The Chamber of Tax Consultants Dastur Essay Competition 2018 :

Organisation : The Chamber of Tax Consultants
Competition Name : Dastur Essay Competition 2018
Contest Last Date : 09-03-2018
Terms & Conditions :
Website :

Chamber of Tax Consultants Dastur Essay Competition

This year is the 91st year of The Chamber and it takes immense pleasure in inviting applications for its Seventh Essay Competition. The Chamber has been organising The Dastur Essay Competition since 2012 for Law Students and Article Trainees pursuing CA, CS and ICWA Course.

Related : Educoncours 1st International Essay Writing Competition on Corporate Law 2018 :

We, at The Chamber believe that young students are the future leaders of our nation. They have the strength to bring ideas to life. Writing is an important tool for bringing ideas from mind to action & also painting inner voice. “We write to create ourselves”.

Hence, we request you to take this excellent opportunity to get your creative ideas flowing and allow the writer within you to shine.


The topics for The Dastur Essay Competition, 2018 are:
(1) GST – Boon or Bane
(2) What Swachh Bharat signifies for me and way forward
(3) Is intolerance growing nationally & internationally?

Participation & Registration

1 Only one Essay per participant may be submitted. Multiple or incomplete submissions will lead to disqualification.
2 The Essay must be written in English.

3 Only original Essays will be considered for the competition. No part of it should have been published earlier nor should it be under consideration of publication or a contest elsewhere. Any form of plagiarism will result in disqualification of the Essay. The participants will submit a separate undertaking with regard to originality of work.

4 Identification mark must not be found in any part of the Essay.
5 Participation is restricted to students enrolled in the 3-year LL.B course or the 5-year integrated law course or CA Article or CS/ICWA trainees only.
6 Participants may register (no registration fee) by sending a mail to ctcessay AT on or before 20th February, 2018

Presentation & Submission

1. The essay must comprise not less than 5,000 words and not more 7,000 words including footnotes.
2. The essay should be submitted on A4 size paper; font size of the body of the text must be 12, font type: Times New Roman, 1.5 spacing and inch margins on each side.
3. There should be appropriate footnotes indicating the correct source of information. The footnotes may be typed in font size 9, font type: Times New Roman, 1.5 spacing.
4. A bibliography, mentioning all the articles, books, references, websites etc., referred to should be made at the end.

5. Two hard copies of each entry in the format mentioned in paras 2.2 to 2.4 must be posted/couriered or delivered to:
The Chamber of Tax Consultants,
3 Rewa Chambers,
Ground Floor, 31, New Marine Lines,
Mumbai–400 020.

The participants may send their entries in the format mentioned in paras 2.2 to 2.4 by e-mail in PDF File document forwarded to ctcessay AT Essays sent by e-mail will be rejected if there are no proper attachments.

6. Copyright of all participants are respected, but neither the CTC, nor the organisers will be responsible for any infringement of the same.
7. Essays may be sent to the above-mentioned address by courier or hand delivered only.

8. Entries shall be enclosed with a covering letter mentioning the name of the college, class of the
student along with self-certified photocopy of college ID. For CA/Article/CS or ICWA Student seal of
the Principal (organisation where student is Article Trainee) along with Registration No. Participants
must also submit a short bio-data duly signed (mentioning their contact number, e-mail and postal
address). Entries sent by e-mail shall contain all the above attachments.

9. Essays must reach the above-mentioned address on or before 9th March, 2018.
10. The Chamber of Tax Consultants assumes no responsibility for lost, delayed or incomplete entries or technical malfunction of server, traffic congestion on net or a combination thereof.

Marking Criteria

1 Each Essay will be marked on a total of 50 marks.
2 The judging may be done on the basis of Structuring, Originality, Content, Language, Grammar & Style employed etc.
3. Essays will be reviewed by a distinguished panel of impartial judges and academicians.
4 The decisions of the judges shall be final in all respects. The Chamber is not liable to give any clarification to any of the participants regarding the marks allotted to his/her essay.
5 The best 10 Essay writers will be felicitated at The Chamber’s AGM.


1 A Certificate of merit, mementos and a prize shall be awarded to each of the 3 best Essays.
2 The prizes awarded shall be as follows:
3 Consolation Prizes shall be awarded to next best 7 Essays.
4 Certificate of participation will be issued to each of the participants.
5 The best 3 Essays will be published along with a photograph of the participants in The Chamber’s Journal and the best 10 Essays will be uploaded on the website of The Chamber.
6 All winners shall be duly intimated by e-mail or telephone and called upon to be felicitated at the time of AGM to be held on 4-7-2018. © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map