NUALS International Maritime Law Arbitration Competition 2018

Organisation : National University of Advanced Legal Studies (NUALS)
Competition Name : International Maritime Law Arbitration Competition
Competition Last Date : February 10, 2018
Applicable For : Students
Website :
Details :

NUALS International Maritime Law Arbitration Competition

The National University Of Advanced Legal Studies Presents International Maritime Law Arbitration Competition, 2018

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a) All students enrolled in an Undergraduate/Postgraduate law course or its equivalent conducted by any recognized college/ university/ institution shall be eligible to participate in the Competition.

b) Only one team per recognized college/ university/ institution shall be eligible to participate in the Competition.

c) In a system where a university has constituent colleges, each college can register a team or the university as such can be represented by a team comprising students from different constituent colleges.

Team Composition

a) Each team shall comprise of a minimum of two and a maximum of three members. In a team comprising of two members, both the members shall be designated as Speakers. In a team comprising of three members, two members shall be designated as Speakers and the third member as Researcher.

b) Any member of the team can be a speaker in different oral rounds. However, to be eligible for the award for Best Individual Speaker, a participant must have argued at least once for the Claimant and once for the Respondent during the preliminary rounds.

The average score per argument will be calculated and the award will be determined on that basis.
c) Assistance to team from other team(s) or third parties is not permitted. Any team found receiving assistance from third parties shall be immediately disqualified.

d) A registered team may change its composition only after informing the OC of such change. Any changes in the contact details of team members must be notified to the OC at the earliest. The OC shall not be liable for any miscommunication due to the same.


a) Each team shall register for the Competition by filling the online registration form before 10 February, 2018. The online registration form that needs to be filled is available HERE and on the official website of the Competition.

b) The registration fee for the Competition is INR 5000/- for Indian teams and 100 USD for foreign teams.
c) The registration fee for the Moot can be paid through a wire transfer, the details of which are contained in Annexure-1.

d) Any transfer fees or any other incidental charges must be paid by the transferor. The wire transfer must also indicate the name of the institution for which the transfer has been made.
e) All teams must email a scanned copy of the wire transfer/Online Payment receipt to maritimemoot [AT] within 3 days of the payment.

f) The teams failing to qualify for the oral round as per Rule 9.7, will get a refund of registration money paid by them, after deducting a sum of INR 1000/- for Indian teams and 20 USD for foreign teams.

g) A unique „Team Code‟ shall be assigned to each team by the OC after the completion of registration process.
h) The OC reserves the absolute discretion to refuse or cancel the registration of any team.

Release Of Moot Problem & Clarification

a) The Moot Problem for the Competition shall be released on 28th January 2018.
b) All requests for clarifications to the problem must be emailed to maritimemoot [AT] Request for clarifications sent to any other email ID will not be considered.

c) Last Dates for clarifications
1. First Set [Initial Set] of Clarifications
** Request for clarifications –5 February 2018
** Release of clarifications – 10 February 2018.
2. Second Set [Final Set] of Clarifications
** Request for clarifications –11 February 2018.
** Release of clarifications – 15 February 2018.
d) All Clarifications shall be notified in the form of procedural order on the Official Website.

This post was last modified on February 22, 2021 3:09 PM

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