Idea Behtar Zindagi Consumer Contest 2018 : Handygo Technologies

Organisation : Idea Handygo Technologies Pvt Ltd
Competition Name : Haryana | Behtar Zindagi Consumer Contest 2018
Contest Last Date : 17-04-2018
Website :

Handygo Technologies Behtar Zindagi Contest

This Challenge is conceptualized, organized and conducted by HANDYGO TECHNOLOGIES PVT LTD, a company incorporated under the Companies Act 1956 and having its registered office HANDYGO TECHNOLOGIES PVT LTD,405, Ansal Bhawan, 16 K.G. Marg, Connaught Place, New Delhi – 110001 | L : 011 66302001in association with Idea Cellular Ltd.

Related : Idea Cellular Dialer Tone Gold Coin Contest 2018 :

Duration/ Period of the Challenge

This Challenge is open for a limited period from 17Feb 2018 00:00:00 hours till 17th April 2018 23:59:59 hours (“Challenge Period”).

Eligibility Criteria

The Challenge is open for active1 pre-paid subscribers of Idea, who calls to Idea no. 5567800 (“Behtar Zindgi Contest”) in telecom circle of Haryana only (the “Subscribers”).

For the sake of clarity, a “Subscriber /Participant” for the purpose of this Challenge shall mean and include an individual/person, who is the rightful owner/user of the pre-paid or post-paid mobile connection of Idea, registered in HARYANA telecom circle and in whose name the mobile connection is active and registered as per the records maintained by IDEA Cellular Ltd (and which shall be conclusive).

In case a Participant is an employee of a company and the mobile connection used by him is registered in the name of an employing company, the employee /user can participate in the Challenge provided that the employing company issues a letter to this effect certifying that the particular employee/user has been allotted the specific mobile connection, and intended to be used by the employee for participating in the Challenge.

For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions, wherever the context so requires “You” or “Your” shall mean any natural person who is a Subscriber.

In order to be eligible for this challenge a Participant must fulfill the following criteria-
** He/She should be above 18 years of age.
** He/She must be citizen of India.
** He/she must not have been either convicted and / or prosecuted for commission of any offence.
** He/she should not be of an unsound mind.
** He/she must belong to the telecom circle mentioned above; and He/She must not have any criminal record nor should be of an unsound mind.
** He/she must not be under any legal disability e.g. insolvency, restraint by court orders etc. and / or is prohibited from entering any contractual relationship.

Participation, Charges & Selection of Top Performer

(i) There will be total 60 Performers. Daily 1 performer will be decided as winner as per the selection criteria.
(ii) The Participant(s) having the highest MOU (Minutes of usage) with min of 5 MOU or score will be declared as top Performer for that day.
(iii) The declaration of Top Performer/ MOU’s shall be made by Handygo Technologies Pvt. Ltd/ Idea in descending order starting from the highest MOU (Minutes of usage).
(iv) In case of tie of MOU’s participant with the higher Age on Service will be considered as Top Performer.

(v) There will be total 60 daily top performers i.e. 1 performer each day. In case of tie of MOU’s, participant with the higher Age on Service will be considered as Top Performer. And for the daily performer the participant(s) having the highest MOU (Minutes of usage) for the day will be declared as daily Performer for that day.


In total 60 Top Performers shall be declared by Handygo Technologies Pvt Ltd based on the highest MOU (Minutes of usage) with min 5 MOU or highest scorer after the end of Contest Period.

It is understood and agreed by the participants that mere participation to this Contest during the Contest Period i.e. from (17th Feb 2018 00:00:00 till 17th April 2018 23:59:59), does not entitle the participant/ subscriber/s to claim the Gratification.

He /she should be declared Top Performers by Handygo Technologies Pvt Ltd in conformity with the terms of clause 3.2, to claim the Gratification(s) mentioned in clause 4 of this T&C. The gratification offered in this Contest is subject to availability.

Eligibility Criteria- Top highest MOU’s user Daily
Frequency – Single winner every day = 1*60 in 2 Months time
Gratification – Agriculture Products worth Rs . 1000/-
Total Count of Winner in Two Months – 60
Amount – 1000/ User
Total Amount – 60000

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