Velammal Engineering College XLR8 – 2K18 Competitions :

Organisation : Velammal Engineering College
Symposium Name : XLR8 – 2K18 Competitions 2018
Event Date : February 10, 2018
Website :

Velammal Engineering College XLR8 – 2K18 Competitions

It is with immense pleasure we inform that the Automobile Department of Velammal Engineering College is organizing its maiden National Level Symposium XLR8 – 2K18.

Related : Great Lakes CREST 7.0 Optimax Competition 2018 :

We have an array of high octane events which would enthrall participants and spectators. The events are conducted to test the technical and non-technical virtue of the budding engineers.

Technical Events

3D Printing Workshop

3D printing, also know as additive manufacturing (AM), refers to processes used to create a three dimensional object in which layers of material are formed under computer control to create an object.

Objects can be of almost any shape or geometry and are produced using digital model data from a 3D model or other electronic data source such as an Additive Manufacturing File (AMF) file.STL is done of the most common file types that 3D printers can read.

Thus, unlike material removed from a stock in the conventional machinig process, 3D printing or AM builds a three-dimensional object from computer-aided design (CAD) model or AMF file by successively adding material layer by layer.

Event :
** Workshop will be about the 3D printing
** The lecture will given by the 3D printing experts of Institute Of Industrial Design.
** Food will be provided to all the participants
Workshop Registration Fee : Rs. 500/-

Paper Presentation

“The best way to predict your future is to invent it” the phase of Alan Kay has inspired us to provide a wonderful platform for innovation. This is a platform to expose your talent and in-depth knowledge on your interested areas. Come , catch hold of hearts of people with your Ideas and Innovation.

Event Format :
The Event will be conducted in Three phases. The papers sent for this Event must be in “.doc” Format.

Phase 1 :
The Participants are Requested to submit their abstract in IEEE Format to the respective E-mail ID pptxlr8 [AT] on or before February 5th , 2018.

The paper must be sent only from the above mentioned categories. The counted number of best papers in each category will be selected. If your paper is one among the best ones you will get an intimation from our concern via E-mail and phone call.

Phase 2 :
The short Presentation about your Innovations, Ideas and the Application behind your Ideas and scope of your ideas in future should be presented. The presentation should not contain more than 10 slide and it should be about less than 3 minutes. The selected papers are then sent to the final round.

Phase 3 :
Four hard copies of your Paper should be submitted before you start this Phase. The Time Allotted to present your paper is 7 minutes. The Presentation should not contain more than 30 slides and your presentation must be in “.ppt” format.

General Rules :
** ID-card is mandatory.
** The Paper should be in IEEE Format only.
** Preference will be given more to Real Time Applicable Ideas.
** The Participants are asked to come only in Formal Dress with cleanly Shaved.
** A Participants should not submit more than one paper.
** No spot Entries.

Topics :
** Artificial Intelligence In Automobile
** Automotive Design Evaluation
** Material Science
** Production Technology
** Thermal Science

Team Rules :
** The Team should contain Minimum of Two and Maximum of Three Members only.
** The Students from different colleges can also form a Team.
** There is no Restriction on Number of Teams from same colleges.

Judgement :
The judgement will be purely based on
** Originality.
** Simplicity.
** Way of Expressing your Ideas.
** Working Model Image (Not Mandatory)
** Conclusion

Note :
** The judging panel has all the rights to disqualify the Participating Team if any of the rules given above are not followed properly.
** It’s the Responsibility of the Participants to keep themselves updated. The co-ordinator Reserve the right to change the rules of the event anytime.
** The participants are requested to specify their contact details clearly while sending your abstract.

Design Contest

“​Imagination is the beginning of creation”. Technology today has provided the platform to apply our imagination via Catia, Pro-E and CAD softwares. We feel exited to provide you a platform to showcase your talent in design.

Event Details​ :
** First round is prelims with basic automobile and mechanical questions
** Shortlisted participants will be given with a model designing using Pro-E, Creo and Catia.
** Time taken for the participants to complete the design will be taken into account for judgment.

Prize money : First prize 1,000/-
Rules :
** No teams can be formed to participate in Cad Modelling. All participants should participate individually.
** Participants design will be judges in accordance with total time taken & perfection of design.

Non-Technical Events

Short Film Contest

Young talented film makers having creative and soulful films can showcase it here and can won prizes.
Event : The film will be screened and judged by the jury members

Theme :
1.Social Awareness

General Rules :
** ID-card is mandatory
** Spot Entries are allowed
** Film must be less than 15 mins
** Strictly no vulgarity

Judgment :
The judgement will be purely based on
** How Entertaining.
** Way of Expressing your Ideas.
** Conclusion​

This post was last modified on June 22, 2021 1:56 PM

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