SGT University 3rd National Moot Court Competition 2018

Organisation : SGT University
Competition Name : 3rd National Moot Court Competition 2018
Registration Last Date : March 1st, 2018
Applicable For : Law Students
Website :
Terms & Conditions :

SGT University 3rd National Moot Court Competition

Third SGT University -National Moot Court Competition, 2018 shall be held from April 5th to 7th, 2018 at SGT University SGTU (NMCC), Delhi-NCR.

Related : GD Goenka University 3rd Global Antitrust & Law Moot Court Competition 2018 :

Eligibility Criteria

1. Students of 5 yrs integrated Law Degree programme & 3 yrs Law Degree programme studying in Colleges/ Universities, approved by the Bar Council of India, are eligible to participate in the SGTU NMCC 2018.

2. Only one team from a particular College /University can participate in the SGTU NMCC 2018.
3. Only those members of the Team who are designated as Speakers will be permitted to present oral arguments in the Competition


1. The Participating team shall fill the Registration Form provided along with the Rules and send it along with the prescribed fee of INR. 4,000 (Rupees Four thousand only) on or before March 1st, 2018 The Registration fee shall be sent through Demand Draft drawn in favour of “Shree Guru Gobind Singh Tricentenary University” payable at New Delhi.

2. Duly filled-in Registration Form along with the Demand Draft are to be sent by Speed Post at the following address by March 1st, 2018
The Dean
Faculty of Law, SGT University
Gurugram-Badli Road, Gurugram (Haryana) – 122505

3. Scanned copies of the filled in Registration forms along with the scanned copy of the Demand Draft may be sent to sgtmoot2018 [AT] on or before February 25, 2018 (by 11:59 p.m.) and the hard copies should reach by March 1st, 2018.

4. Only first 20 Teams will be considered for participation in SGTU NMCC 2018 on ‘first come first serve’ basis.
5. The participants are required to submit only one passport-size colored photographs of each Team Member along with the Registration Form. (One photograph to be affixed on the Registration form and Second photograph shall be appended with the Registration form

6. Each Team shall be allotted a Team Code along with the confirmation email by or before March 5th, 2018.
7. The Teams shall submit their Written Submissions under the Team Code allotted to them and NOT under the names of their respective institution

Written Submissions/ Memorial

1. The cover page of the Memorial for the Petitioner shall be in “Blue” and that of the Respondent shall be in “Red.”
2. The Teams shall not indicate their name or the name of their college /university on the Memorials. For all communication purposes, the allotted Team Code shall be mentioned.
3. The Team Code allotted to all Teams shall be indicated at top right corner of the Memorial, which will be communicated to them by e-mail.

4. All participating Teams must submit a soft copy of their Memorials in PDF form, for both parties, i.e. the appellant and the respondent by 11:59 P.M., IST on March 15th 2018 by e-mailing the same to sgtmoot2018 [AT] The organizers, on receiving the soft copy of the Memorial, reserve the right to reject the participation of the Team if it is of the opinion that the Memorial is of very low standard.

5. The written Memorials shall conform to the set standards
6. Teams have to submit Memorials for both the parties i.e. the appellant and respondent before the Hon’ble Court.
7. All Memorials must be in English, on A4 size sheets, with space margin of 1’’ on all sides.

8. The text font should be Times New Roman, size 12 for the main body, and Times New Roman, size 10 for the footnotes.
9. The main body of the Memorial must be in 1.5 line spacing. The footnotes may be in single line spacing.
10. Memorial shall not exceed 35 pages in all. Arguments shall not exceed 25 pages.

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