first three prizes will be as follows:
1st Prize: A cash prize of INR75,000 (Rupees Seventy Five Thousand) or equivalent in kind.
2nd Prize: A cash prize of INR50,000 (Rupees Fifty Thousand) or equivalent in kind.
3rd Prize: A cash prize of INR25,000 (Rupees Twenty Five Thousand) or equivalent in kind.

Besides the above, the first, second and the third prize winners will be invited to participate in the Grand Finale in New York, London or Toronto at the end of the season.

The Prize Ceremony will be held on the second day of the event at 4:00 pm.

Note :
** The quantum of the above prizes are subject to change without prior notice and Risk Latte Americas Inc. (“the Company”) hereby reserves all rights with respect to it.
** The quiz competition, both onsite and online, is subject to the rules, terms and conditions laid down by the Company.
** The award of all cash prizes to the winners shall be subject to the laws of the Republic of India.
** The winners’ ability to participate in the Grand Finale in New York, London or Toronto shall be strictly subject to the eligibility of visa requirements and the sovereign and state laws of the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada and India.

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