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VIBGYOR Viva 7 Inter-School Festival 2015 Audition Mumbai/ Pune/ Bangalore/ Lucknow/ Vadodara/ Kolhapur

Organization : VIBGYOR
Audition Name : Viva 7 Inter-School Festival 2015 Audition
Competition Name: Solo Singing, Solo & Group Dance, Personality Contest etc
Applicable For : Interschool & Junior College Students (Playschool to XII)
Audition Places: Mumbai/Pune/Bengaluru/Lucknow/Vadodara/Kolhapur
Grand Finale : 18 & 19th Dec, 2015

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Website : http://www.vibgyorviva.com/index.php
Audition Dates: https://www.vibgyorviva.com/

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VIBGYOR Viva Inter-School Festival 2015 :

Viva an inter-school festival is a place where myriad emotions, ideas and thoughts come to life. A cultural, art and sports initiative of VIBGYOR High, Viva is designed to enrich and enlighten students by bringing alive their creativity.

ENTRY FEES : Rs 200/-

VIBGYOR Viva invites the student community (interschool and junior college) to collaborate, cooperate and compete in a safe and secure environment. Conjuring up the vision of life, exuberance, verve and vivacity, Viva honours good life and brilliance in education.

Voice of Viva :

V to XII
Singing is perhaps the most popular of musical forms. It takes skill and talent to augment regular speech and a mellifluous voice to produce pleasing and attractive musical sounds and rhythm.

VIBGYOR Viva aims to promote such talent through the Voice of Viva Solo Singing Competition. Viva invites all students from Grades 5 to 12 to participate and compete for the chance to be the Voice of Viva, and engage the crowd with their impressive vocal chords. Let your voice lead you to victory. A grand prize of Rs. 25,000/- awaits the winner! The 1st Runner Up shall receive a cash scholarship worth Rs. 15,000/-


DURATION FOR ELIMINATION ROUND and FINALE : Up to 4 Minutes (Includes set up time and Performance)
SONG GENRES : Soft Rock, Pop
PARTICIPANT : Individual Student
APPLICABLE TO : All students from grade/std 5 – 12
CASH Scholarship: Rs.25,000/- for the winner and Rs.15,000/- for the 1st Runner Up


Participants from the 6 Cities – Mumbai, Pune, Vadodara, Lucknow, Kolhapur and Bengaluru will go through two rounds of Auditions reach the Finale. Finalists from these 6 cities and a Wildcard Entry will compete with each other at the Grand Finale – Viva 7 held in Bengaluru, to win the grand Cash prizes worth Rs. 40,000/-.

Participants can register at any of the 6 cities, but only one chance per participant.


** On the spot entries will not be accepted.
** No bar on the number of participants from one school/junior college/ academy/institute.
** Participants can submit their registration forms up to 10 days prior to date of Auditions in their respective city.
** Entry forms can also be downloaded from www.vibgyorviva.com Forms should be duly filled, stamped and signed by the Principal of the respective school/Head of the Institution the team is from. Participants are requested to submit the registration form along with their latest individual passport size photograph by the submission date mentioned.
** Forms without the entry fee will not be accepted. Entry fee is NON REFUNDABLE.
** Participants should bring their instrumental/back up music on CDs.

If selected for the Grand Finale, participants are required to submit their minus track/back up/instrumental music 5 November 2015 (finalist from Mumbai, Pune and Vadodara) and by 13 November 2015 (finalist from Lucknow, Kolhapur and Bengaluru) on CD via courier to the below address or via email at vibgyorviva2015@gmail.com

601, 6th Floor, Interface 11,
Near Infiniti Mall,Off Link Road,
Malad (West), Mumbai – 400064

Phone No.
: 022 3981 7090

** Filmy or non Filmy songs in English or Hindi are allowed.
** Exceeding the time limit and/or singing obscene lyrics will lead to immediate disqualification.
** Participants will be judged on Pitch, Tempo and Rhythm, Clarity and Lyrics of the song.
** Participants should be prepared with 4 separate routines. 2 for auditions and 2 for the Grand Finale.
** SMS and online voting will begin in the 1st week of December 2015. SMS and online votes will be considered in declaration of the final results in the Grand Finale – Viva 7.
** Judges will have the final verdict on all performances. No discussion or explanation will be entertained.
** Students are expected to carry their school / junior college / academy / institute ID card or any valid document for ID and age proof at all times.
** Participants are requested to submit the registration form along with their latest passport size photograph by the submission date mentioned.
** Finalists from all cities will be provided with food and accommodation for the Grand Finale.

To Participate/Register Log on to: www.vibgyorviva.com

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Add a Comment
  1. Palak

    Please tell the process to download form from website vibayor viva.com.

  2. Salvia

    Do we have three minutes for each song in the auditions?

  3. Salvia

    Do we get three minutes for each song in the audition?

  4. pratiksha shinde

    Are our likes on Facebook for that particular person considered as votes?

    1. Admin

      How does the voting work?
      2 Rounds of Voting: WILD CARD 12- 25 November 2015 and GRAND FINALE 5- 19 December 2015
      Voting mediums: SMS, Website and Social Media (Facebook & Google plus)

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